Quote Originally Posted by Larsa View Post
Correct. I also don't understand why people in this thread focus so much on crafting. Terraforming, running, jumping, swimming, fishing, PvP combat, etc. are all as prone to macroing as crafting is.
Every skill in this game is prone to it, but some less than others.
The ones most prone are ones like you said that dont require you to do anything.

Hunting skill is one of the skills I can say would be least prone to macroing. It requires so much stuff (currently hunting cant level). More ideas like hunting into the game will help stop macroing.
But really to stop macroing IMO is just promote active play. If you reward players for playing much more than someone can get macroing, no one will care if someone is macroing. I know I wouldnt care if I got 10x faster gains while active than macroing. People could macro for all I care at that point. Problem is right now many skills its better to macro. I mean look at making bricks. OMG I would die in real life if I did that skill.

Quote Originally Posted by Larsa View Post
That seems to be impossible in a UO-style skill based game. You have to either remove the progression part of the game or you have to remove the UO-style skill gain.
No, see above, also Jadzia has an idea where you have to do missions sometimes to keep increasing your skills.

Quote Originally Posted by Larsa View Post
Personally I like the Ryzom style: You get points to spend on skills by defeating mobs in PvE. Only by PvE. Into which skill you put the points is up to the player. The system has the disadvantage that it doesn't allow for a pure crafter character but has the advantage that it's an un-macroable skill system.
Ya, this isnt a great option. It might be an option if you put it in, but dont force people to do it. Some people dont want to do PVE at all. It would be as bad as forcing people to do PVP to get skills as a crafter or a PVEer.

Quote Originally Posted by Jadzia View Post
@Larsa: it would be pretty boring to force a tailor to kill mobs to level up tailoring imo. A crafter may be totally uninterested in PvE combat.

What if they removed the levels ? And only learnt recipes and skill books would count ? We would only be able to learn new recipes by reading a recipe book, and would learn new abilities by reading a skill book. Or it doesn't even have to be a book, only an activity. Like to learn the 'big grey bear' skill you have to find and kill a grizzly. Repeating the activity wouldn't help at all. That would eliminate the grind and the macroing too. Basic recipe and skill books or activities would be easy to find, the better ones would be harder to get. To learn a very good combat skill we should be asked to kill a very strong mob. These kills would only count if the player killed the mob on his own to avoid guilds to force level their new members.

HP should be based on the armor. That would fuel the economy as well.
Running and swimming would be the same too....it wouldn't level up by using it, only when completing a training field or task.
I think this is a great idea, but I dont want to see leveling up only through these "missions" or "quests" if its here and there sure. But I dont want to do missions all the time to level my skills up either.
I think there should be a break point, where you need to do a quest to keep going. Maybe like once every 10 or 25 points.
They dont even have to be hard missions either.