View Full Version : Feeling a bit Burnt Out

03-23-2011, 07:20 PM
It has been approximately 10 days since the game set in motion, and I am feeling a bit burnt out does anyone else feel this way? In the past week, I have been building walls, dirt walls, dirt holes, and oh yea assembling junk. The Tribe has been doing everything from Junk Collecting to Crafting to Wondering around looking for wood. Even bigger tribes are going to extend to make a wonderful sand castle-like city to keep themselves entertained but what else is there to do ? ?

Combat is nonexistence*and nothing more*than a joke when I have 90 Fort and I can get one hit slaughtered by an axe, or I can kill someone with a dagger in two hits. The Character hit boxes are so messed up that if you are too tall or as well short you can't hit it right.

Animals … yeah where are they, do they even exist can I get a screen shot with the date and time someone saw one? I'm sorry it is not HARD to create a Spawn Point, that has X and Y radius of random birth time and if that was too hard its not hard to create X amount of both animal genders that are invisible that spawn visible creatures. (did it in the past with Ultima Online Private servers, the scripting for it ought to almost take as long as one to take a shit.

Content… yeah none of that too. I like the game and I enjoy it so much, in fact, that I have gone out of my way to create an actual newspaper that not only provokes the community but also gives it some existence. I mean when you log on what is the thing you look forward to doing?* I hate to use games like WoW as an example but Jordie Where are the monsters, weapons, The OMG I got this stuff its epic what to do with it now content. Shit where are the god damn zombies!? Give us something to kill man, give us something to do while playing not just sitting at our tribe zone going "haha my e-peen is bigger than yours in my safe zone" Better yet if programming zombies is hard, make it where we can skin other players and use their bones and parts are resources.* Give us something to do other than "sitting here, and terraforming our epic-sized sand castle".

Because we are just playing another beta and paying for it. Which is unfair to the community since you released a not even 10% done game? Now we all did pay for it, and I am not saying "I'm not getting what I paid for" but.. The truthfulness is none of us are getting what we paid for.**What if the community drops down to hundreds and the game crashes are you going to refund us? Probably not, you have to pay your personnel and servers and everything.

This is just my rant showing I am worried not only for the game, but my own personal enjoyment as well. I know that many of the communities feel the same way due to the recent posts, and in game dialogue everyone is worried.

03-23-2011, 07:30 PM
I really enjoy this game as well, but sadly there is not much to it at this point. Armor is pointless. Combat is terrible. Crafting to do what exactly? There is nothing to do beyond that.

Like I said, this is not a flame, I love the game and will continue to pay for it and play it. But they need to get more meat into the game fast or many many people will lose interest very fast.

03-23-2011, 07:33 PM
It's because everything in the game is too easy, anyone can be 100% self sufficient and never have to trade, thus there's no economy. Why travel far and wide when everything you need is in the safety of your protective tribe zone?

03-23-2011, 07:53 PM
I think we're all pretty frustrated.

03-23-2011, 07:56 PM
GGRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrr Come on already

03-23-2011, 08:11 PM
Scavenging remains the only thing I've enjoyed so far... well that and fighting Evil_Inq :P At least he tries to make the game interesting!!!

03-23-2011, 09:03 PM
I didn't get flamed oh jesus.

03-23-2011, 09:17 PM
I didn't get flamed oh jesus.
need me to fix that for you? :P

No, I totally agree, as fun as it is, the times of lags makes me reflect on how its neither content added, or bugs fixed...one or the other I'd be happy with the progress. at least it would feel its moving forward.

right now its like going from alpha, to beta, to alpha, to pre-alpha..to some sort of basic first run.

Im in for the long haul, no doubt. But how long I stay before going "ill just login in a few weeks and see if we can do something." is up in the air.
Granted the lag DID get better, but then got worse..then got 10 minute entities loading, then fixed it, than back again..but the 'progression' of the features are going in reverse, lost decay, lost quality info boxes. lost animals..

now like I said if they was removed in a forward progression of problems being fixed, I could handle it..but loosing features AND getting more bugs/lag/rollbacks during it over a month is another story all together.

03-23-2011, 09:39 PM
Not going to flame, but I will be the one disagree. I've enjoyed every minute I've had to play, minus the 10min lag. My character was designed for hunting and pvp and yet I've had plenty of fun with crafting and helping tribe members. I too want the animals to work, I want armor to do something, I want combat to be fun and lag free. But saying it over and over isn't going to make it happen. Jordi isn't holding out on us because he wants to. You've seen yourself that updates don't often go as planned.
So why do people keep expecting him to push out updates that he doesn't even feel are ready yet?
And it doesn't really matter what the answer is, because it's going to happen when it happens. Let's please stop demanding content that they know doesn't work, and let them fix what needs to be fixed.

03-23-2011, 09:44 PM
We just have to wait until 2.5 months from now and then decide to pay a monthly or not.

That's all there is too it. You can either wait or wait and be angry.

And don't play like 3-4 hours a day. If there's only crafting of course you'll be burned out no matter how cool the game is. People with lvl 90 in main crafting lines already are just asking to twiddle their thumbs for two months.

03-23-2011, 10:04 PM
How can you give anything but steriotypical responses to this thread?

03-23-2011, 10:05 PM
I was super excited about this game personally from all the features, screen-shots, even a couple Let's Play video's i checked out, I had myself thinking "Yeah, this is a game I can totally get into." But after having to deal with a double-payment charge upon purchasing (resolved), frequent crashing, waiting times, poor optimization, and many gameplay bugs.. I just feel greatly frustrated and disappointed and also view this game being a beta we've payed full shelf-price for.

I can't help but think of my experience as being along the lines of the FFXIV flop...

"While more than two months have passed since the official launch of FINAL FANTASY XIV service, we deeply regret that the game has yet to achieve the level of enjoyability that FINAL FANTASY fans have come to expect from the franchise, and for this we offer our sincerest of apologies.

After thorough deliberation on how to meet those expectations, it was decided that the most viable step was to approach improvements under new leadership and with a restructured team."

Here's hoping that 2 months from now history doesn't have to repeat itself...

03-23-2011, 10:35 PM
Yeah, but xsyon worked until it went live. lol. A lot of games never worked.

03-23-2011, 10:53 PM
I can't help but think of my experience as being along the lines of the FFXIV flop...

Actually, playing Xsyon for only one week already made me want to come back to FFXIV... I'm kinda waiting right now for Japan to let them bring the servers back up to be able to play again. I've heard the game has improved quite a lot and it's coming back live at 25 of March (This friday?)
Anyways, will still give Jordi those two months before finally deciding. Games like Xsyon always have a potential to come back strong in a year or so, given enough players keep playing it no matter what ans supporting the indy company with their pretty much monthly donations. One thing we shouldn't do is ask for refunds. Developers like Jordi deserve support, no matter how successful they are in the end.
Sadly, big companies with tons of money are releasing brain dead products for brain dead players. There's almost nothing good left in the market. All the deep games are made by indy companies, once again, sadly. The best one of them must be EVE atm, but it's not for everybody (I, myself, can't play a spaceship for longer than one month - get bored to death).

To sum my wall of text up, we still need to give Jordi more time. I think he is going in the right direction and it seems like he is still working really hard to make his baby work and be what he wanted (wants) it to be. My solution is playing very little not to get burned out too fast :P

03-23-2011, 11:12 PM
Definitely can sympathize. I've taken the approach of getting on and if there is no lag playing for an hour or so (though I did play a good portion of the weekend). Anymore if there is lag I just log off and do something else. Not worth it to work through the lag. I also am being careful to not level all my skills or to even grind more than a load of whatever at a time. Have had a lot of fun getting to know our neighbors (we mountain folk are cautious but sociable) and over the weekend was shocked when I went scouting in the low lands - it truly looks like an apocolyse occurred, folks down there are crazy.

One thing that might help is to set up an event - for instance a maze might be interesting, especially if you put some danger inside the maze. Or a scavenger hunt where you collect different stuff for different totems across the land. For that matter you could set up a steal the log contest in some of the barren areas - have one person in the middle of a big area with everyone else standing behind lines and drop a log, might be an interesting fight:)

03-23-2011, 11:23 PM
well i have to say im enjoying the game immensly. i was expecting something diffrent, and that is what we have.

the best part for me is the sense of community created by the local chat limitations (not that the chat box doesnt need work)
Trading and forming friendships with other tribes and people, dealing with evil tribes, have all been the highlights of the game so far.
There is a sense of community with your neighbours in this game, that is lacking in most.

I knew when i paid my $40 that the game was a unfinanced half complete indie game, but i felt the developer had a strong vision, which i consider vital to the games sucess. I do not regret my decision.

03-24-2011, 01:26 AM
I agree with the OP totally.

When im able to play with no lag im having realyl bad fps issues so everything goes even slower..

I m sat there thinknig to myself, well i just clicked this one button to scavenge about 20 times in different places and got a few nice items, that took me the best part of 20 mins to basically move around a tiny pile of junk pressing a button.
So decided to collect some resources, spend an hour gathering different things and piling up by the junk adn then when i had enough stuff moving upto my camp, lucky at the moment no one else is on because of all the issues lol.. anyway that was an hour of exciting gameplay thats for sure.

I then decided to make soem tools....... Well anyway you all get it by now lol..

At the moment there aint anything else to do, cant pvp becauseo f the crap fps and lag, pve is no existant i know there was suppose to be more anumals added yesterday but by the time i got on they where all gone.

Now dont get me wrong i do enoy the crafting and gathering items to build up my camp... but there is only so much of that you can do before getting silly bored.

Im a bit sad abotu this but i do think if things have not improved content wise let alone stability wise i wont be around after my first 2 months and thats a shame because this gam could be somthing, and yeah im awesome the prelude is not te full game but they need to have stuff in game where people can have real fun.

When the game works you can see the devs have godo vision for what they want and have worked hard so far but i dont think crafting and gathering will hold people around for long.

03-24-2011, 04:47 AM
Present are just so many things that enhance the game that were to begin is baffling. A lot of you have understood what I was saying flawlessly and comprehend where I am coming from. I do feel that the game can improve by a considerable amount over the duration but things I do not agree with is that we should not have our free months start now since the merchandise is not even a fraction of begin accomplished. Someone mentioned Final Fantasy Online, and what they did when the game was not doing well is that they allowed everyone who did buy the game have "free" game play time until the game was fixed. I bought the game on launch, and I've been playing off and on for the past year (free). Now do I think Xsyon should be the same, maybe but Square Enix is a multi-billion dollar company that can afford to do that NG is not. I took in an account everything from Beta to Launch and secondary Launch and I understand the need why NG had to launch the game not even complete.

However, we should as the community not paid for that mistake or foresight. Like most of you, I am here for the long haul but unlike most of you. I work in the gaming industry, and I know how hard it is as myself to be an indie developer. It is hard. It puts such a burden on you that if you are not strong or have proper support doing it, the years of work you put into could crumble before you in seconds. I understand the coding, the script writing. The develop phase, the concept art, and concept phase of the game development, hell I even understand how annoying it is to work with an artist you cannot understand your vision at all but pretend they know better (I can't draw so I have to hire Artist often). One thing I'd like to say that I know most of the people playing this game come from so many backgrounds. I know one person that plays that is an Extremely Knowledgeable in hosting servers and has offered his services for free to Xsyon to help the game, that is just one example, but I know of several others, which have offered help as well. I do think that the 40$ fee that we all paid for the two months is perfectly reasonable for two months of gameplay and even our bonus weapon (no matter how useless it really is, or even though we are completely clueless on what it does) is cool, furthermore. However, I do not feel that I paid 40$ for that right, and feel that I paid 40$ to support NG in their dreams to create their game since all it has right now is a blank world, with nothing added. (not including dirt castles and junk piles) I do hope that the games go well and developers well but if NG cannot afford to hire people, they may want to look at the community they have for help and the reason I say that is because NG has stated "This game will be community run" so let us the community help you NG. I am sure most of us would help in our off time or spare time, even some would give a discount on their normal hourly fee to help you improve the game (Mind you. I am saying I want to be hired or anything just stating).

03-24-2011, 04:56 AM
Those that want the game to be free for as long as they think is acceptable then carry on, As pointed out Ng is a small company. Yes they are having problems right now and have done for a while , But if tyou want months and months of free time , Then just close your account now, As funds will dry up no doubt and the game will burn out ,

So think before you say "i want i want" Think of the bigger picture for a second in the fact that you maybe having all the free time you want on a dead server and the game placed in the history books.

03-24-2011, 05:04 AM
Those that want the game to be free for as long as they think is acceptable then carry on, As pointed out Ng is a small company. Yes they are having problems right now and have done for a while , But if tyou want months and months of free time , Then just close your account now, As funds will dry up no doubt and the game will burn out ,

So think before you say "i want i want" Think of the bigger picture for a second in the fact that you maybe having all the free time you want on a dead server and the game placed in the history books.

I do not think you even read what I wrote. Which is sad, becuase I wrote it clearly enough to state the following:

" NG does not have the money to what do what Square Enix is doing "

but if you were not point out what I said that is okie sorry.

03-24-2011, 05:10 AM
I do not think you even read what I wrote. Which is sad, becuase I wrote it clearly enough to state the following:

" NG does not have the money to what do what Square Enix is doing "

but if you were not point out what I said that is okie sorry.

If i meant you, I woukld have Quoted you , Just like i have done here .

03-24-2011, 05:12 AM
If i meant you, I woukld have Quoted you , Just like i have done here .

point taken.

03-24-2011, 05:16 AM
I do not think you even read what I wrote. Which is sad, becuase I wrote it clearly enough to state the following:

" NG does not have the money to what do what Square Enix is doing "

but if you were not point out what I said that is okie sorry.

you still don't make any sense..

also how do you know their money situation?? I bet they have more money today than they've had this entire project..

also to all you complainers..

You knew what you were getting into.. they are a TINY not even small company. It's an indie product that people found out about even when the developers didn't really wan't it to get all hyped up. Everyone chomped at the bit to get in it knowing full well that it wasn't complete and it was a tiny indie company..

now you complaining?!?

it's pretty sad..

We know what the devs are going to do with the game.. we know the direction it's going.. we also know it's going to take 6-9months or more to get there.. When combat is in, warfare, safezones gone, trade hubs are built, skill caps are put in, etc... game is going to be EPIC.

its just gonna take a decent amount of time.. the devs themselves said this..

Game in its current state is so you can get a head start building your tribe and so they can iron out all the performance kinks before all the awesome stuff shows up and 10x more people show up..

in the mean time don't play it so much.. A few times a week for a few hours is what I'm doing and it's still just as fun as when I started

So far we have pretty good dev interaction.. Threads that dog on the game all but guarantees the devs will detach themselves from the community.. When that happens things will not go so well.. See Darkfall

03-24-2011, 05:33 AM
Nothing to do? Really?

How about taking a swim to other side of the lake and mapping where big tribes are? Or checking where all basalt and dry lime resources are? How about finding a place where it would be possible to realocate if your area is too barren or too crowded?

All I hear is a bunch of people complaining that this game does not have enough killable stuff. There is plenty to do if you want to craft, no chance in hell that anyone got all recipes in all crafts with master hat in every craft added to that. It's all about "waah waah I have nothing to kill", right?

What I'm trying is to put things in perspective. I agree that there is nothing much to do for PVP and combat oriented characters. Rest of the people have barely started. But generalizing that there is NOTHING to do is simply a lie. There might be nothing for you to do but plenty for me or someone else who is not into grinding mobs or players.

03-24-2011, 06:03 AM
All I know is Jordi is working his arse off to make this game and make it right. So as long as he is putting in that sort of effort to make this game right, I'll at least show a little tolerance and patience and let him do his thing with the understanding that it will improve.

Must be pretty disheartening for him to work 16+ hours a day on his game only to get bashed by the players non-stop.

If it is too frustrating then play something else as well. Much easier on the nerves to just go back to another game while there are issues and then check back every few hours instead of just screaming at your monitor or in the forums because this bug or that bug is ruining your life.

03-24-2011, 06:35 AM
Nothing to do? Really?

How about taking a swim to other side of the lake and mapping where big tribes are? Or checking where all basalt and dry lime resources are? How about finding a place where it would be possible to realocate if your area is too barren or too crowded?

All I hear is a bunch of people complaining that this game does not have enough killable stuff. There is plenty to do if you want to craft, no chance in hell that anyone got all recipes in all crafts with master hat in every craft added to that. It's all about "waah waah I have nothing to kill", right?

What I'm trying is to put things in perspective. I agree that there is nothing much to do for PVP and combat oriented characters. Rest of the people have barely started. But generalizing that there is NOTHING to do is simply a lie. There might be nothing for you to do but plenty for me or someone else who is not into grinding mobs or players.

The issue is if there is nothing to do for those that want to kill things be it animals or people then ultimately there will be nothing to do for crafters either cos nobody will want their stuff.

There is already, god knows, thousands of bins lying around full of stuff nobody really wants. Maybe its ony a few people that get excited about maxing out a craft and then rinse repeat max out another one. That kind of content is not really acceptable in a fully released game no matter what you say. Especially one that according to Jordi himself was only 2 weeks away from launch this time last year.

03-24-2011, 06:35 AM
Nothing to do? Really?

How about taking a swim to other side of the lake and mapping where big tribes are? Or checking where all basalt and dry lime resources are? How about finding a place where it would be possible to realocate if your area is too barren or too crowded?

All I hear is a bunch of people complaining that this game does not have enough killable stuff. There is plenty to do if you want to craft, no chance in hell that anyone got all recipes in all crafts with master hat in every craft added to that. It's all about "waah waah I have nothing to kill", right?

What I'm trying is to put things in perspective. I agree that there is nothing much to do for PVP and combat oriented characters. Rest of the people have barely started. But generalizing that there is NOTHING to do is simply a lie. There might be nothing for you to do but plenty for me or someone else who is not into grinding mobs or players.

You didnt got the point of the Thread starter. Why should you find baslat and other stuff. building is meaningless,crafting is meaningless with the missing features like item decay and the OP pre order weapons and walls beeing useless because of safe zones

03-24-2011, 06:44 AM
Nothing to do? Really?

How about taking a swim to other side of the lake and mapping where big tribes are? Or checking where all basalt and dry lime resources are? How about finding a place where it would be possible to realocate if your area is too barren or too crowded?

All I hear is a bunch of people complaining that this game does not have enough killable stuff. There is plenty to do if you want to craft, no chance in hell that anyone got all recipes in all crafts with master hat in every craft added to that. It's all about "waah waah I have nothing to kill", right?

What I'm trying is to put things in perspective. I agree that there is nothing much to do for PVP and combat oriented characters. Rest of the people have barely started. But generalizing that there is NOTHING to do is simply a lie. There might be nothing for you to do but plenty for me or someone else who is not into grinding mobs or players.

I'm about to start a mapping project. Should result in some pvp, too. I'd be happier about the pvp part if I didn't know there are macroers cheating their way to max who I won't stand a chance against, though. You macroing pvpers have no one but yourselves to blame if I and others decide to run or hide rather than fight. Serves you right, and I hope you are bored to tears and crying for pvp you can't get. Cheating bitches. Edit: Obviously that wasn't directed at you, Plague!

I've scouted out plenty of basalt and limestone, but never seen tar, so I might go on a tar hunt.

And I definitely need a better, more defensible, more isolated location (off a junk pile but not far from one I can raid). But since I don't want to move with valuable recipes in my pack, I need to also skill up to learn the ones I want to learn and trade the rest.

I have plenty still to do in this sandbox. Despite the scummy macro cheaters, I've even gone out wandering around in freshly-crafted armor to check the combat scene, just waiting to get jumped.

03-24-2011, 06:52 AM
You didnt got the point of the Thread starter. Why should you find baslat and other stuff. building is meaningless,crafting is meaningless with the missing features like item decay and the OP pre order weapons and walls beeing useless because of safe zones

Crafting is not meaningless. There is a sense of achievement when you unlock a new building or can make a whole set of pioneer tools. Some people sense achievements when they kill someone and some when they build stuff.

This is a sandbox. If you don't get that you are in the wrong place. If you need everything spoonfed to you like WOW does then go back to playing WOW or Rift or some other game that gives you 0 freedom.

You want things to do? How about building a town? Not your tribal sandcastle, but real town, working with other players, splitting roles, setting up roads, moving to one place. Then building a militia, patroling the area for pkers, organizing hunt parties, map area around you. How about builing you own mountain? How about making a battle arena in that town of yous where people would be able to show their pvp skills? You call this a waste of time? I call lurking in the grass and waiting for someone to come by so you can loot his clothes bigger waste of time.

But once a great man said "A time you have enjoyed wasting is not wasted". Live by that and Xsyon suddenly becomes much more fun.

"Waah waah, I cant log in and kill stuff" does not work in here.

03-24-2011, 07:02 AM
Crafting is not meaningless. There is a sense of achievement when you unlock a new building or can make a whole set of pioneer tools. Some people sense achievements when they kill someone and some when they build stuff.

This is a sandbox. If you don't get that you are in the wrong place. If you need everything spoonfed to you like WOW does then go back to playing WOW or Rift or some other game that gives you 0 freedom.

You want things to do? How about building a town? Not your tribal sandcastle, but real town, working with other players, splitting roles, setting up roads, moving to one place. Then building a militia, patroling the area for pkers, organizing hunt parties, map area around you. How about builing you own mountain? How about making a battle arena in that town of yous where people would be able to show their pvp skills? You call this a waste of time? I call lurking in the grass and waiting for someone to come buy so you can loot his clothes bigger waste of time.

But once a great man said "A time you have enjoyed wasting is not wasted". Live by that and Xsyon suddenly becomes much more fun.

"Waah waah, I cant log in and kill stuff" does not work in here.

Patrolling for PKers with a group sounds like fun, too. I bet I can interest a couple of my neighbors in that. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the great wail of, "Kill safe zones now!" to start back up, so I can say, "Ban all the macroers first, because no one who actually plays the game has maxed combat skills of any kind."

03-24-2011, 07:12 AM
Crafting is not meaningless. There is a sense of achievement when you unlock a new building or can make a whole set of pioneer tools. Some people sense achievements when they kill someone and some when they build stuff.

This is a sandbox. If you don't get that you are in the wrong place. If you need everything spoonfed to you like WOW does then go back to playing WOW or Rift or some other game that gives you 0 freedom.

You want things to do? How about building a town? Not your tribal sandcastle, but real town, working with other players, splitting roles, setting up roads, moving to one place. Then building a militia, patroling the area for pkers, organizing hunt parties, map area around you. How about builing you own mountain? How about making a battle arena in that town of yous where people would be able to show their pvp skills? You call this a waste of time? I call lurking in the grass and waiting for someone to come buy so you can loot his clothes bigger waste of time.

But once a great man said "A time you have enjoyed wasting is not wasted". Live by that and Xsyon suddenly becomes much more fun.

"Waah waah, I cant log in and kill stuff" does not work in here.

Very well said. I have a lot to do in game and having lot of fun. Not burnt out even a little bit, lol. I have to force myself by 4am to go to sleep :P

03-24-2011, 07:22 AM
I will play until my free time is up, and if MAJOR improvements aren't made then I will be moving on. If I wanted to pay to play a broken beta wit a bunch of undelivered features I'd have stuck with Mortal Online.

03-24-2011, 08:11 AM
I agree with the OP totally.

When im able to play with no lag im having realyl bad fps issues so everything goes even slower..

I m sat there thinknig to myself, well i just clicked this one button to scavenge about 20 times in different places and got a few nice items, that took me the best part of 20 mins to basically move around a tiny pile of junk pressing a button.
So decided to collect some resources, spend an hour gathering different things and piling up by the junk adn then when i had enough stuff moving upto my camp, lucky at the moment no one else is on because of all the issues lol.. anyway that was an hour of exciting gameplay thats for sure.

I then decided to make soem tools....... Well anyway you all get it by now lol..

At the moment there aint anything else to do, cant pvp becauseo f the crap fps and lag, pve is no existant i know there was suppose to be more anumals added yesterday but by the time i got on they where all gone.

Now dont get me wrong i do enoy the crafting and gathering items to build up my camp... but there is only so much of that you can do before getting silly bored.

Im a bit sad abotu this but i do think if things have not improved content wise let alone stability wise i wont be around after my first 2 months and thats a shame because this gam could be somthing, and yeah im awesome the prelude is not te full game but they need to have stuff in game where people can have real fun.

When the game works you can see the devs have godo vision for what they want and have worked hard so far but i dont think crafting and gathering will hold people around for long.

I love it.. BURN BURN....

You called me an idiot for saying the same thing 2 weeks ago... was it the cool-aid bro..or maybe I am just more perceptive than you.

I think in your words.. what did you say.. hm... yeah... "give it a little more time"

BURN BURN.. HAHAHA my god I don't need to be on these forums while at work.. I think the whole office just turned around as I was litterally laughing so hard. AH HAHAHAHA

03-24-2011, 08:56 AM
Hey Coca stop surfing at work!!! Oh wait...:)

03-24-2011, 09:30 AM
This post talks about being burnt out on the game which I know a lot of us are feeling. You can then attack someone for being burnt out on the game because we are constantly dealing with lag/fps issues. Then we download the latest patch at an extremely slow rate to find that the patch has broken game mechanics even further.

The problem is we weren't that excited to log in to the game in the first place. Now on top of there being nothing exciting to do our game client just got shit on.

I haven't been a Xsyon player very long only finding out about it a week or two before the official launch, but right from the start I knew this game had potential. I got into video games and MMORPGs with Ultima Online. This game was screaming potential at me and I talked 2 of my 3 childhood friends into purchasing it with me. Since the game hasn't delivered anything at all I actually feel bad about getting them to buy it.

Plague you can sit there all you want and tell everyone they are wrong for being burnt out on the game. But did you seriously just recommend the things we do for fun is go find basalt and limestone, or look for a new tribe spot. Not only is there absolutely no reason to do any of those things, it's boring and your ability to be entertained is extremely low. I'm surprised you're not still playing pong.

Now I want Xsyon to do all these things they promised and I will be checking in from time to time to see if they have been able to do them. Honestly, I don't think it will happen, they will run out of funds and a player base at this rate.

To all those people who want a refund or want the game to be free till its fixed. Stop being so cheap. You paid 40 dollars, if that's a lot of money for you stop playing video games and get a second job, or stop receiving money from the government so you can make a career of video games. They in no way should refund any money to you or let you play their game for free. If you don't like it don't pay for another month and count your 40 dollars as a bad investment and move on.

I was disgusted to see one person requested a refund, then reactivated and was considering asking for a second refund. You are worthless.

03-24-2011, 09:46 AM
This post talks about being burnt out on the game which I know a lot of us are feeling. You can then attack someone for being burnt out on the game because we are constantly dealing with lag/fps issues. Then we download the latest patch at an extremely slow rate to find that the patch has broken game mechanics even further.

The problem is we weren't that excited to log in to the game in the first place. Now on top of there being nothing exciting to do our game client just got shit on.

I haven't been a Xsyon player very long only finding out about it a week or two before the official launch, but right from the start I knew this game had potential. I got into video games and MMORPGs with Ultima Online. This game was screaming potential at me and I talked 2 of my 3 childhood friends into purchasing it with me. Since the game hasn't delivered anything at all I actually feel bad about getting them to buy it.

Plague you can sit there all you want and tell everyone they are wrong for being burnt out on the game. But did you seriously just recommend the things we do for fun is go find basalt and limestone, or look for a new tribe spot. Not only is there absolutely no reason to do any of those things, it's boring and your ability to be entertained is extremely low. I'm surprised you're not still playing pong.

Now I want Xsyon to do all these things they promised and I will be checking in from time to time to see if they have been able to do them. Honestly, I don't think it will happen, they will run out of funds and a player base at this rate.

To all those people who want a refund or want the game to be free till its fixed. Stop being so cheap. You paid 40 dollars, if that's a lot of money for you stop playing video games and get a second job, or stop receiving money from the government so you can make a career of video games. They in no way should refund any money to you or let you play their game for free. If you don't like it don't pay for another month and count your 40 dollars as a bad investment and move on.

I was disgusted to see one person requested a refund, then reactivated and was considering asking for a second refund. You are worthless.

Very well said on all counts. I played off and on since last august and was always raving about it until around feb and the first disaster launch. I have asked for a refund in the past, Jordi said it was possible but i changed my mind and decided to wait. I have played a lot in the last 6 months and its been fun a lot of the time so i consider that money well spent. I doubt however that i will continue to sub ( i actually already cancelled the sub) becasue the game is in a far worse state than it was before christmas.

People coming on here suggesting that people are idiots for being bored are just beyond hope imo. I made a comment about being bored in game the other day only to be attacked with OMFG IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE!! THIS GUY IS ANTI XSYON IGNORE IGNORE I CANNOT PROCESS ANY NEGATIVITY!!

I dont care what anyone says, scav is no fun if crafting is pointless (dont say it isnt cos it is) nobody needs or wants to buy or sell anytthing. Pvp, of course just a small part of the game, is also pointless (dont say it isnt cos it is). So people have suggested that for "fun" we "swim to other side of the lake" wow now thAT sounds amazing. Or we go and hunt pointless (dont say they're not cos they are) resources.

Im frustrated yes, because like many people, especially those March subs, i too was initially loved up about xsyon, but the longer we stay like this the love fades fast. (especially now we are paying for it!)

Just to reinforce tho, dont ask for refunds, especially if you have played a while, you did at least get something for your money.

03-24-2011, 10:03 AM
Xsyon is slowly becoming the hooker who told her you can have her for 2 and a half months, but you got her back to the apartment and the service was so terrible you just tell her to keep the money and go on her way.

03-24-2011, 10:10 AM
I'm enjoying the game despite alot of missing features.

I've been doing whatever i'm in the mood for, it may be crafting, gathering, protecting my junk pile from junkies(My term of endearment for those who steal my trash:)) wandering in the wilderness, playing chicken with the green mist, taking screenshots, recording video, mastering the art of ambush and we in LA haven't even begun our terraforming yet as we finalize plans for our settlement.

So at present it's pretty cozy in our camp as i've not heard one member say "I'm bored" or "theres nothing to do" yet. But it would be nice if item decay got implemented, combat tweaked, ranged weaponry introduced, groups of zombies terrorizing zones, rabid animals biting my arse, mutant fish that eats players for eating their kin, snakes, comfort, birds, bats, traps for animals and humans, hemp craft for those that just wanna chill, moonshine for the roudy, etc etc, just to name a few things i'd like to see. :p

03-24-2011, 10:25 AM
Xsyon is slowly becoming the hooker who told her you can have her for 2 and a half months, but you got her back to the apartment and the service was so terrible you just tell her to keep the money and go on her way.

Please stop listening to whoever told you to describe Xsyon in terms of your life experiences >.<

03-24-2011, 10:27 AM
Please stop listening to whoever told you to describe Xsyon in terms of your life experiences >.<

Just trying to decribe it in a way those who don't wear pocket protectors might understand. :P

03-24-2011, 10:29 AM
If you made a pie chart of humanity, I'm pretty sure the slices indicating "people who solicit hookers" and "people who wear pocket protectors" would each be less than 1%


03-24-2011, 10:32 AM
I will play until my free time is up, and if MAJOR improvements aren't made then I will be moving on. If I wanted to pay to play a broken beta wit a bunch of undelivered features I'd have stuck with Mortal Online.

What he said. Just a little frustrated.

03-24-2011, 10:38 AM
It's because everything in the game is too easy, anyone can be 100% self sufficient and never have to trade, thus there's no economy. Why travel far and wide when everything you need is in the safety of your protective tribe zone?

I think, that this is the biggest problem for the game. Every char can max out some skills and every tribe is able to be self-sufficient. But in my opinion this is really bad for a game based on crafting and cooperation.

03-24-2011, 10:42 AM
"Crafting isn't useless because you can get new recipes. YAY!"

Seriously, that's what makes it useful. Huh, I thought it might be that items were needed. Or would need to replaced. So far the ONLY items you need are tools. Doesn't take long to max out your tool recipe list. And then what, you can build a sandcastle.

Seriously, I think if you're enjoying the game as it is now, you'll really love this one. http://progressquest.com/

Yes, the game has potential.
Yes, people are frustrated because they find the game boring.
Yes, some of you are 'having fun'.

In 2 months, we'll see how much "fun" it is I suppose. Time passes quick tho, and progress has been slow. If there aren't big improvements/additions each week, then I wouldn't expect much in 2 months. If you're expecting the "magic patch" in May, you're delusional.

And saying that "fixing the lag" was a big improvement would be silly, so please don't. It should never have been there in the first place.
It seems that each time it's 1 step forward, 1 step back. Other than seeing snow on the ground, I don't think there has been much in the way of changes since "launch" day.

Tick tock, tick tock.

03-24-2011, 10:48 AM
"Crafting isn't useless because you can get new recipes. YAY!"

Seriously, that's what makes it useful. Huh, I thought it might be that items were needed. Or would need to replaced. So far the ONLY items you need are tools. Doesn't take long to max out your tool recipe list. And then what, you can build a sandcastle.

Seriously, I think if you're enjoying the game as it is now, you'll really love this one. http://progressquest.com/

Yes, the game has potential.
Yes, people are frustrated because they find the game boring.
Yes, some of you are 'having fun'.

In 2 months, we'll see how much "fun" it is I suppose. Time passes quick tho, and progress has been slow. If there aren't big improvements/additions each week, then I wouldn't expect much in 2 months. If you're expecting the "magic patch" in May, you're delusional.

And saying that "fixing the lag" was a big improvement would be silly, so please don't. It should never have been there in the first place.
It seems that each time it's 1 step forward, 1 step back. Other than seeing snow on the ground, I don't think there has been much in the way of changes since "launch" day.

Tick tock, tick tock.

Well, when you see that the original plan of the developers was to have a base of 500 peoples playing the game after the first weeks/months, then you come to the conclusion, that the game will survive even in the case, that most of the current playerbase would leave.

03-24-2011, 10:51 AM
Crafting is not meaningless. There is a sense of achievement when you unlock a new building or can make a whole set of pioneer tools. Some people sense achievements when they kill someone and some when they build stuff.

This is a sandbox. If you don't get that you are in the wrong place. If you need everything spoonfed to you like WOW does then go back to playing WOW or Rift or some other game that gives you 0 freedom.

You want things to do? How about building a town? Not your tribal sandcastle, but real town, working with other players, splitting roles, setting up roads, moving to one place. Then building a militia, patroling the area for pkers, organizing hunt parties, map area around you. How about builing you own mountain? How about making a battle arena in that town of yous where people would be able to show their pvp skills? You call this a waste of time? I call lurking in the grass and waiting for someone to come by so you can loot his clothes bigger waste of time.

But once a great man said "A time you have enjoyed wasting is not wasted". Live by that and Xsyon suddenly becomes much more fun.

"Waah waah, I cant log in and kill stuff" does not work in here.

Grinding up stats to access a certain item is WoW. Playing a sandbox to be a maxxed out weapon crafter who knows all the secret ressource places to craft the best weapons that are used by the best fighters is sandbox

And you have a very short vision about the future of the game. Getting pioneers stuff can be done in maybe 1 week....

03-24-2011, 10:53 AM
i spend the most time ingame. and i cant figure out how ur already runing out of stuff to do...lol the way this game was made was to be almost realistice. now how wow mobs running around so u can get epic crap. if ya want that goto wow. this game still has alot to be fixed and stuff to be released. Personally, despite yesterdays issues, the dev's have made some extreme progress. but they are a small team. so what they have managed to do thus far is pretty damn amazing in the time frames they have been doing it. i plan to stick around perminatly. i will build the kick ass city i want...then 1 day tear it all down to build another. seems boring rite? not to me or others. Their is content ingame you just have to go find it. hell for 2 days now ive speend most of it in the mountains hunting. personally i love the fact its tough to spot the animals. Makes the hunt that much better as in RL ur not gonna go into your woods and insto find a bear or deer or coyote. :-P jus my 2 cents.

03-24-2011, 11:08 AM
To put forth a theory... alot of you people claiming to be out of things to do. Are you all from large-ish sized tribes who have rushed everything and burnt out because you were all wanting to be "The First". Establish a base.. make it awesome.. learn all recipes..

I understand your need to play the game, and to get better and be ready for when the updates starts... but the game has barely started. If you take your time and stop to enjoy the experience instead of treating it like every other game where levelling is just the grind to reach the point where you can start doing stuff, you will enjoy yourself much more.

And if you can't do that, well then why did you buy a game like this?

Edit ; As a secondary thought, seeing as this game is very sandbox, shouldn't you be making the fun yourselves? The devs give you the toys, you have to find out how you want to play with them

03-24-2011, 11:15 AM
i spend the most time ingame. and i cant figure out how ur already runing out of stuff to do...lol the way this game was made was to be almost realistice. now how wow mobs running around so u can get epic crap. if ya want that goto wow. this game still has alot to be fixed and stuff to be released. Personally, despite yesterdays issues, the dev's have made some extreme progress. but they are a small team. so what they have managed to do thus far is pretty damn amazing in the time frames they have been doing it. i plan to stick around perminatly. i will build the kick ass city i want...then 1 day tear it all down to build another. seems boring rite? not to me or others. Their is content ingame you just have to go find it. hell for 2 days now ive speend most of it in the mountains hunting. personally i love the fact its tough to spot the animals. Makes the hunt that much better as in RL ur not gonna go into your woods and insto find a bear or deer or coyote. :-P jus my 2 cents.

I've spent a lot of time in game, too. Not bored, not even close. The only thing that restricts me is the junk pile mechanic. I would love to pick up and move to a different location right now, and I can't, because the sheer inconvenience of not having a source of nails, bolts, and other junk items handy is too frustrating when I'm trying to build structures or craft.

I look forward to mining and blacksmithing, and meanwhile, I'm having tons of fun anyway. However, some people have been playing much longer than I have, and I can see why some of them are ready for new things.

03-24-2011, 11:19 AM
Well, when you see that the original plan of the developers was to have a base of 500 peoples playing the game after the first weeks/months, then you come to the conclusion, that the game will survive even in the case, that most of the current playerbase would leave.

Erm. How is the entire company going to survive on approx. $7500/month gross revenue? That's not even six figures a year.

03-24-2011, 11:25 AM
Seems that the experience of the game changes from person to person, not everyone has the same view of what they do and you shouldnt think less of those who dont share your opinion, that works both ways, for those who are enjoying and those who arent.

Personally my only frustration with the game atm is the lack of animal spawns. Apart from that I'm having a ton of fun and am not bored or tired, I craft, scavange, terraform, build stuff, go out in hunting trips, chat with ppl ingame/vent and trade.

Trading imo requires initiative, I look for ppl that have what I need and chat about possible trading, its easy. And when I have to travel to trade its even better, I go with one or two guys from the tribe and it becomes an adventure.

This isnt a WoW clone or like any of the most played mmos out there, its a game where each of us has to find and create content, ppl cant expect it to be handed to you at every turn, be creative.

The game has a ton of potential and with such a small team it will take them time, if you are not enjoying the game now then perhaps check back in a month or two.

03-24-2011, 11:38 AM
Grinding up stats to access a certain item is WoW. Playing a sandbox to be a maxxed out weapon crafter who knows all the secret ressource places to craft the best weapons that are used by the best fighters is sandbox

And you have a very short vision about the future of the game. Getting pioneers stuff can be done in maybe 1 week....

Any you have very bad reading comperhenson skills, why don't you macro them a bit while afk.

03-24-2011, 11:50 AM
Erm. How is the entire company going to survive on approx. $7500/month gross revenue? That's not even six figures a year.

I dont know. But they claimed to plan in these ways since the anouncement of Xsyon in february 2010.

03-24-2011, 12:16 PM
Is it possible that their operations and expenses have increased significantly since then (for example, via the hiring of new programmers and other staff, etc)?

03-24-2011, 12:31 PM
Is it possible that their operations and expenses have increased significantly since then (for example, via the hiring of new programmers and other staff, etc)?

Maybe, I dont know.

03-24-2011, 12:43 PM
Let me rephrase. How is a company with 10+ employees going to survive with revenues roughly 3.5 times the US poverty line?

03-24-2011, 12:52 PM
By getting a loan that would lead them through starting days or by getting bought by bigger company that sees potential.

03-24-2011, 12:55 PM
Let me rephrase. How is a company with 10+ employees going to survive with revenues roughly 3.5 times the US poverty line?

Well, theey could fire some employes and turn back to their original plan. Probably Xsyoon would envolve slower, but it would have a very good chance to survive. Moreover I think that even if a lot of people left after the first 2 mnths, there would be still enough people who like the game, even in its current situation, and who would stay.

03-24-2011, 01:01 PM
By getting a loan that would lead them through starting days or by getting bought by bigger company that sees potential.

Possibly, although I would expect they are already leveraged to the max..

03-24-2011, 01:06 PM
Grinding up stats to access a certain item is WoW. Playing a sandbox to be a maxxed out weapon crafter who knows all the secret ressource places to craft the best weapons

How exactly will you know that these are the best weapons?

03-24-2011, 01:36 PM
It would seem most of you are not understanding my WoW comment about what I suggest. To go into depth about it. I will explain what I mean, and I'll further illustrate other things.

We were told there was Epic Armor and Weapons in the game (Granted Armor has no implication, nor do weapons minus axe does more devastation than a dagger). I was also told that we would be able to craft such items, but we would need X material and skill to make it. Now this gives us something to thrive for, something to accomplish and currently Xsyon does not offer us anything that we can "Achieve" to. I have a bunch of 90 skills. I did the clicking the late night soda runs to get, only to find out**"Sorry your skills actually have no meaning". Because it is true, What is the point of having 90 leather working other than showing off some cool new clothing that gives you no def. I'd rather wear my shorts and call it a day since it gives me the same value of wearing full gear?

My frustration comes from a lot of different angles such as. There were more features active during the beta than launch (what is up with that)and going back to animals. I have stated it is almost a joke to write a script that will allow you to create two animals that are immune to attack and will spawn monsters who are able to kill. Furthermore, There is just not much for me to do in the game or my tribe, and even some large 80 man tribes have quit the game already. The*launch*after effects of it all is starting to come simultaneously where I promise you (and you can say otherwise but its fact) if everyone quit's you will quit too because the point of playing an MMO style game is to play with others.**People logging on less and less, and it has only been almost 10 days after launch. It worries me that is why I also made this thread to shout out my apprehensions.

Now I'd like to restate this since I do thing some of you are confused about some things I did say prior.

1. I am not quitting and this not a Rage-Quit Thread.
2. I am not saying Xsyon Should be free but I am saying that we should not be charged if we are going back to Beta.
3. If Xsyon cannot afford help, why not ask the community wide array of assists.
4. To improve the game we need to stick together as a community and try to make the overall gaming experience even better.

There is probably more I am saying, but I just woke up and I believe a lot of you**are just as worried as me. Express thanks for acquiring the time to reply here as well!

03-24-2011, 01:55 PM
Not really interested in the thread... but fu... whats up with all the * asterisks xD

03-24-2011, 02:17 PM
Not really sure I copy and pasted from OneNote hmm interesting.

03-24-2011, 02:20 PM
The game is playable most of the time for me, and has plenty of meat on the bones to keep me busy for a good while. So I think it's fair that I'm paying for it after the two months are up, and I'd pay a sub for it right now if I had to (but the two months is still nice!). More money coming in almost certainly means faster development of more content.

03-24-2011, 02:22 PM
Getting some deja vu here. Starting to seem a lot like Mortal Online 'round these parts. Jooky better get his crap together and pull a miracle patch out of his but or this community is going to die fast.

03-24-2011, 03:55 PM
Getting some deja vu here. Starting to seem a lot like Mortal Online 'round these parts. Jooky better get his crap together and pull a miracle patch out of his but or this community is going to die fast.

I bought mortal online played beta and never even bothered with launch. . . Ahh the good old days

03-24-2011, 06:28 PM
I bought mortal online played beta and never even bothered with launch. . . Ahh the good old days

I agree, it's hard to compare the game to mortal online.

03-24-2011, 06:49 PM
just incase caldrin didn't see my other post AH AHAHAHAHAHA

03-24-2011, 07:52 PM
I didnt read this thread but i agree with the title, this game at first presented itself to be so deep, then turned out to be at least in its current state really shallow

03-25-2011, 01:52 AM
I didnt read this thread but i agree with the title, this game at first presented itself to be so deep, then turned out to be at least in its current state really shallow

I agree 100% I felt a little misslead even though it is something they are working on.

03-25-2011, 04:01 AM
I don't blame Xsyon for my stupidity in purchasing another alpha stage product (yes, it is alpha, which is the stage when core features are still being added to the game). We all knew exactly what we were getting at launch. Yeah, we didn't expect so many technical issues (game was running solid pre launch), but content wise we pretty much have what has been there for 6+ months if not longer. The crafting is great (if not a bit of a grind), but unless Jooky rolls out massive content patches with PVE and more crafting, people are going to burn through that content in DAYS, not months. The only way to sustain an active playerbase without having to constantly add content is to add trading (no, what we have now is not really trading, it's more like people RPing trading to pretend like it's necessary), politics, and territory control.

We're only gonna get a real trading eco system when the trash piles are gone, and they add resources to the world (through mines, etc). Still, even with a real economic system, that won't be enough to sustain the playerbase. Economic systems in games don't work unless there is a drain to that economy. One type of drain is hard coded money sinks, which this game won't have. The other is player loss and item decay. Given what we know about the current PvP system (it's pointless unless you're a ganker), everyone will be sitting around twiddling their thumbs until the new combat system is released, and prelude is over (giving way to territory control).

Are there small things that can be done in the meantime? Yes, of course. People will map the world, detailing every little spec of Lake Tahoe. They will find the rare resources (the 1 or 2 types that are out there), and they will build up their land. All of this will be accomplished in a matter of weeks, not months. This is the equivalent of people reaching endgame in AoC, or any other traditional MMO in weeks, and being left with nothing. It's the equivalent of a explorer falling off the edge of the known world because it hasn't been built yet.

Conflict breeds content. There is NO WAY Jooky and his small band of devs can create content fast enough to satisfy the majority of the playerbase. Conflict will at least give them a little breathing room.

Sorry, this post was kind of disjointed. It's late.

03-25-2011, 04:12 AM
It's just depressing because it seems like such a ghost town now, the game has so much potential though.

I almost wish global was back, at least then we know others were playing >.<

03-25-2011, 04:40 AM
Crafting is not meaningless. There is a sense of achievement when you unlock a new building or can make a whole set of pioneer tools. Some people sense achievements when they kill someone and some when they build stuff.

This is a sandbox. If you don't get that you are in the wrong place. If you need everything spoonfed to you like WOW does then go back to playing WOW or Rift or some other game that gives you 0 freedom.

You want things to do? How about building a town? Not your tribal sandcastle, but real town, working with other players, splitting roles, setting up roads, moving to one place. Then building a militia, patroling the area for pkers, organizing hunt parties, map area around you. How about builing you own mountain? How about making a battle arena in that town of yous where people would be able to show their pvp skills? You call this a waste of time? I call lurking in the grass and waiting for someone to come by so you can loot his clothes bigger waste of time.

But once a great man said "A time you have enjoyed wasting is not wasted". Live by that and Xsyon suddenly becomes much more fun.

"Waah waah, I cant log in and kill stuff" does not work in here.

No you need to go back to WOW because you are an obvious troll that is trying and succeeding in baiting everyone. There are no trolls in Xsyon and not likely to be any but there are trolls in other fantasy games which I would have thought you would like as you are a fantasist if you really think that there is any point in crafting or exploring or anything else in the game. Key features are missing that makes the game pointless when you realise it.

You need to re-read the original message at the top of the thread and then you need to wake up !

03-25-2011, 08:33 AM
Saorlan that was a bit mean wasn't it?

03-25-2011, 10:31 AM
All you doomsayers need to start treating the game like it is: an early beta work in progress. Face the facts. If you did your research like any intelligent consumer should, you would have known what state the game was in.

My suggestion: sit tight and don't play so much. Check the forums for updates, log on here and there to build up your area. Play something else while the devs crunch through the bug list and get to the good stuff. With some patience and constructive input from the community, this game will flourish.

My point: Bogging down the forums with negative rants about "I want it now" does nothing whatsoever to improve the game. Either face the facts and have patience or cancel your sub and come back 8-10 months from now.

Btw, this thread is a huge waste of everyone's time.

03-25-2011, 12:50 PM
All you doomsayers need to start treating the game like it is: an early beta work in progress. Face the facts. If you did your research like any intelligent consumer should, you would have known what state the game was in.

My suggestion: sit tight and don't play so much. Check the forums for updates, log on here and there to build up your area. Play something else while the devs crunch through the bug list and get to the good stuff. With some patience and constructive input from the community, this game will flourish.

My point: Bogging down the forums with negative rants about "I want it now" does nothing whatsoever to improve the game. Either face the facts and have patience or cancel your sub and come back 8-10 months from now.

Btw, this thread is a huge waste of everyone's time.

The person i see behind this post is scared people will find out this game is more sham than substance, and doesnt want to be alone in his game world.

03-25-2011, 01:25 PM
Have I gotten bored? Good question. I would have to say yes, there are times that I get bored. It doesn't have to do with the lack of content(which is an issue) but with the stage we are in. The world has just come live, and there is a mess of workmto do. And unfortunately it is tedious work. Building walls, making ramparts, collecting and hoarding resources are not the most exciting things. I do think that once the rebuilding of mankind come to more mature state, I think other aspects of the game will pick up

03-25-2011, 02:17 PM
can you tell me why you feel the need to hoard resources or even build a wall ?

I'm just curious.

I don't think tribal seige mechanics will be around ANY time soon.. hell at this rate.. Any Time at all.

03-25-2011, 02:54 PM
can you tell me why you feel the need to hoard resources or even build a wall ?

I'm just curious.

I don't think tribal seige mechanics will be around ANY time soon.. hell at this rate.. Any Time at all.

Fun. You don't need a reason for it to be fun and it doesn't feel tedius to everyone. Although a side reason would be because it wouldn't be smart to not prepare for the future no matter when it will come.

03-25-2011, 04:27 PM
Fun. You don't need a reason for it to be fun and it doesn't feel tedius to everyone. Although a side reason would be because it wouldn't be smart to not prepare for the future no matter when it will come.

Thats true but for us whom have already prepared for that, its now we are sitting around goin yup.... waiting.,...

03-25-2011, 07:41 PM
With no one on I'm starting to get really bored. There isn't enough sense of danger; animals die easily with minimal damage caused. Something exciting needs to be added to the game soon or I can see that I won't be paying monthly for this game. No offense, it had great potential - but I have serious doubts now. The game is becoming a ghost town lately, that's a huge concern.

EDIT - and to add, I feel this is more like a pay per month SMP version of Minecraft with less danger/exploring. Sorry it had to be said - there's only so much crafting, gathering, building, and minion killing you can do. PVP needs fixed.

03-25-2011, 09:59 PM
The Second Edition of Xsyon News is now out (http://fuismgaming.com/images/flippingbook/Xsyon/edition002/edition2.swf)

I posted this here since I am burnt out but this is what keeps me going with xsyon.

03-25-2011, 10:33 PM
This is the reason I debated buying the game before it was launched. After everyone builds up their little town we will be left twiddling our thumbs in our arses because crafting is useless, pvp is useless because all the exploits and only for e-peen. Its sad to say but this game might just flop. Jordi should have waited another year to fine tune everything and add content/tools for players to make content. I mean there is only so much click click click repetitive crafting I can do. Hell every other mmorpg just about has that low level of crafting. I'll periodically check up on the game, but I am losing hope as are most people.

I guess we were thinking this would be the "one" sandbox game we all have been searching for, but come to find out its in a Mortal online state. I don't see any real content improvements to this game for a year+. Hopefully I am proven wrong.

03-25-2011, 10:54 PM
This is the reason I debated buying the game before it was launched. After everyone builds up their little town we will be left twiddling our thumbs in our arses because crafting is useless, pvp is useless because all the exploits and only for e-peen. Its sad to say but this game might just flop. Jordi should have waited another year to fine tune everything and add content/tools for players to make content. I mean there is only so much click click click repetitive crafting I can do. Hell every other mmorpg just about has that low level of crafting. I'll periodically check up on the game, but I am losing hope as are most people.

I guess we were thinking this would be the "one" sandbox game we all have been searching for, but come to find out its in a Mortal online state. I don't see any real content improvements to this game for a year+. Hopefully I am proven wrong.

Bite your tonque.... twenty lashes. nothing like MO. Every.... tsk, no lip, more ashes. just kidding. It realy does depend on what you want to do. There are many features that are not in yet, and should be blast when they are inserted.
Even with that, there is plenty to do besides build up the world if you want. Our guild has 'hunting trips' to kill enemy clans. One guy has made it his mission to collect the pants from all of his victims. One guy likes to go off by himself, explore, and come back. pretty fun for those blokes. I on the other hand complain and whine about having to level architecture and finish the walls. But still its fun.

03-25-2011, 11:42 PM
nothing like MO. [SNIP] There are many features that are not in yet, and should be blast when they are inserted.

Reeeeallly? And hunting trips to PvP. . just for the lols. . . not like MO? I get what you were doing there and that he game is fun for some people.

I started playing solo on a homestead. I realized that I was going to have to do a lot of grinding to get a tent etc. so I finally decided to join a tribe. They had walls up. . things done. . now I have no reason to log in at all it seems. Bonecrafting is what I want to do. . not too much luck finding animals etc. Even then. . why make the armour?

The most interesting thing that happened to me is I fell in a pit by cKain's place. . I could not get out or damage him because I was on his land. He promptly killed me. That was the most interesting thing I had done in days. I don't know if I should go back to homesteading to keep myself busy or just run around scavenging and having random encounters (with players). You are right though. . the scavenging does make it more interesting than MO . of course there are no cool places to explore etc.

03-26-2011, 04:27 PM
Sorry Aeth! I had to do it.

03-26-2011, 04:37 PM
I think I missed something...

03-26-2011, 04:45 PM
The Second Edition of Xsyon News is now out (http://fuismgaming.com/images/flippingbook/Xsyon/edition002/edition2.swf)

I posted this here since I am burnt out but this is what keeps me going with xsyon.

I like the format and execution. Content is LOL, you sound depressed dude:)

03-26-2011, 05:02 PM
I like the format and execution. Content is LOL, you sound depressed dude:)

Maybe a little I got a lot of shit going on in real life, so I was looking forward to this game to help distract me from the shit that is going on. But I'm a bit ehh because there is no real news going on so I got nothing half of the time. Someone made a suggestion to me though which I'll be adding to the OP of the Xsyon News Thread once I figure out how to put it in words. Other than that, just bummed out ,ya know?

03-26-2011, 05:06 PM
Do it like all the other news agencies in RL. Invent news. Something bombastic but completely irrelevant. And add a pair of boobs on the front page, it works for the real magazines, why not for yours :D

03-26-2011, 06:49 PM
To be honest;

I ought to say reading all these brand new threads about the something over and over is beginning to burn me out on the forums for all I see is well formulated stupidity to poorly composed stupidity. Why is everybody just repeating themselves rather than keeping it in a single thread and make it simpler for all us to read and keep track of, instead of all the nonsensical posted rubbish everywhere?

03-26-2011, 07:08 PM
Thats true but for us whom have already prepared for that, its now we are sitting around goin yup.... waiting.,...

Correct...and there's nothing else really that can be said about that lol. I just hope you guys get your combat soon so you don't leave (and I want to be a staff monk heh heh). I'm playing relaxed enough that it'd be a while before I'm out of some stuff to do.

To be honest;

I ought to say reading all these brand new threads about the something over and over is beginning to burn me out on the forums for all I see is well formulated stupidity to poorly composed stupidity. Why is everybody just repeating themselves rather than keeping it in a single thread and make it simpler for all us to read and keep track of, instead of all the nonsensical posted rubbish everywhere?

Man...a lot of people just don't care or are just selfish. Just like double posting vs editing in more quotes like I just did.

03-26-2011, 07:11 PM
I just hope you guys get your combat soon so you don't leave

I agree with you but I don't want combat, I want content.....

03-26-2011, 07:51 PM
Fun. You don't need a reason for it to be fun and it doesn't feel tedius to everyone. Although a side reason would be because it wouldn't be smart to not prepare for the future no matter when it will come.

He said he was burning out.. that normaly doesn't come frm having "fun" HAHA...
and preparing for the future is smart... but if it is burning out and your pretty confident siege mechanics wont be implemented any time soon seeing how they haven't even gotten character pvp mechanics started.. I feel like you have plenty enough time to take a break before burning out.

Good lord.. could you people be anymore dense.

There is no reason to be in a hurry to do anything. This is sandbox time limits and goals are SET by you..

I would understand being burnt out by lag, crashing, bugs, content not being added.. but how can you bitch about being burned out doing something your chosing to do.. LOL...

03-26-2011, 10:38 PM
To be honest;

I ought to say reading all these brand new threads about the something over and over is beginning to burn me out on the forums for all I see is well formulated stupidity to poorly composed stupidity. Why is everybody just repeating themselves rather than keeping it in a single thread and make it simpler for all us to read and keep track of, instead of all the nonsensical posted rubbish everywhere?

I had no idea you had to open and read every thread, its a hard knock life.

03-26-2011, 11:57 PM
I had no idea you had to open and read every thread, its a hard knock life.

reading this made my eyebrow twit.

03-27-2011, 05:32 AM
This game like marriage. When your bride bueatufull and promise many things to you. But you cant touch her, have sex whith her - only looking. So if only looking - Why get married???
And this game. I dont buy next month. I spend 40 dollars and I play only 1 week and be boring to play anymore. I close my subscribtion and NEVER return. Not becouse game bad - but becouse I have been fucked already by Dev Team and dont recieve nothing intresting.
And I dont recomended play it to anybody. SO - game loost already 80 procents of it subscribers and they DONT RETURN.
And game not been developed - we have tons of such games - many future income and really nothing doing - Mortal, DF, HaH, tons WoW-clone.
Xsyon is FAIL.
And whith his 100 players now it never evolved.
Good luck to all.
I hope you bloat my money. I really hate this team now for lie. FUCK OFF from MMO industy.

03-27-2011, 06:48 AM
I like the format and execution. Content is LOL, you sound depressed dude:)

Quick someone give him a knife! Remember, Go Down the Road, not across the Street.

03-27-2011, 02:27 PM
This game like marriage. When your bride bueatufull and promise many things to you. But you cant touch her, have sex whith her - only looking. So if only looking - Why get married???
And this game. I dont buy next month. I spend 40 dollars and I play only 1 week and be boring to play anymore. I close my subscribtion and NEVER return. Not becouse game bad - but becouse I have been fucked already by Dev Team and dont recieve nothing intresting.
And I dont recomended play it to anybody. SO - game loost already 80 procents of it subscribers and they DONT RETURN.
And game not been developed - we have tons of such games - many future income and really nothing doing - Mortal, DF, HaH, tons WoW-clone.
Xsyon is FAIL.
And whith his 100 players now it never evolved.
Good luck to all.
I hope you bloat my money. I really hate this team now for lie. FUCK OFF from MMO industy.

I know I am bad myself at times, but .... can someone translate for me I just don't understand.

03-27-2011, 04:20 PM
I know I am bad myself at times, but .... can someone translate for me I just don't understand.

They are mad the same reason why you're discontent. They just express it with a lot more anger. :).

03-27-2011, 04:29 PM
I know I am bad myself at times, but .... can someone translate for me I just don't understand.

He is saying he is mad 'cause he is married to a beautiful woman who won't have sex with him. He seems to think that since he spent $40 on Xsyon one of the dev team should be willing to have sex with him. He has rage-quitted every other mmo where the dev team wouldn't have sex with him, and if the Xsyon team won't he will rage-quit again. Oh, and he wishes you good luck!

03-27-2011, 04:41 PM
He is saying he is mad 'cause he is married to a beautiful woman who won't have sex with him. He seems to think that since he spent $40 on Xsyon one of the dev team should be willing to have sex with him. He has rage-quitted every other mmo where the dev team wouldn't have sex with him, and if the Xsyon team won't he will rage-quit again. Oh, and he wishes you good luck!

You win this translation event +100

You leveled up.

03-27-2011, 09:34 PM
I know I am bad myself at times, but .... can someone translate for me I just don't understand.

This game is like marriage, like when your beautiful bride promises many things to you, but you cant touch her or make love to her - just sit in a corner and stare at her while she does housework and eats chocolates.
Just watching. So, if you're only watching, why get married?
And i will not pay for this game next month. I spent 40 dollars on it, played for 1 week and i now find it boring to play. I have cancelled my subscription and i will not return. Not because the game is bad - but because I have been fucked already by the development team and did not receive anything for being their whore.
And I do not recommend this game to anybody. So - The game has lost already 80% of its subscribers and they will not return.
And, the game has not been developed - we have tons of games with similar development issues - Mortal Online, DarkFall, HaH(?), tons of other WoW-clones.
Xsyon is FAIL.
And with only 100 players active now, it will never evolve into something great.
Good luck to all.
I hope you bloat(?) my money. I really hate this development team now for lying to me. FUCK OFF from the MMO industry.

Boredom fix.

03-27-2011, 10:00 PM
Boredom fix.

........really? you found that entertaining?

03-27-2011, 11:22 PM
........really? you found that entertaining?

Sorry, badly worded.

I fixed it out of boredom. I'll do prettymuch anything to pass time.

03-28-2011, 05:11 PM
Sigh~~ on an epic level is anyone on lately?

03-28-2011, 05:23 PM
Yep. I must be easily amused (I've actually suspected this for awhile now). The only time I've been even slightly bored was when I tried to get my leatherworking to 20. Tedious!

But as of now, I'm quite happily digging in the dirt, have been all day, and all day yesterday, and will be all day tomorrow, too. Only time I even bring up the forum is when my gimpy weak arse is resting before picking up the shovel again!

03-28-2011, 06:40 PM
I too was hoping for something to happen in this game.

VD, tell me what game you guys go to next, I look forward to killing you soon (salute o7 )

03-28-2011, 06:45 PM
I too was hoping for something to happen in this game.

VD, tell me what game you guys go to next, I look forward to killing you soon (salute o7 )

back to diasporaville.

got some folks playing rift

some folks banging around in faxion

couple testing sbreincarnatedonedayinthenext2years

I was hoping this would be the game to pull our pop back into one spot and have a good solid common interest.

hopefully they'll pull a rabbit out of their hat.

otherwise, i guess it's waiting for star wars to come out :p carebear or not, you still gotta play it :p I mean it's star wars.

i mean if there was a 'good' pvpcentric game out there xsyon wouldnt have suffered from the crush of darkfall and sb refugees. There just isn't. Lotsa money to be made, someone just needs to make the damn game :p

03-28-2011, 08:31 PM
The way i see the game right now, is were basically going to become the world and the quests and npc's and everything that is in all those other games on launch day.

so when prelude ends there is going to be this history of this tribe attacks that tribe, this area is known for gankers, that area is where this group is, you can get missions from this town in Zone X, were making the game world and as some have asked for a jungle gym and monkey bars in the sandbox, were making them for the other players.

which is why the focus should be on construction, recruiting and expansion.

03-28-2011, 10:07 PM
The way i see the game right now, is were basically going to become the world and the quests and npc's and everything that is in all those other games on launch day.

so when prelude ends there is going to be this history of this tribe attacks that tribe, this area is known for gankers, that area is where this group is, you can get missions from this town in Zone X, were making the game world and as some have asked for a jungle gym and monkey bars in the sandbox, were making them for the other players.

which is why the focus should be on construction, recruiting and expansion.

your rationalites are retarded, you are assuming everyone in game is going to be static basically all the examples you gave are moot when the land expands... oh and there is only 1 set of monkey bars in this sand box, everones playing on the same 1... theres no diversity you can live in zone 1 or 1000 everyones villages armor and weapons are all the same, no one needs you to go on quests cuz everything is so easy to get, so what are we building?

03-29-2011, 07:05 AM
your rationalites are retarded, you are assuming everyone in game is going to be static basically all the examples you gave are moot when the land expands... oh and there is only 1 set of monkey bars in this sand box, everones playing on the same 1... theres no diversity you can live in zone 1 or 1000 everyones villages armor and weapons are all the same, no one needs you to go on quests cuz everything is so easy to get, so what are we building?

well said.

03-29-2011, 07:17 AM
In my opinion, everything wrong with the game boils down to 2 things.

1) Everything is so easy to get because junk piles are way to big/give too much stuff.

2) Nothing needs replacing, because nothing breaks, so no one has to trade.

Right now it's like, say I go out and die lose my entire set of armor, oh no! all I have to do is walk back to my tribe area and get another of the 550,000 sets available.

03-29-2011, 11:17 AM
Forums are getting boring lately :(

03-29-2011, 11:34 AM
Forums are getting boring lately :(

Much like some QQ newspaper i read briefly the other day.

03-29-2011, 11:35 AM
Much like some QQ newspaper i read briefly the other day.

There is no news... nothing is going on, I have a tribe of the week done but that is about it.

03-29-2011, 12:41 PM
No news? How about the news that some guy named funraku was trying to find hax toolkit for Xsyon and got found out?

Quote Originally Posted by Ocoma

"@Furanku FYI when requesting cheats for a game from a hacking site it is probably not a good idea to use the same account name on that site as you use for said game. Just saying."

http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/6114-The-Best-way-to-handle-macroers/page7 -- somewhere around #62

03-29-2011, 01:17 PM
No news? How about the news that some guy named funraku was trying to find hax toolkit for Xsyon and got found out?

Quote Originally Posted by Ocoma

"@Furanku FYI when requesting cheats for a game from a hacking site it is probably not a good idea to use the same account name on that site as you use for said game. Just saying."

http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/6114-The-Best-way-to-handle-macroers/page7 -- somewhere around #62

Now that! THAT ! IS PURE INTERNETS ENTERTAINMENT! This is why i love Xsyon. And its Forum.

03-29-2011, 02:23 PM
No news? How about the news that some guy named funraku was trying to find hax toolkit for Xsyon and got found out?

Quote Originally Posted by Ocoma

"@Furanku FYI when requesting cheats for a game from a hacking site it is probably not a good idea to use the same account name on that site as you use for said game. Just saying."

http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/6114-The-Best-way-to-handle-macroers/page7 -- somewhere around #62

Wow rofl ! And he is smart enough to use the same forumname ? Furanku, this is really something you should write about in your newspaper. If you don't, I hope New Vegas will.

03-29-2011, 02:35 PM
no comment this is actualy jerry springer show full with suprises

03-29-2011, 02:35 PM
No news? How about the news that some guy named funraku was trying to find hax toolkit for Xsyon and got found out?

Quote Originally Posted by Ocoma

"@Furanku FYI when requesting cheats for a game from a hacking site it is probably not a good idea to use the same account name on that site as you use for said game. Just saying."

http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/6114-The-Best-way-to-handle-macroers/page7 -- somewhere around #62

Lolzzzzzzzzzz hahah Fu ur such a nub

03-29-2011, 06:26 PM
No news? How about the news that some guy named funraku was trying to find hax toolkit for Xsyon and got found out?

Quote Originally Posted by Ocoma

"@Furanku FYI when requesting cheats for a game from a hacking site it is probably not a good idea to use the same account name on that site as you use for said game. Just saying."

http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/6114-The-Best-way-to-handle-macroers/page7 -- somewhere around #62

umm I am not the only person named Furanku in the world fyi lol. But sure It was me!! ahh you got me... lol

Lolzzzzzzzzzz hahah Fu ur such a nub

really? lol aparently someone can make an account with my name and just pass it off to be me. ^_^ its funny when I am so adminate about cheating

03-29-2011, 06:31 PM
umm I am not the only person named Furanku in the world fyi lol. But sure It was me!! ahh you got me... lol

ahahhahahahahahahahaha. seriously? you're going with the "that funraku is me" ploy? I did a google search and know how many funrakus i got bunch of garbage until the last set on the first page that was about a Funraku in Falled Lords from Age of Conan.

Come on dude. There is only one funraku. You are him and you got caught with your hand in the jar.

03-29-2011, 06:35 PM
this whole thread is full of lulz, surprised it hasn't been closed yet. I completely agree with the OP though, I felt burnt out after about 10 days, it's been about 12 days since i last played, same with my whole tribe (about 15 of us). we're just waiting and hoping the devs will add something worth the $15/month we're gonna be charged, otherwise, back to Darkfall for us. I really don't wanna be disappointed by this game, as I've been waiting for some time, and it has a lotta potential. I believe the devs are working day and night to fix and add stuff, and it is an indie company so I am giving them some slack, but at this point it looks like it's just too much for the company to handle. I knew there would probably be a ton of bugs and a lot of features not in-game on release just by looking at the features page, they set the bar way too high for themselves, I seriously hope they get their shit together soon though, they got until my free time runs out to "wow" me.

03-29-2011, 06:38 PM
Atmos yup you got me, oh noo you are big bad internet dective.. hahah But even if it was or not was not me, You can ask any Dev or Ingame Guide if I cheat in anyway and all will say " he does not cheat". But hey you brought this up for a reason what was it again?

what a troll.

this whole thread is full of lulz, surprised it hasn't been closed yet. I completely agree with the OP though, I felt burnt out after about 10 days, it's been about 12 days since i last played, same with my whole tribe (about 15 of us). we're just waiting and hoping the devs will add something worth the $15/month we're gonna be charged, otherwise, back to Darkfall for us. I really don't wanna be disappointed by this game, as I've been waiting for some time, and it has a lotta potential. I believe the devs are working day and night to fix and add stuff, and it is an indie company so I am giving them some slack, but at this point it looks like it's just too much for the company to handle. I knew there would probably be a ton of bugs and a lot of features not in-game on release just by looking at the features page, they set the bar way too high for themselves, I seriously hope they get their shit together soon though, they got until my free time runs out to "wow" me.

This is why I made the thread, to voice an opinion but people like Atmos likes to just troll.

03-30-2011, 12:36 PM
It wasnt me! It Was my Brother! I gave him my account details! QQ.

Your a cheater, and you got caught, face it. Hope you get banned.

04-09-2011, 06:04 AM
ah only 12 people on today.

04-09-2011, 07:10 AM
how do you see how many people are on in game?

04-09-2011, 07:15 AM
Yeah, it's getting REALLY quiet in the area where I am as well. I've actually had several folks in the area let me know they were setting everything to public and leaving for a refund.

The problem is people don't have anything to work toward (other than building their tribal area/homestead which most folks completed or are close to completing - OR...of course, grinding every skill to max). There's no reason to communicate because you can become self-sufficient almost immediately (I'm a homesteader who doesn't need ANYTHING other than worker slaves for manual labor).

There's no reason to trade at the moment. Without item decay, nobody needs anything unless they're bent on maxing out a skill.

Understand me, I'm not complaining that it's too easy or anything like that. I just think the majority of people can't see the point in building up and sticking around when nothing really seems to matter. Walls are nice and tents are pretty, but they don't serve a purpose. Armor is lovely, but it's about the only thing you can lose while PvPing and it's easily replaceable (except bone which hopefully will remain rare - though through intention and not broken AI).

I've travelled the entire map several times in the past week. I see more and more baskets full of crap no one is using and less and less people. I know Prelude is about building up and preparing, but I think there are a few things that need to be remedied..yesterday...in order for Prelude to be a success.

Heck, I've rebuilt my homestead into a TradePost twice now (leveled and rebuilt), have roads running to and from my location and couldn't convince a soul to stop by other than the occasional new player needing a tool or basket...

04-09-2011, 07:57 AM
haven't you heard?

everything is fine and working as planned.

if you disagree, well, by disagreeing you're wrong and shoudl just quit, as this game obviously isn't for you.

there are plenty of people playing, they are just in another zone, where the players are friendlier and make warmer blankets.


04-09-2011, 09:28 AM
Yeah, I really cannot emphasize how much it is the players' fault for not being satisfied with Xsyon right now.. demanding absurd things like the ability to encounter player characters and mobile non-player characters, or even engage in combat. Those are the kinds of things you find in a theme park MMO, not an indie sandbox MMO. If you have a problem with this, either learn to have some creativity or GO BACK TO WOW.

04-09-2011, 09:45 AM
Yeah, I really cannot emphasize how much it is the players' fault for not being satisfied with Xsyon right now.. demanding absurd things like the ability to encounter player characters and mobile non-player characters, or even engage in combat. Those are the kinds of things you find in a theme park MMO, not an indie sandbox MMO. If you have a problem with this, either learn to have some creativity or GO BACK TO WOW.

-small team
-indie game
-great potential
-we are "going" to have
-they just need time to . . .

Next time I hear these things I am just going to copy and paste your response. It seems very true.

Minimum viable product is what we have

The only problem with that is that there are other MVPs around that people will jump to on a whim. . you can't miss the boat . . which is your launch. . without a slow painful crawl back up. Xsyon has the fact that there is no similar game. Look at MO. . how long after release and they are now stating that they are ready to move forward with content - assuming nothing breaks. When I was 21 I had the time / patience. I will stick with the game but am likely not to continue to sub until something is added. Animals would keep me for a bit.

Like I said before: Everything is so static without decay or random events. The raccoon thing will help a little. . great initiative there.

The product has to keep the interest of enough people though. . and give them a reason to resub monthly. I think this is why we have seen the increase in Lifetime offers and also Free to Play where people will jump in and spend 3 months worth of money and quit after a month.

My biggest problem is that there is still nothing I would rather play. . I hop on Darkfall once in awhile and will consider the 14 day trial for MO after the next *caugh* expansion *caugh* is released. Hoping in 14 days there is something to hunt.

Wow. . what a ramble. Hope that made some sense.

04-09-2011, 09:58 AM
Yeah, I really cannot emphasize how much it is the players' fault for not being satisfied with Xsyon right now.. demanding absurd things like the ability to encounter player characters and mobile non-player characters, or even engage in combat. Those are the kinds of things you find in a theme park MMO, not an indie sandbox MMO. If you have a problem with this, either learn to have some creativity or GO BACK TO WOW.

Yes its all the players fault for why they are unhappy with a game and bored.
I mean geez, why should we expect to play with other people in an MMO? Or even find animals to hunt? Or how about maybe a reason to fight. We need some creativity dont we?

Im going back to WOW clearly because WOW is a sandbox game.

I have to say everything you just said is part of what the GAME MAKERS should be doing for its people not what people should be doing for themselves. People should be doing events, and setting goals. Not worried about finding an animal to hunt, or finding someone to play the game with. There should be tons of people playing, that you can meet up with and play or fight with.

04-09-2011, 10:57 AM
Yeah..I'm not quitting, but I've decided I'm going to just play forum-watch until something changes. I've built a homestead (twice), explored the entire map several times, chosen and skilled up a profession (though there are no/very few animals to hunt), and stockpiled months worth of supplies. Now I'm just logging on to visit with the few folks around my area and hope something new happens soon.

I understand and enjoy the concept of Prelude, but we need more systems in place to make it what it's supposed to be. Trade, commerce, economy, conflict (other than on the forums)...these are all nonexistent at the moment.

04-09-2011, 11:03 AM
I hope Jordi makes a move soon, because I feel we're about to hit the point of no return.

04-09-2011, 11:26 AM
You really think this game is going to fail? What about games like Darkfall or EvE which really didnt get any attention untill more than a year after release. I'm pretty sure this game wont flat out fail if games like Mortal Online are still alive and running.

However I would like to see them succeed and not be an unknown underground game. Heres to Notorious games. May your comfort bars always be filled!

04-09-2011, 11:48 AM
DF had way more attention than this on their release day.

04-09-2011, 11:56 AM
Thinking back on it now, having no safe zones at launch probably wouldn't have been that bad of an idea. Every structure built would have that extra satisfaction knowing that it wasn't just a matter of gathering the resources, but also having friends to watch your back while you crafted it. Populations would have spread out more realistically, you could have gone far away hoping nobody will find you, or band together with a larger group in a higher populated area. Players would have had to interact with each other, make political agreements and alliances to stabilize their areas so larger constructions could be made in safety. Who knows how the game would have worked out if players actually had to deal with each other?

But now we have this. Everyone has everything, nothing is hard except the sheer amount of time spent to grind, but there is no metagame or politics to make that grind feel purposeful. For a post apocalyptic game about survival, the actual building of your camp, what was supposed to be the essence of the game, was as exciting as building sandcastles on the beach with your friends on a sunny day. Talking about nonsense on Vent, because come on, what else is there to do while you play this game?

04-09-2011, 12:21 PM
bahh. i got got a shit ton left to do. if u are the bored remake ur cities or do ur own arena pvp or go exploring!. I knew this would happen. Most of u like to speed through things. and now most of ya are bored. hell along with my cities epic todo list i still got a shit town to grind up inskills. trick is pacing yourself. and atm ill have everything capped and city done with in 3-6 months. So all works for me. Even if most of ya thats left walk away i shall remain. This is a indie company. when i signed on i expected the very thing happening, You wont get these huge updates ur all wanting with in a month or even 2. they are a small dev team, it will take 6 months to get the game at its intended launch state with full features and the new zone opening up, not to mention the lag fixs etc. Btw i am having alot of fun building my sandcastle. But hey its my opnion, everyone has their own. Its neither A. you like the game enough to wait it out as it will be awhile (eve online same thing their) (fallen earth had sum very rough times but is getting their) Same thing here. or Option B. Move on to a new game. Seeing as the dev team areant robots and cant work super fast 24/7 7 days a week without food or water or sleep, That is the only 2 option's you all got. bitching on the fourms may make ya feel beter, but sadly wont speed the process up. So take your pick A or B. Have a nice day all.

04-09-2011, 12:23 PM
Thinking back on it now, having no safe zones at launch probably wouldn't have been that bad of an idea.

Then at least the community could have gotten started on the easy, roughly 72-hour process of growing thicker skin.

Instead, what we've got are the most self-righteous, hateful, virulently forum-warring carebears known to man.

04-09-2011, 12:33 PM
You really think this game is going to fail? What about games like Darkfall or EvE which really didnt get any attention untill more than a year after release. I'm pretty sure this game wont flat out fail if games like Mortal Online are still alive and running.

However I would like to see them succeed and not be an unknown underground game. Heres to Notorious games. May your comfort bars always be filled!

Mortal Online just cut a tonne of staff and didn't they say they needed 1500 more subs to break even. Darkfall continues to make changes and add new things at least to keep people subbing off and on. It is the rate of change that matters as well.

Each game is in a different position. I don't think Xsyon will fail - but it could become less and less successful which means less subs. . .equals less money . . equals slower development. . equals less subs. . etc etc.

04-09-2011, 12:55 PM
I logged in today and there's ALOT of activity around... more cities being built... A tribe area that I hadn't see change since release has now built some walls. All very close to me.

04-09-2011, 01:10 PM
bahh. i got got a shit ton left to do. if u are the bored remake ur cities or do ur own arena pvp or go exploring!.

I haven't seen another player in weeks (other than the one tribemate that still logs in) and it's not for lack of trying. The world is empty.

04-09-2011, 01:11 PM
Well, I personally can't even force myself to play any more than 10 mins in the past 3 days and I "donated" 7 days ago. Yes, I consider this a donation or say I washed 30 euros alongside my jeans, heck I shouldn't complain since I have donated more money to SWGemu than I paid for this.

It's back to SWGemu for me it's far more enjoyable than this. I will be prowling around the forums see what's happening and maybe log in a bit if and when some animals are working again that could get me going for a day or so. Until then I don't see any reason to play this anymore than I have.

04-09-2011, 01:42 PM
I logged in today and there's ALOT of activity around... more cities being built... A tribe area that I hadn't see change since release has now built some walls. All very close to me.

Its hopeless to say this, they won't to believe you :)

04-09-2011, 02:07 PM
Its hopeless to say this, they won't to believe you :)

*shrug* i'm just blind i guess. or maybe players have a harry potter cloak. or maybe they just all moved out of my 9 zone chat quadrant because of my horrendous BO. or maybe they all know each other irl and talk in whispers or maybe they all use the same vent channel and i'm just left out.

I know that its me thats delusional. I apologize.

04-09-2011, 02:23 PM
game is a desert open the eyes guys if new contents don't coming out soon after free period 95% of player don't renew

04-09-2011, 02:35 PM
I logged in today and there's ALOT of activity around... more cities being built... A tribe area that I hadn't see change since release has now built some walls. All very close to me.

........ you have the eyes of the beholder

Its hopeless to say this, they won't to believe you :)

..do you?

I haven't seen another player in weeks (other than the one tribemate that still logs in) and it's not for lack of trying. The world is empty.
... when a guy said he subed 7 days ago I bet hes the newest player this game has had... o/ but I havn't seen a player ... in dunno 4 days after launch maybe.

*shrug* i'm just blind i guess. or maybe players have a harry potter cloak. or maybe they just all moved out of my 9 zone chat quadrant because of my horrendous BO. or maybe they all know each other irl and talk in whispers or maybe they all use the same vent channel and i'm just left out.

I know that its me thats delusional. I apologize.

This made me truely giggle

game is a desert open the eyes guys if new contents don't coming out soon after free period 95% of player don't renew

I think that percentage.

04-09-2011, 02:58 PM
I didn't see anyone...

I just saw a lot of the world in a small part of my zone was quite different.

That to me just says (people are waiting, but not without hope).

04-09-2011, 03:02 PM
i see people all the time, not as much as before.. maybe your just in a dead zone.

04-09-2011, 03:05 PM
I mean I didn't see anyone at the places that held new life. I didn't stray too far, but there's a good 5 to 10 active players usually. Yes it is a dead zone, but that was on purpose.

04-09-2011, 03:08 PM
Mortal Online just cut a tonne of staff and didn't they say they needed 1500 more subs to break even. Darkfall continues to make changes and add new things at least to keep people subbing off and on. It is the rate of change that matters as well.

Each game is in a different position. I don't think Xsyon will fail - but it could become less and less successful which means less subs. . .equals less money . . equals slower development. . equals less subs. . etc etc.

A few of us just bought Mortal Online, hehe. its a blast... just waiting for more Xsyon content

04-09-2011, 04:20 PM

A few of us just bought Mortal Online, hehe. its a blast... just waiting for more Xsyon content

I gave up on MO awhile back. It is fun to begin with than when you start seeing all the exploits in the game and how much they don't fix there issues it is disheartening and I feel like I am wasting my time. But I was also apart of beta and release, than 8 months later trying back. What seem like issues they are working on now, are issues they have been working on for 2 years. Do me a favor check and see if this is still in the game, read a book that takes hours to finish and start crossing server lines, see if the book finishes for you. I figured out a spot I could replicate this over and over, this was not a problem in beta, just an added problem to all the problems that were in since beta. It has been like 4 months hopefully they have fixed the ghost armor exploit or ahh screw it to many to name and out of scope of this thread.

I am currently waiting on the next update for Xsyon and hope it fixes the most important thing for me and that is the PVP, no so much the combat but the desync issues that are being experienced. For example, on my screen I am on the persons back hitting them, but I am not hitting them. If I were any closer I would be in them! On there screen they said I was a few steps behind them, I'm like WTF! The other week me and a friend were running around and we were killed by an invisible person, I saw him before we crossed the server line, but after that I thought we got away. I guess I was wrong when he killed me and my friend started running in the mist.

04-09-2011, 04:53 PM
I escaped Mortal: its too bugged, lots of broken promises from SV, etc.

04-14-2011, 01:46 PM
I checked the website today to see if I could select a sub type and found out.... there is no option... lol.. .... Oh Puff........... I wonder if anyone from the ol' days are still playing. Oh how I miss everything that was going on during launch.