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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by furanku View Post
    did you play any of these games man?
    EVE since 2004 with over 54 million skillpoints as a Gallente jack of all trades. DAOC since 2001 mostly as a Midgard player with other classes spread over Albion too. Have a Skald, 2 x Savage, Shaman, Valkyrie, 2 x Warrior and a Hunter, still play it today. Darkfall failed as soon as I joined a clan and found every member would goto bed and leave their characater logged in with macro software to build up their stats/skills. Never played UO but its PVP received nothing but praise.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Honelith View Post
    EVE since 2004 with over 54 million skillpoints as a Gallente jack of all trades. .
    although i sold him awhile ago since i don't play eve anymore i had a minmatar character with almost 80 million skill points mostly combat/ship related with some industrial thrown in when i got tired of the pirate ways towards the end.

    edit: was also in eve from launch in 2003 until mid 2010

  3. #53
    I like the ffa full loot pvp enviroment, it adds a thrill to even the simplest,a nd usualy boring otherwise, tasks.

    I dont go running around murdering people for dominance, or for epeen, or because i have issues (tho i am deranged)

    I do it for the unknown, every battle, every gank goes down diffrent. There are consequences for these actions that is often fun as well. It add variety, and get to meet a lot of new people.

    This game will only be "another DF/MO gankfest" if you allow it to be, and i dont mean having the developers step in and regulate. Creat consequences, protect yourself and use your damn head in game....why do i keep finding inventories full of valuables and tools...why do you need tools anywhere other thean your totem.... why do you keep comming back when i just told you im going to kill you every time i see you..some people just dont get it.

    Also this game wont be another DF/MO gankfest because its not a combat focused game, theres other things to do, which DF never had, and MO never deliverd.

    The game will be more than a gankfest, once there are other things for a combat character to do, however ganking will always exist in a ffa pvp game...always. you dont like it then really for a pve server with duel request and arenas or whatever the carebears like these days.

  4. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
    although i sold him awhile ago since i don't play eve anymore i had a minmatar character with almost 80 million skill points mostly combat/ship related with some industrial thrown in when i got tired of the pirate ways towards the end.

    edit: was also in eve from launch in 2003 until mid 2010
    Nice, so your character was around 6 years old to accumulate all those SP's? Hope you got your moneys worth when you sold him.

    Just noticed your edit, it was a rough guess !

  5. #55
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
    i have to laugh at this, eve was built around pvp and alliance/corporation building. eve is all about controlling the resources and since you called it questing you must have not played, you run missions in eve and these missions are just a pure after thought.

    Far as grieving just use common sense. Don't camp. Stay moving. You raid in this game not PK. PK'ing is just the perk in raiding.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Honelith View Post
    Nice, so your character was around 6 years old to accumulate all those SP's? Hope you got your moneys worth when you sold him.

    Just noticed your edit, it was a rough guess !
    i don't remember what i got, didn't really care as i had got to the point i was done with eve. I probably would have given him away if someone had asked :P

  7. #57
    Damn, so I missed a golden opportunity !

  8. #58
    Players like Furanku come and go quickly in games. They come in, spout some crap about camping the hell out of you, try it for a while in game, get bored and leave. Saying you 'PvP' is not a cool, edgy thing to make your e-peen extra large to your ilk, it makes you look like a child to the rest of us. Camping people until they log off may be funny and enjoyful for you and your 5 or so followers, but, in reality, it's childsplay, and griefing.

    I'm sure you will run as an evil entity. That's cool. Be warned you will respawn at your own totem, meanwhile, non-evil aligned will spawn right in front of you while you are patting yourself on the back, and kill you. I'm glad you have come to play, you have lots of running to do. Oh, and if you roll a good or neutral char and start PK'ing random toons, you will be reverted to evil (planned anyhow).

    The whole "20 times an hour" theory is just an example of griefing, not the defacto standard. I'm sure more then half of Furanku's list will coming under the heading of griefing.

    BTW, welcome Furanku, you may not know of the Regulators yet, but you just may very soon.

  9. #59
    Hold on guys, I need more Candy.....

    Edit: Ok done, got more candy, continue,
    Oh as a contribution to this thread,

    Grief the living shit out of you doing the following (your a grief-er, not a pvp'er according to this)
    • Following you everywhere (Might not be grief,depends on other actions)
    • Stalking you for hours on end (Might not be grief,depends on other actions)
    • Call you names (grief)
    • Crush your hopes and dreams and make you emo-tear or Rage-quit (grief)
    • Follow you home (if your protection is off) and kill you, for fun ( not grief if left by that )

    Any action outside PvP parameters intended to make a other player quite a game just for your own lolz is grief. name calling is such a thing, in pvp things can get heated but while we play a game its up to both parties to remember that and remember that we all are real people, try to remain civil about it.

  10. #60
    Visitor BigCountry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honelith View Post
    Damn, so I missed a golden opportunity !
    No doubt....

    I can fly orcas and freighters now finally on my industy toon...just cannot afford orcas and! some day...

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