Quote Originally Posted by cody8899 View Post
my post contains some facts and my opinion of the current state.

Dont defend the broken status of xyson. Theres more wrong than whats being told, use your brain and read and u will see for yourself

I also think the game, meaning the scripts and codes, cant handle the amount of players that are wanting to play and its broken the game some. (along with the shit server its currently on)

In other words This could have been avoided easily by doing a 2-3 day open beta stress test.

but noooo lets get everyones hopes up and let them all down
If Xsyon is the focus and reason for your happiness then you need to get out more man... This could have been like so many other shitty launches and went full out launch with all the problems and began charging. I would think people would respect a developer that see's a problem and chooses to fix it prior to officially launching rather than just 'going with it' and dealing with it later >.>

Can't please everybody.