View Full Version : EU Server

02-18-2011, 03:47 AM
how many europes are here that restart on the EU-Server, if it launchs ?

02-18-2011, 03:55 AM
Third Shift US....most of you are late when I get on but most Islanders pick EU over US...and thats my crew...

02-18-2011, 04:03 AM
Not this again :( We dont want more than one server!

02-18-2011, 04:17 AM
dude we had super lag with just a few people on the main server....we NEED the server

02-18-2011, 04:19 AM
No we don't.
We need the coding for the lag fixed or you need a fecking better connection. Either way there is no problem with the NA server.
Been playing on it since october as European.

02-18-2011, 04:20 AM
Depends on to many variables. Apart from spikes the average delay around 140 is fine about the same I get to EU wow servers so i probably wouldn't move because of ms reasons.

02-18-2011, 04:27 AM
i'm sorry, but i can't find a poll about that, just a lot of opinions and discussion.
I'm just fine with one Server but need to know what the european playerbase will do if its necessary to setup another server.
For community reasons i prefer one Server regardless of where the server is located.
If you think about ping and pvp the EU Server will serve better to us.
But it's not worth thinking about if most europeans choos to stay on NA, even if they could have a better connection with EU.
Depending on this, we would decide if wey stay on NA or switch to EU, when its necessary launch.

02-18-2011, 04:34 AM
Until now I am pretty pleased with the actual latency to the US-Server. But the main reason for moving to a european server would be to fit into the general timezone.
It's not bad to have some members in tribe from every timezone, so the whole day would be covered, but I want to have primetime on server when I have my personal primetime.

So I guess I am gonna switch to a europe server if it comes.
Maybe we get something like a chat transfer? Would be awesome.

02-18-2011, 04:39 AM
This is a great poll, actually.
I am one of the people willing to restart on the EU server.
Sadly, I'm quite sure US players will vote for no without even reading half of it...
People in here are too selfish to let us have that EU server with good connection.

I'd very much like to see the poll for "Would you like there to be only one server if it was located in Germany instead of US or would you have two servers, US and EU?". The results would be quite different, I bet...
There was a reason for Darkfall to make a US server. Both games combat systems will be very ping dependant and US players will have an edge in any pvp situation when combat is revamped. Jooky said a couple of times that he's looking into Mount&Blade while talking about revamping the combat system. Can you even imagine a player with 30 ping vs a player with 200 ping in a Mount&Blade setting? Fair? No.

Please let us, European players, play where we like to play. And there are already enough people willing to play there. Moreover, many more will come, hearing that there is a European server up and running.

02-18-2011, 04:48 AM
I play from England and will be staying where i am.

I have met friends and joined a tribe! i cant see me wanting to up sticks and move to another server. Ping has not been too bad to be honest so far so unless it gets unplayable i'm staying.

02-18-2011, 05:00 AM
I am staying on US, eventhough I live in EU. What good does good ping, when you don't have anyone to play with. Also this is not a competitive game, doesn't make any difference(at least not for me), if i have current 140 ping or 80 ping on potential EU server. Gathering still works the same, crafting still works the same, in combat I also didn't spot any lag. There were some hickups during beta, but I don't think those were ping issues, just bad optimization in servers software.

02-18-2011, 05:54 AM
What good does good ping, when you don't have anyone to play with?
That is exactly what i want to find out.
I want to know if there are enough EU players that are willing to restart on EU or rather how many EU subscribers will join in after the official release in march.
Honestly, when the tribewars begin i dont want to play with a ping beyond 100 against US players with pings less than 50

02-18-2011, 06:04 AM
I'm in EU, and voted no.

02-18-2011, 06:16 AM

02-18-2011, 06:28 AM
Really another one? I mean with such a low population why do you guys keep asking for this. One of the reasons DF is hurting right now is that they have split the population on two different servers. Granted DF is more ping based then Xyson so its semi understandable. Here just no...... we haven't got many people to play with why should we split up the population?

02-18-2011, 06:53 AM
I will be staying with the US server (Yes I'm American so it makes sense). One argument for two servers is that the time difference means that ppl from Europe and North America will be playing at different times. I would argue thats a good thing, because when tribal warfare starts, we will want a night shift and a day shift to make sure there are no shenanigans. There is also the argument that ping is obviously worse the further you are from the server. I know that this is true in this case, but having talked to some mates from England (or is it Britain or the United Kingdom. I forget which one is politically correct these days ;) and the ping is still pretty low and shouldn't affect combat. Lastly, we don't know if/when a EU server will be coming. In the meantime, you have made friends, joined a tribe (possibly), and have built your character up.

GL, see you in game

02-18-2011, 06:57 AM
I'm in England and will stay on the international server. There would have to be a serious performance issue to migrate and people tend to talk funny on euro servers anyway, it seems no matter how loudly or slowly i say it, they still dont understand!. :p

02-18-2011, 07:21 AM
What I'am wondering is that everyone says combat is not ping based. Even the clickfest we have now is ping based because you have to click in the right moment....idon't want to know what happens when the Dev Team starts to look into combat.....

02-19-2011, 02:56 AM
I would change simply for the time difference - I have had limited lag(limited to yesterday) on the current server over the last few months and if the server does not come I won't stress too much about it. Btw I'm not in the EU but because of me being on GMT+3 I usually play with the EU guys on other mmo's.


02-19-2011, 06:07 AM
Im sure all 19 of you will have a grand time there.

02-20-2011, 02:42 AM
After the last 2 days i would be glad if they decide to host the EU Server asap.
I want to start off with my tribe, i want to have the assurance to build up in the peristant world of xsyon.
I dont want to start again on NA after a new wipe just to become to know that EU will start some weeks later, so that i need to reroll again.

I think its time for them to decide if they will launch EU Server or not.
We were patient nevertheless what happened the last 2 days, but now we want to know when we really can start playing and building and growing the communitie.

It would be better to split up now

02-20-2011, 02:46 AM
I think its time for them to decide if they will launch EU Server or not.

They said they will use the eu server when this server is full.

02-20-2011, 02:58 AM
No offense, but a useless thread. Jooky already decided we won't have an EU server unless absolutely necessary.

02-20-2011, 03:11 AM
We just want to know when we really can start playing without to have the chance of another wipe for us.
They dont serve the EU players well when the NA Server will be full after 1 or 2 month after release and we ned to restart on a new EU Server.
And they wont serve you well when you loose about 30% of players on NA after this will happen.
It is even unconfirmed if they are able to transfer characters so i think they need to give us informations about that.

02-20-2011, 04:10 AM
I really hope that segregating the current player base becomes the absolute last resort. I'd hate to have even 1 of our English or Euro players leave because of it.

02-20-2011, 05:30 AM
Originally i would have voted No but after the weekend id definately move to EU server ( the poll seems to be closed) Im sure the percentage has gone up loads for 2 servers over the past week and not justr cos of the ping and lag issues. Despite all the problems the game was pretty full 24 hours after wipe, most scrap piles been claimed. Its not gonna be great for new players joining over the next few months if there are no options apart from joining an exisiting tribe or have no resources/space. There has been a massive increase in the amont of subs recently and i think the game has potential to grow. Things have changed, i say go for EU server!

Id also like to see a poll of only EU based players to see what they alone thing about it!

02-20-2011, 07:41 AM
I really hope that segregating the current player base becomes the absolute last resort. I'd hate to have even 1 of our English or Euro players leave because of it.
But this is exactly what will happen and for both sides it would be better when it happens now and not after some month of playing together.
The only reason they are don't want to setup an EU Server is that they don't want a risky business. But i think if they won't take that risk, they will fail in Europe except some individual european players in US tribes.
All european leaders who want to stay on US Server because of community will be blown away in the tribewars.
They will loose, first the battles and after that their motivation. So an early european Server can prevent two things.
It can prevent from loosing a lot of (EU-) players on US Server and give the US population a better feeling about what and who is where.
Think of what will happen if a european tribe in you neighborhood gathered a lot of ressources around and suddenly disappears.
Maybe you loose an important tradingpartner, you loose ressources that were wastet for a ghosttown...etc...
The second thing is, that when the tribewars begin and the european tribes will loose every battle because ping issues they will loose a valuable amount of subscribers.

Its not gonna be great for new players joining over the next few months if there are no options apart from joining an exisiting tribe or have no resources/space. There has been a massive increase in the amont of subs recently and i think the game has potential to grow. Things have changed, i say go for EU server!


02-20-2011, 09:16 AM
Originally i would have voted No but after the weekend id definately move to EU server ( the poll seems to be closed) Im sure the percentage has gone up loads for 2 servers over the past week and not justr cos of the ping and lag issues. Despite all the problems the game was pretty full 24 hours after wipe, most scrap piles been claimed. Its not gonna be great for new players joining over the next few months if there are no options apart from joining an exisiting tribe or have no resources/space. There has been a massive increase in the amont of subs recently and i think the game has potential to grow. Things have changed, i say go for EU server!

Id also like to see a poll of only EU based players to see what they alone thing about it!

yes me too. the population is higher than expected.
And if they have to set up a new server for NA anyway why not make a second for the EU players ready?

02-20-2011, 09:17 AM
As pretty much all MMOs, which have been released in last few years, have shown decline in player numbers after a month or so(when initial rush is over). Then we would simply end up with 2 basically empty servers, while one server would have a lot healthier population.

02-20-2011, 01:59 PM
This game seems to be working in the opposite direction though and i really can imagine a gradual increase in players. especially with 2 months free, not going to be much negative movement of the numbers in that time, should only increase and in 2 months time if the lag is under control i can see it continuing to steadily increase.

02-21-2011, 12:27 AM
This game seems to be working in the opposite direction though and i really can imagine a gradual increase in players. especially with 2 months free, not going to be much negative movement of the numbers in that time, should only increase and in 2 months time if the lag is under control i can see it continuing to steadily increase.

exactly my opinion, some poeple will leave after the free playtime but others will join.
i think the game will be a sucess in the long run.

02-21-2011, 12:58 AM
and this success will (for EU) seriously depend on a EU Server, because this Game will become more about pvp and combat in the future.

02-21-2011, 03:03 AM
As along as the ping is stable for PVP, I'll happily remain on the US server.

02-21-2011, 05:29 AM
and this success will (for EU) seriously depend on a EU Server, because this Game will become more about pvp and combat in the future.

No, i dont think so. The ping here in Europe is quite ok and in my opinion there are more pros for a big server for the complete community than cons.

02-21-2011, 09:22 AM
seriousley this is not a question about community?
I agree that one server for all would be great, but referring to ping differences while combat i disagree totally.
There will be lag if there will be more than 10v10 people fighting and the more people the more lag will appear.
And this lag will exponentially rise for EU players because they are more far away from the server location.
And with pvp becomes more decisive to the game any ping disadvantage will make you loose every battle.

02-21-2011, 10:46 AM
seriousley this is not a question about community?
I agree that one server for all would be great, but referring to ping differences while combat i disagree totally.
There will be lag if there will be more than 10v10 people fighting and the more people the more lag will appear.
And this lag will exponentially rise for EU players because they are more far away from the server location.
And with pvp becomes more decisive to the game any ping disadvantage will make you loose every battle.

Well...I dont think so. The difference is not that high. Moreover if you see the huge negative feedback of the community after Xyons announcement of the European server, I dont think it would be smart to create a second server. But of course, if a European pvp-player see in the ping a game-breaking element, this player is free to leave the game. But creating a second server, though the huge majority of the community doesnt want this, would be quite senseless.

02-21-2011, 11:13 AM
The difference is not that high.
any difference will make the difference

But of course, if a European pvp-player see in the ping a game-breaking element, this player is free to leave the game.
thats just a stupid statement

But creating a second server, though the huge majority of the community doesnt want this, would be quite senseless.
the majority of the community are NA and of course they dont want to split up with all others.
neither i do, but when prelude is over and the tribewars begin they will loose EU subscriptions because of that issue.

02-21-2011, 12:12 PM
any difference will make the difference

thats just a stupid statement

the majority of the community are NA and of course they dont want to split up with all others.
neither i do, but when prelude is over and the tribewars begin they will loose EU subscriptions because of that issue.

Wel, Im European and I will stay. And I think, that so do many European people in my tribe. Moreover a lot of people, who are against a seperate sever, are Europeans, as they wrote in the threads about another server. But well, Xsyon already made his decision, so I dont think,that it has a lot of sense to discuss about that. ;)