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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    the zerg scenario is always a difficult animal to solve.

    the best way to deal with it is to let the players manage it. This happens in a couple ways.

    - tribes need to be conscious of the repurcussions of allowing a server to become a 2 sided contest. This sometimes means letting a neutral / friendly fight their own fight, '...uh dude, you got yourself into this mess, you're evenly matched with those folks...if they up the anty and bring in some more people we'll come in to even it up, but we're not going to help you zerg them...'

    - the server needs to police itself...if a tribe starts becoming 'too big' well, steps need to be taken (by the server) to convince them to unbig.

    we've played server police before, and while it generally isn't horribly enjoyable (you end up being kinda hated by all), our efforts, combined with others of like mind, kept a server vibrant for very long time...but this is there ar edifferent types of pks...and if the world is 'good enough' for folks to want to preserve their gaming environment, players will fight to do whats necessary to keep it alive and vibrant. Most of in the pvp community know exactly how to kill a server. we all know that killing the server is counter to anything other than short term enjoyment. It then stands to reason, that the majority of the pvp community is exactly in line with the pve community when it comes to maintaining a level of balance and fairness between pvp freedom to act and carebear freedom to be protected (how that occurs is of course up for debate). Because this promotes a long term healthy gaming environment.

    We want the same things.
    I'm all for communities policing themselves, I've just never seen it work. The solution is always, "Join a guild!" "Oh, your little noob guild got destroyed? Okay, ally with a big guild!" As I said before, very static, very restrictive, and very boring. But a loose coalition of small tribes and solo players with enough time to prepare and with the right tools (such as the one fflhktsn mentioned) might be able to preserve a more diverse playstyle, I've just never seen it before.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by ifireallymust View Post
    I'm all for communities policing themselves, I've just never seen it work. The solution is always, "Join a guild!" "Oh, your little noob guild got destroyed? Okay, ally with a big guild!" As I said before, very static, very restrictive, and very boring. But a loose coalition of small tribes and solo players with enough time to prepare and with the right tools (such as the one fflhktsn mentioned) might be able to preserve a more diverse playstyle, I've just never seen it before.
    it can work...not always perfectly...but it's definitely possible.

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