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  1. #1
    Just make it take a good minute and several actions to (depending on your atrributes and logging ability of course) to chop a tree down. It takes me longer to drink water from a river than it does for someone to chop a tree down and cut it into logs.

    Increasing the number of trees, and adding actual forests wouldn't hurt either. You should not be able to see the sky very well in certain areas.

    If trees will be so few in number and so easy to chop down, then yes, respawn them every 2 days please.

  2. #2
    What we need is a second radius around your totem where resources are protected unless your in that tribe. That way people that want to chop trees around thier totem can and keep the griefers out.
    Trees should be done something like wurm online where they can be planted from a sprout but depending on your skill they may fail to grow with a higher skill they grow and grow faster. I think in wurm it takes about a week for a tree to grow from sprout to full grown tree.
    Then trees outside that radius are free for all to chop and grind.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by SAbbath View Post
    What we need is a second radius around your totem where resources are protected unless your in that tribe.
    Then trees outside that radius are free for all to chop and grind.

    That's a horrible idea.

    1. We dont need any more restricted areas
    2. Tribal areas are already established with no room for the "buffer zone"

    If cutting trees took more time/effort people would be less inclined to do it for kicks. If you cant protect your resources, you don't deserve to keep them.

    You might as well start calling Totems...BIOSPHERES

  4. #4
    I would have thought it would be tied to the seasons?

    Plant in the spring, harvest in the fall. If you wait til the second fall to harvest, you get more logs. Would encourage sound forestry of culling a bit at a time and allowing some old growth. Might take too long though.

    Doesn't help protect against griefers, or the "if I'm stronger than you I can do whatever" brutes, but those types will presumably act on their supposed boredom one of these days and find something more to their liking.

  5. #5
    Realism is nice, but 3 months ridiculous. Those coming into the game later, ie, not those of us now playing, will come in without any access to basic resources...this will result in one month no resubs. I mean no one wants to play their first day wandering a barren land without the ability to build up a small house at minimum.

    I say this. Trees grow naturally, at say a week to large size. Perhaps the addition of a farming type skill, you can accelerate growth by tending the trees, fertilizer made from nitric dirt anyone? This would be in conjunction with food resource growing as a skill. This way those who need the supplies and put the time in will have more than those who run about cutting down the naturally grown trees, adding a small incentive economic value to farming trees while allowing natural gatherers to not be left in the dust by extended growth times of forests.

    Another option, well rather a conjunctive option, as I'd like to see both; perhaps a proximity to trees growing would increase the chance of more trees growing (think seeds falling from the trees) so leaving a few natural trees rather than clear cutting would lead to larger and thicker forest growth adding the incentive to not clear cut.

    This could be taken further in perhaps trees do not regrow naturally, rather you have to plant them if the land is barren, add tree seeds to the foraging list, people plop a few down, even without farming skill to tend the trees, and the trees can begin to natural reforest an area after laying just a few down in a location. This would both appeal to the realism addicts and ensure that trees are a renewable resource for everyone, even if the land is farmed barren.

  6. #6
    deforestesation is natural when people are settling.. ofc some way that trees grow back will probably be needed, but if it's like 2 days later and everything is a forest again it would be stupid.. I wan't to see the consequences of people raping nature in this game would be cool if people could plant trees but it should take a bit of time.. probably not months though

    as it is now, and I've only run through about half the map (not explored half the map, just run through the zones), I don't really see a problem.. In some areas all trees are gone, but there's still plenty of places with every resource near and no direct neighbours.. I've spotted at least 3 places where I kinda wished we made our camp.. And if they expand the map at some point, that will help a lot too..

  7. #7
    Speed up tree growth, Slow down how long it takes to cut a tree down, And make it take a lot more energy.

    No one no mater how they have there stat spect out should be able to clear cut an area in ten minutes. We are working with the axe, Not a chainsaws. Even if we had chainsaws it should take lot longer to cut down a tree.

    Hoping what we have now is the basic tree cuting skill and Jooky is going to redo the way we cut down tree's. Even if it's adding more time to the process.

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