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View Full Version : [Neutral] Lux Arcana - Recruiting

02-09-2011, 12:40 PM
Humanity had brought The Apocalypse upon themselves and their beloved world. As the dust from the Great War laid itself to rest, the destruction dawned upon the few and scattered survivors.

As time passed, the old Lux Arcana members searching for familiar faces, clinging to the few memories of their glorious past discovered each other and formed Lux Arcana once again to rebuild and spread the word of the resurrection of the proud guild Lux Arcana. Soon, more members found their way to the camp. Lux Arcana grew larger. Problems with space arose and Lux Arcana decided to move. Now, we seek to secure our right to the land and rebuild our former glory.

Key Facts

Size: 10+ active members (this is number in division not overall)

Focus: PvP, PvE, Trading, Crafting

Time Zone: Mostly European, but include people from across the World (English speaking).

Hours per week: Less important as long as you contribute/get involved!

Ages/Outlook: 18+, mature, helpful, friendly and outgoing

Web Site: http://www.luxarcana.org

Voicecomms: Required (we currently use Mumble)

http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5291/screenshot201176119.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/402/screenshot201176119.jpg/)http://img42.imageshack.us/img42/8295/screenshot2011761221.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/42/screenshot2011761221.jpg/)http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/8808/screenshot2011761237.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/23/screenshot2011761237.jpg/)http://img191.imageshack.us/img191/6376/screenshot2011761053.th.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/191/screenshot2011761053.jpg/)


Lux Arcana is a multi-game guild that was founded as a community for European MMO players with a "casual" but "dedicated" play style and have since Darkfall been an International Guild. By "casual" we mean players that have other commitments in real life such as their job, family or other interests, and whose play time may be fairly random. By "dedicated" we mean players that will immerse themselves fully in each game we play and give 100% to the guild.

Lux Arcana's main goal in Xsyon is to get involved and evolve our immediate surroundings and once settled we will begin to influence the world. We do, however, focus on the PvP aspect of the game. This includes but is not limitted to; training nights/patrolling our territory in the beginning and later on tournaments and raid parties.
Lux Arcana have opened up for diplomacy. You can either contact a Game Moderator in-game or through the public Xsyon forum at the Lux Arcana portal.

Currently the guild takes a neutral stand towards other players and tribes but we do not tolerate intrusion on our grounds or harassment of our players.
Although we take upon a neutral stand in the beginning this is not to limit the players in the tribe. We believe that flexibility of a tribe is what will bring glory and as such we will harbour any player regardless of their 'faction' and standpoint in the World.

Due to the PvP system being full-loot, Lux Arcana will provide an internal and external trading system as support that will draft from PvE, crafting and gathering. Through this system Lux Arcana will trade with other tribes to ensure most resources can be provided for both guild and personal uses.
The system is likely to be based on the in-game quest system.

Lux Arcana is a highly organized and determined multi game guild and because of this we are looking for members who share our dedication and determination. In return Lux Arcana offers a stable and friendly community.

Please visit our website for further details about our history.


We Accept

Adults (i.e. 18+) with a mature, friendly and outgoing attitude to life.

Casual but dedicated players who like to play hard when they can! Players used to grouping, contributing and getting involved in a guild. We are NOT a guild for solo players, unsocial players or selfish players. You must be a team player.

There are, currently, no other specific requirements.

Highly Desirable

- Warriors
- Gatherers
- Crafters

Players that are creative or that have strong organisational skills. We want proactive members. Players that show a passion for the game, for helping fellow members and getting things done! In particular we need fighters, explorers, gatherers, crafters and players willing to learn everything there is to know about this game.

Not Acceptable

Immature players. Players that whine, complain and do not accept guild policy. Players with negative attitudes, who are only out for themselves and whinge over not getting "their share" of battle loot. Aggressive or anti-social players. We do not tolerate l33t speak - proper English please! Keep trash talking to an absolute minimum - in character NOT personal!

Guilds Interested in Merging

Lux Arcana has a 7+ year gaming history, and during that time we have handled numerous smaller guilds merging with us. If you are in a small guild or unguilded group of friends that is looking to merge with a bigger guild then please contact Ashreon or Pinner.

For more information please check out our site at:


02-09-2011, 05:43 PM
Who is playing from lux ?

02-10-2011, 04:29 AM
A few of the old EQ 2/VG players and some from our DF/EVE/LotRO branches will be playing.

You know of us already :)?

02-11-2011, 10:42 AM
He's familiar with LA in DF. :)

02-11-2011, 02:16 PM
Well, you know I never did fancy that game and thanks for that :P.
Chade is an old DF player isn't he?

02-12-2011, 03:28 AM
Yup Chade was, 14 in total from DF on the list. :)

02-12-2011, 08:29 AM
There we go then :P.

Anywho, the Xsyon forum was not viewable by public.
It should be now.

02-17-2011, 04:18 PM
Updated the Lux Arcana forum, people can now view the in-game ranks and a short description for the member game in the public Xsyon forum.

I trust everyone is having a good time and getting ready for launch in oh 21hrs :D?!

02-18-2011, 01:02 PM
I think people who know of Lux from other games, including Darkfal,l will understand that we have great organisation and helpfulness and that it is always a recipe for long term success and stability :)

02-22-2011, 06:03 AM
If LA was spamming our recruitment thread with posts we'd be all up in the first page.
But we only bring relevant news.

We are, to make it clear, not evil although our neighbors (Storm's End Trading Company - I believe) surely think that we are. They even declared war on us, and for what? We killed a member, actually three (or one several times) and stripped them of tools and armor (well it was going to wipe today anyway so, might as well learn some basic looting in pvp ;) ).. Seriously, hope you guys didn't take it that bad. We were just messing around LEARNING the game.

On with the topic.
LA will soon feature team and solo pvp contests for fame and glory, training nights to improve/learn pvp as well as patrols of our surrounding areas.

02-22-2011, 07:32 AM
We're generally a live and let live bunch...but you guys clearly don't want to go that route. You attacked us first...and we're not just gonna let ya do so. Our feelings aren't hurt. It's just the way you gotta deal with that stuff.

You're trying to "claim" the scrap pile we've been using for weeks. As far as we're concerned it's there for those of us in the area. We're not bothering folks using it. If you're going to take the attitude that it's your's and no one else can use it, then you'll have a fight on your hands.

I can already tell you that it's not just us you're making enemies with. There are more people in the area than your tribe and our's. You've looted one of us of a few tools, once. Check names. No one else in our tribe has lost tools to ya. The other folks you're ganking and looting are your other neighbors, who now also want to see you gone.

If you wanted a bit of friendly "let's see how things work" pvp...I'm sure several of us would have been happy to oblige if ya'd said something. Instead, well...you did the gank thing. As it was...we killed far more of you than you did of us, once we knew it was fight on :)

If you cut back on your "mine mine mine!" routine with the scrap pile and act neighborly...you'll find us good neighbors. If not...you'll find us (and everyone else nearby, it looks like) less than friendly.

Take a look around the area a bit more, and then honestly tell me you wouldn't react the same way if the positions were reversed.

02-22-2011, 08:49 AM
Uhm, we've know that area since october, been having a keen eye on our already position.
We've only attacked your guy, the other one's have been attacking us first in that case.

We killed one of your guys, he brought back 2 more.. Fair fight ended up with 2 of you dead and two of us dead. We gathered and went up to check you out, provoke you to a fight again you didn't bother, we cut some trees down, removed the stub well-knowing it would wipe soon anyway to see if that helped. It did, you brought seven and we stopped at that. (Even the feature list openly talks of this as a method in war..)
Then you went ballistic in the zone chat claiming how a game should be played. Yeah, we joked around with you guys, who the fuck wouldn't. You were openly saying in a Open PvP game that we can't PvP.. Gank is going to be a daily thing, get used to it, not necessarily from our side as we are neutral and don't really pick a side in conflicts.
Then you declared war on us. I mean.. Come on.. We're not even started yet and you don't even have a clue to whom we are. No?

Well, wouldn't react on it. I wouldn't bother if another tribe said ours unless they were actually capable of oppressing you.
The fact is, our maximum tribe area will include the trash pile.. Hench the 'ours'.. There was nothing more too it really.. Gee, I thought you guys were supposed to know your area.
We've been doing quite a lot of measuring and exploring in the area before and certainly a lot after we arrived etc.

I must say, taken that all this is going to be wiped. Maybe you guys should settle down a bit.. See it as a learning experience. Now you know to watch your shoulders and pan your camera when gathering etc. when people actually are out to gank you.

Bottom line in it is, we weren't out to create a war, you were the ones declaring war, we had not even responded to it and you were already warning other tribes that we were/are evil players (which we, obviously, aren't else the tribe would hardly be neutral.) I find that a very curious behavior taken all we've done was to warn our members that they might find some hostility due to some PvP and hurt feelings.
Anything else you want to clear up.. I got a good memory and was overlooking the whole thing.

Edit: Not trying to be a jack-ass. Just how it went really.

02-22-2011, 10:04 AM
The guys talking about how the game should be played were not us. We're not telling anyone how to play. We're just telling folks what happened...who to watch out for...and how we'll react to being attacked.

When we first looked at that spot, weeks ago...there were 3 other totems near the scrap pile. None of them had more than 2 people listed on it. We never saw anyone at your totem. No surprise...there were plenty of abandoned totems lying around in the game....and no recent wipes. We checked if there'd be another large group of people around before picking our spot. What you may or may not have done last October...you did not have any presence there recently.

So...like I said...we're a live and let live group. Good aligned and whatnot. You can be neighborly, or you can not be. We'll respond appropriately.

Right now...we're taking you at your word, that you'll attack us at the scrap pile that we're going to continue using. That being the case, we'll try to make sure we get our shots in first. What we won't be doing, is arguing with other tribes in the area in chat, or ganking them, like you have been. It's easy to check your totem and see who's in your tribe.

02-22-2011, 10:05 AM
For me its about creating an interesting and competitive environment. Good sport where you win some and loose some.
There is no bad blood on our side its just a way for us to RP our tribal area. I mean what is the point of us trading with you for lets say nails if you took them from "our scrap pile" in the first place. Its just a form of RP. We like to play with goals, one of our main focuses is protecting our territory, you can't do that if you don't pick what area that is. In this case its the soon to be enveloped scrap pile. I hope this clears things up. we're not out to grief. Just create an interesting area. Things would just stagnate if we had no competition or rival tribes.


02-22-2011, 10:43 AM
You were the one talking about exploring.
I never said we didn't check up on it. Actually we did, multiple times. I've seen you guys and Dark Hands of Valor move in while we were still at our old spot. So, we know you've been there for quite a while. Have we ever discussed your right to be there? Said you couldn't? You are jumping to waay too many conclusions.

How is it not to tell people how to play, when you warn them of tribes, would you want the same deal if you weren't evil? Seriously.

But you didn't even know what happened, obviously. Or you would have know that you guys brought it back up trying to gank the two members that had killed your guy (fair enough), lag came and it was impossible to fight, lag disappeared and we thought now we can fight went to your area and noticed we couldn't hit you inside of it. We disbanded the fight and went back. You guys went back to us, jumped me, from behind. There was a messy battle, one of you ran off, one of us followed. I died, ressed jumped the two guys that were fighting the third Lux member. Killed one of them, died to the other. Fight ended there. I'm pretty sure you guys went for back-up in your camp and were later running around our camp to find us and try to jump us again while we were destroying your trees. (We might have died more times, I don't really care..)
So, can we agree that at least none of us are any better than the other.

Uhm, what word?! You gotta read the sentences and stop putting words in my mouth. It is a very bad way of argumenting. Seriously.
I've said multiple times now, we're not out to start a war, we aren't interested in one, we don't really consider the trash pile ours and that we are neutral.
Do I need to take a puncher from Xsyon and smack you with it until the knowledge of "NOT INTERESTED IN WAR" takes hold? *Oh please say that you get sarcasm..*
I said that by definition of the maximum tribe area, that scrap pile will be included on Lux Arcana territory at some point. At which point you will be encroaching on our territory when scavenging and you won't be able to gather from it. That is just a plain fact.

Did you know that it is common for neighbors to hate each others gut.. I prefer to be friendly and haven't actually provoked any of you. You have however killed me while I was afk. That's the sport, although that is a bit, shameful pvp ;) - still I'm not declaring a war.

Just lighten up a bit instead of being in such a mood. You act like it is the end of the world

02-22-2011, 11:10 AM
Well, you can share it with the neighbors and defend it from others, I suppose. Or you can fight your neighbors for it too. We picked our spot pretty reasonably (flat, water, scrap, uncrowded), and our spot includes using that pile. We're the good guys...we're willing to share. You're not willing to share...you're...not the good guys.

I'm guessing something like trading nails would happen anyway between neighbors, because no one's going to be finding or using them or other things at the same rate. We were doing alot of trading with people in the area before when there hadn't been a wipe for awhile.

I think that area, that close to the mist, will be more than interesting enough without the ganking. But we'll do whatever we gotta do to defend ourselves and get things done.

(you posted again while I was writing this. I was not talking about exploring...ironfist (not our tribe) was. You guys said it was your scrap pile and you'd attack anyone else using it. Seems clear enough. If that's not what you're doing...then that's good. We can work with that too)

02-22-2011, 11:13 AM
Wanted to double check.

You can gather and scavenge on another tribe's territory. You get the encroaching message, but it doesn't stop you.

02-22-2011, 11:37 AM
Oh my no. We take a neutral stand to players and tribes. That does not necessarily mean we will not fight for our area should we feel that we are being pushed, anyone would.
However, it is still not live and while not live. We're just messing around with the game.

We just saw your retaliation as an invitation to PvP (you were trying to kill us on our tribe territory during lag.)

We never said we were good. We are crafters and traders by heart. When a war is on between two neighboring tribes, it's us who supplies both tribes with armor and weapons. That is just what we are good at. So we show goodwill or we trade =). Goodwill as in, we are helpful (mmkay, sometimes I troll the global, but it can seriously be fucked at times and mostly I help newcomers :).), we take care of our allies and we are crafty traders.

02-22-2011, 11:51 AM
The junk pile is not yours anymore then it is ours or the 2-3 other totems that actually reach it as well. If you want to continuously attack people on that junk pile, then there is not much we can do about it but kill and harass your tribe at the pile.

Better idea is to take stock of who the neighbors are are and coexists. We actively trade with folks from all the zones and lend a hand if they need it. Your "kill anyone using our junk pile" mentality flies in the face of coexistance. Your friendly competition will result in mutual destruction and counter-productive activities.

There will be plenty of evil tribes to war with and when they wander into our mutual areas, then they can be dealt. So we can either work it out or not.

02-22-2011, 12:07 PM
Oh come on.. We just got it to a non-threating level -.-.

Ayup, I remembered 4seconds after posting it only gives you the encroaching message.

02-23-2011, 03:38 AM
fail, with an impending server wipe I, and some others desided it would be fun to try out some pvp, since gathering lots and creating buildings is pointless with it all geting deleted in the next few days.. That said I think once the game starts for real we will be more diplomatic about how we defend our area and who we choose to ally up with.

At the moment non of this means anything and you should not take the current enviroment so seriously.. We are testing things out and messing around.. Once the game starts for real we will see how are close proximity effects us and forms our relations..

We may ally, we may not, we may have a war, we may not... only time and attitudes will tell which way the wind blows.. Personally I think it will all work it self out.

But for the time being please dont go over the top about a gank here and there... its not that important at the present time.

02-23-2011, 02:15 PM
I think we've worked it out.

02-23-2011, 05:26 PM
Most definately have sorted it out.
I think we can still bring around that basket of amends once the server starts. I think you'll like it :P.

02-26-2011, 05:48 PM
Updating the player count.

Also, LA has now opened up for diplomacy.

03-11-2011, 05:39 AM
Updated the thread with a little introduction that in this particular case involves the 'beta' period leading up to the release of the game. It can be regarded as a little 'history' of Lux Arcana.

04-04-2011, 07:27 AM
Our immediate area has surely grown quiet.. Maybe they didn't like Lux Arcana attacking gatherers on the junk pile..
Yeah.. PvP is fun :D! (And it is still PvP, you are just not aware which is your own fault..)

04-17-2011, 03:13 AM
The Lux Arcana Council decided to revise their recruitment procedures, now allowing us to recruit externally from outside of Lux Arcana, with no vouching required :).
In short that means recruitment are open for everyone.

06-11-2011, 06:43 AM
Updated the thread.

Highly desirable now features the 'classes' we are primarily on the lookout for.

06-17-2011, 03:56 PM
Updated the thread.

Objectives should now also tell you that we harbour any player regardless of alignment.

07-05-2011, 06:10 PM
Updated with current image of the town.

07-13-2011, 08:47 AM
Updated objectives with two kinds of recruitment.

08-12-2011, 10:21 AM
updated the post :).

09-30-2011, 06:48 AM
Minor updates to the post :).