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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by tedrick View Post

    Abuse? Mule? So what - the point is to extract minerals from the earth. The secondary point is to make it so people need alts - and therefore the game makes money.
    Woah, I disagree big time. That's way too greedy.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by mrcalhou View Post
    Woah, I disagree big time. That's way too greedy.
    I give you credit for pointing out tedrick's flaws. A money hungry game will have financial problems. Realtime Worlds, creators of APB, was a company that was money hungry but had an awesome concept. They thought it was a bright idea to trick everyone into believing that the game was only buy to play. Afterwords it was confirmed that it was pay to play. As the release date was closing in, they decided to make it pay to play with micropayments. Oh but it didn't end there, a few days before release, they were going to make VOIP as a micropayment otherwise we'd have to hear advertisements. I think the Xsyon developers are much smarter than Rolf who barely has one employee, or RTW who were too money hungry to be successful.

    The player base will decline because of the requirement of alts, you'll just see more clones instead of new people. Hopefully now you can see why I was saying that mining was bad. Tedrick pretty much inferred that macroing will be present, but that it shouldn't matter. Of course it should, it shouldn't be about who has the best macro and who leaves their computer on the longest. You're also making this a game be about who has the most money in their wallet, not who has the most skill and determination. Very poor gaming atmosphere if you ask me. Also, so much for a community based game...

  3. #3
    trenix somehow you convinced yourself that mining is evil, probably based on gaming experience. I'm asking you to turn on your imagination and think outside of the box for a minute.

    Let's say there are 3-5 mining spots on the map controlled by 3-5 tribes and giving them slight economical advantage. The advantage would be in having something other might want but not need. As only few tribes can use mines theres no point in choosing mining skill or focusing on mining, so maybe it could work differently for example architect can build mine buildings and those buildings are giving some amount of ore daily for the tirbe to use, that way theres no grinding at all(besides picking the ore form the mine) and no macroing.
    Tribes would have something for trade and something to fight about.

    As you said this is community based game and when i log in and ask what going on i'd like to hear "tribe x is fighting with tribe y over the mine and i heard they start to win. Hmm, maybe we could supply them with our high quality weapons and negociate good trading ageement" rather then "Nothing really we have all we need, fish supply is running low though so everyone is asked to gather food"

    This idea has it's flawes, but it's only example that you can do things differently. Besides the point of this discusion is that we shouldn't rely only on scraps, at some point as the civilizaton evolves we should be able to make what we need. Who knows maybe we'll discover how to make engines and need oil to fuel them.

    Basicly for a game that probably won't have massive playerbase, you have to give players new thing to discover and play with to keep them interested for years.

    So trenix please focus on constructive criticism and help us build mining system that will be acceptable for most players and let devs decide if they want to go this way or another.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
    Let's say there are 3-5 mining spots on the map controlled by 3-5 tribes and giving them slight economical advantage. The advantage would be in having something other might want but not need. As you said this is community based game and when i log in and ask what going on i'd like to hear "tribe x is fighting with tribe y over the mine and i heard they start to win. Hmm, maybe we could supply them with our high quality weapons and negociate good trading ageement" rather then "Nothing really we have all we need, fish supply is running low though so everyone is asked to gather food"
    I see what you're trying to say. However, we are already going to have a system just like that. Yet, it's not going to be done by mines (hopefully), but instead trash piles I'm guessing. I am going to quote some features that maybe you must of skipped. Remember, just because it isn't implemented yet, doesn't mean it will never be implemented. Give it some time. Tribes are most likely not fighting over resources, because they can't be owned. That, and because you can't pillage from tribes yet nor is the combat system finished. Making mining be the main reason to be war hungry isn't the best idea. It should be also for food, clothing, livestock, crops, and so on. You know, searching the unknown and what you don't have.


    Players rely heavily on natural and found resources: lumber from trees, leather from animals, grass, scrap materials and rare objects of the lost modern civilization.

    - Constantly changing resources can be renewed or depleted.
    - Availability dependent on season and weather conditions.
    - Resources can be claimed by tribes.
    - A large variety of resources with individual properties. Different woods, cloths and metals have properties that affect crafted items.
    - Scavenged items such as books can introduce knowledge of new crafts and skills.
    The Unknown

    The full features of the Xsyon online game world will never be fully disclosed. Part of the fun in playing is discovering the unknown. New features, skills, objects and creatures will typically be discovered in game before they are officially announced. A few hints to spark the minds of new Xsyon players:

    - When and where you craft might be just as important as what you craft.
    - Specialization leads to inspiration.
    - One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
    - Two minds are better than one.
    - The world is changing, keep exploring.
    Take note of what is bold...

    Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
    This idea has it's flawes, but it's only example that you can do things differently. Besides the point of this discusion is that we shouldn't rely only on scraps, at some point as the civilizaton evolves we should be able to make what we need. Who knows maybe we'll discover how to make engines and need oil to fuel them.
    In my honest opinion, this game should always revolve around scraps and "trash". Since what we throw out, does end up back into the piles of junk. It's an ingenious idea and one of the biggest reasons I've bought this game. Making it like every other game with "mining" will remove part of the unique setting of Xsyon.

    Quote Originally Posted by yoori View Post
    So trenix please focus on constructive criticism and help us build mining system that will be acceptable for most players and let devs decide if they want to go this way or another.
    I am giving constructive criticism of why mining is flawed. If the devs wanted to implemented it, it would of already been added or at least mentioned in the features.

  5. #5
    Xsyon Citizen Gamefreak's Avatar
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    Main Entry: constructive criticism
    Part of Speech: n
    Definition: criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

    For future reference in this "thread".

  6. #6
    Well, I must agree with you this time Trenix. I was a bit hasty to post and after reading some old threads and Q and A I'm a little more optimistic.
    I just hope our global stage will be filled with political intrigues and negociations, let's wait and see how game world develops.

    Sorry for going off topic

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Gamefreak View Post
    Main Entry: constructive criticism
    Part of Speech: n
    Definition: criticism or advice that is useful and intended to help or improve something, often with an offer of possible solutions

    For future reference in this "thread".
    Hope you weren't trying to target me. I've bolded and underlined what you should take note of in case you didn't realize that I am actually giving constructive criticism.

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