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  1. #81
    Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
    explain where anyone has requested an entitlement?
    requested an entitlement, what is that suppose to mean? Anyways most players here on Xsyon have a attitude of entitlement. PVPers want plenty of people to kill and they think they are entitled to it. Crafters feel like they should be entitled to peace so they can craft their wares with no risk at all. People just care about their own playstyle and care nothing about the community as a whole, they just want things to always go their way and freak out when it doesn't. After rereading my post I was harsh with crafters, not all are whiny babies and some are great people. Anways having a game that caters to crafting over PVP or PVP over crafting is not a balanced game and is probably doomed to fail.

    Also safe zones is just a piss poor way to protect crafters, it's lazy coding. I do believe their should be a way for crafters to be protected, without taking them out of the game. Yes safezones takes a person out of the game, its lame coding and a lack of vision. Hopefully it will be fixed

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by JCatano View Post
    ...I think your gripe is with Jordi. Not the open-PvP gamers....

    I dunno. I have good reason to believe Jordi agrees with what I wrote.

  3. #83
    Quote Originally Posted by Brutix View Post
    requested an entitlement, what is that suppose to mean? Anyways most players here on Xsyon have a attitude of entitlement. PVPers want plenty of people to kill and they think they are entitled to it. Crafters feel like they should be entitled to peace so they can craft their wares with no risk at all. People just care about their own playstyle and care nothing about the community as a whole, they just want things to always go their way and freak out when it doesn't. After rereading my post I was harsh with crafters, not all are whiny babies and some are great people. Anways having a game that caters to crafting over PVP or PVP over crafting is not a balanced game and is probably doomed to fail.

    Also safe zones is just a piss poor way to protect crafters, it's lazy coding. I do believe their should be a way for crafters to be protected, without taking them out of the game. Yes safezones takes a person out of the game, its lame coding and a lack of vision. Hopefully it will be fixed
    i'm not worried about this anymore, done forum warring over it no need to respond sicne you know all and certainly know what it takes to create a successful game. We know you and others of your type that your opinion are fact and due to that differing opinions are irrelevent with no hint of truth because you all say so. have fun, i will see your corpse in game!

  4. #84
    Quote Originally Posted by Mims44 View Post
    I have often wondered why a game doesn't offer both? Why not offer a toggle for PK? a perma one. You either can attack or be attacked 24/7, or you can never ever attack or be attacked.
    Of course theres problems with that too, when people encroach on resources you consider to be yours you cannot do anything about it. I've also thought that if they wanted to do NonPvP and PvP players together that there should be a riskVsReward scenario.
    IE: Your a crafter that is not PKable, you gain the average amount of resources. If you elect to become killable, you gain bonus resources each time you mine,forage,scavenge, etc.

    It would provide the PK minded players with those crafter targets they love, and offer crafters a choice. Do 6 hours of straight crafting to accomplish my goal, or play a little risky but maybe get all the mats I need in 3 hours...
    SWg did offer both and that was succesful enough and widely thought of as agreat sandboxy game.

  5. #85
    Quote Originally Posted by Escargot View Post
    I dunno. I have good reason to believe Jordi agrees with what I wrote.
    Obviously not... If he did, safe zones wouldn't be removed after Prelude.

  6. #86
    I kill crafters for phat lootz!

  7. #87
    Quote Originally Posted by Dubanka View Post
    Why kill a crafter.
    1. You're in my area. Limited resources. You're taking them. Sorry. Die. Nice innards.
    2. I'm in your area. Limited resources, I don't have very many at home, you've got a lot, thanks i'll take your stuff.
    3. Paranoia. How do i know you wont jump me while i'm sorting junk?
    4. With animal sightings a rarity after the first hour, how else am i supposed to raise my armed combat ability?
    5. Nice shoes. I don't have any. Looks like those will fit. yup. they do. sorry about the entrail spillage.
    6. Bad day. you were in the way. sorry.
    7. Hmm. maybe if i kill you, you'll call out some friends and we can have ourselves a partay.
    8. You killed my father.
    9. You stole my goat.
    10. Hat Envy.
    LMAO EXACTLY! You Craft I kill you and I do not have to craft...

  8. #88
    Quote Originally Posted by MrKrueak View Post
    here is another where he does mention pvp but states the main storyis to set up the epic struggle between good vs evil in the prelude
    Wouldn't good vs evil be a war or battle which means fighting which in turn means PvP/GvG/TvT?

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Escargot View Post
    The "ffa everywhere all the time" crowd is asking for an exclusive game. It excludes people who don't want to play that style because it leaves no choice. Everyone everywhere has to play that style. It's selfish.

    The "safe zones available" crowd is asking for an inclusive game. It includes all playstyles, because the ffa crowd can still always fight each other, as well as those who want to fight sometimes, and those who only want to craft and build can play their style too. It's far more in line with a sandbox philosophy because everyone can do thier own thing.
    Coming from a guy with a french name for

  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by Gracen View Post
    Wouldn't good vs evil be a war or battle which means fighting which in turn means PvP/GvG/TvT?
    yes but after prelude, prelude is not about warring if you read the article, it is about building the world to set up that struggle.

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