Taming and Breeding
issueid=2813 06-30-2021 08:07 AM
Taming and Breeding
Because server is down :D

TAMING (Revised)

Firstly I really like taming, it is a pretty good system, I do think it is too easy to get to 100 currently, and I was thinking of some ways to make it a bit more challenging, but still fun.

According to the skill level of your taming, actions with your pet increase, to begin with, lets say at skill 5, you can tame a pet that simply follows you, at skill 20 the pet will guard you and attack anything that attacks you first.

At skill 30 you can actively send your pet in to attack a target, and say skill 40 you can set your pet to roam around your base and attack anything not of your tribe, etc, and on up to 100 skill, and instead of making an entire new skill tree for breeding, the ability to breed could just simply be unlocked at say skill level 50, and then breeding would be controlled by the last 50 points of taming.

We need viewable stats on tame-able pets, then, when we hunt with the pets they should gain combat skills like players do, maybe the ability to see said stats could be introduced at around skill level 90 of taming, as it will be needed for breeding.

(I Honestly have no clue what your future plans are for breeding, just stating what I would find interesting)

(Personal Opinion)
Currently, if you send your pet in to fight another mob, and your pet dies, you can tame the animal that won immediately, there should be a timer, or, the animal should still retain the hate for the tamer, as it almost just died and would be a little cranky.


With adding stats to creatures like players have, and allowing their skills to raise during combat, and or being with the player while the player is active, then breeding can be fairly straightforward, lets say is the mother has 72.05 strength, and the father has 80.56 strength, the offspring of both parents could start with a strength higher than is normally found by taming a fresh creature (60.00), you could raise strength of your pets by say riding them for extended periods of time, or having them pull a cart, or whatever fits the theme, and breeding would produce the strongest pets once breeding reaches 100, and the supporting stats are maxxed.
Issue Details
Issue Number 2813
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Acknowledged
Priority Unknown
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 0
Votes against this feature 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-30-2021 12:44 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Current pet cap is 5 per player ? we need more if we gonna breed :D

06-30-2021 09:01 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by dcosper
Current pet cap is 5 per player ? we need more if we gonna breed :D
up to 10, depends on skills, you only need 2 animals to breed a 3rd one (like in the real world not in xsyon) so logically you would be able to breed 3 different animals and have a mount with current limits.

07-01-2021 07:09 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by xyberviri
up to 10, depends on skills, you only need 2 animals to breed a 3rd one (like in the real world not in xsyon) so logically you would be able to breed 3 different animals and have a mount with current limits.
Oh thanks for the info, i am currently at 86 taming, and it stops me from adding a 6th pet to the stables, but i have not checked it in about 20 points, so i will today maybe i can have more now

07-01-2021 08:13 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by dcosper
Oh thanks for the info, i am currently at 86 taming, and it stops me from adding a 6th pet to the stables, but i have not checked it in about 20 points, so i will today maybe i can have more now
Still 5 only, maybe i need another stables

07-03-2021 01:54 PM
Xsyon Citizen
5 pets per stable.

You can have 1 pet per 10 points (1 to 10 = 1, 11 to 20 = 2, 21 to 30 = 3 etc)