View Full Version : Rabid Racoon Defense Force

04-08-2011, 11:44 AM
We will be mobilizing in support of the racoons.

That these gentle, furry little critters are being portrayed as vile murdering monsters is pure careabear propaganda.

What actually happened, is this 'doctor', set about building his mud hut right on top of a sacred racoon burial ground. he was politely asked to leave the area...but told the racoons, "...I have my totem down, you can't make me do anything...'.

Generations of racoon ancestors were disturbed. And to the racoons horror, he actively searched for racoon bones to make bling out of! The horror. The doctor eventually robbed all of the ancient racoon graves, and had to venture outside his protected area (to defile more). It was then that the racoons pounced. They knew they were no match for a human alone, so they banded together to remove him from their sacred lands.

In light of the racoons desperate and heroic actions to protect their homes and ancestors, we will be mobilizing to assist them in defending their territory.

An person seen purposely harming a raccoon will be dealt with as an enemy.


04-08-2011, 11:52 AM
I hope you get ganked to oblivion by everyone.

04-08-2011, 11:58 AM
I'll make sure we come prepared.

04-08-2011, 12:04 PM
Hahaha. Its gonna be fun. Killing you and your racoons....

04-08-2011, 12:05 PM

04-08-2011, 12:10 PM
sweet! not only will be get our fill on bones we get your gears too. hope you bring some nice clothes

04-08-2011, 12:19 PM
sweet! not only will be get our fill on bones we get your gears too. hope you bring some nice clothes

Anyone stupid enough (hopefully) To turn up kitted out to the teeth .. well hope you have some spare pants

04-08-2011, 12:20 PM
I'm not lame enough to go without gear.

04-08-2011, 12:22 PM
I live in 815, I will be selling pants to the highest bidder :D

I will also be selling pauwalu baskets ranging from pouches to bins... whatever your storage needs are while in the area. Them bones gonna get mighty heavy there pilgrim!

04-08-2011, 12:56 PM
don't warry friend i come to help you and our loved racoons to chase away these bad grave robbers

04-08-2011, 01:06 PM
I'm not lame enough to go without gear.

+1 internets to you my good man!

04-08-2011, 03:02 PM
We will be mobilizing in support of the racoons.

That these gentle, furry little critters are being portrayed as vile murdering monsters is pure careabear propaganda.

What actually happened, is this 'doctor', set about building his mud hut right on top of a sacred racoon burial ground. he was politely asked to leave the area...but told the racoons, "...I have my totem down, you can't make me do anything...'.

Generations of racoon ancestors were disturbed. And to the racoons horror, he actively searched for racoon bones to make bling out of! The horror. The doctor eventually robbed all of the ancient racoon graves, and had to venture outside his protected area (to defile more). It was then that the racoons pounced. They knew they were no match for a human alone, so they banded together to remove him from their sacred lands.

In light of the racoons desperate and heroic actions to protect their homes and ancestors, we will be mobilizing to assist them in defending their territory.

An person seen purposely harming a raccoon will be dealt with as an enemy.


You do know the Racoons will attack you as well right ???

04-08-2011, 04:28 PM
sweet! not only will be get our fill on bones we get your gears too. hope you bring some nice clothes

Doubt we'll even get Heyburn. =/

04-08-2011, 04:59 PM
Glad to see that there is a single player in this community who feels like spicing things up a bit. Unsurprised to see all the anti-PVP kids foaming at the mouth to hit him up 100 to 1. Sort of like those religious prudes that preach hellfire and damnation for sexual promiscuity, but then can't help but leer at scantily clad women out of the corner of their eye.

Pretending not to want it, because not good at it.

04-08-2011, 05:56 PM
Glad to see that there is a single player in this community who feels like spicing things up a bit. Unsurprised to see all the anti-PVP kids foaming at the mouth to hit him up 100 to 1. Sort of like those religious prudes that preach hellfire and damnation for sexual promiscuity, but then can't help but leer at scantily clad women out of the corner of their eye.

Pretending not to want it, because not good at it.

Oh brother... I guess we'll see how things go when we get there. :)

04-08-2011, 08:39 PM
Glad to see that there is a single player in this community who feels like spicing things up a bit. Unsurprised to see all the anti-PVP kids foaming at the mouth to hit him up 100 to 1. Sort of like those religious prudes that preach hellfire and damnation for sexual promiscuity, but then can't help but leer at scantily clad women out of the corner of their eye.

Pretending not to want it, because not good at it.

no no I am impressed by all who can click at a mouse and hit their keyboards faster than I do. Its a new test of manhood these days :P

But for the record yeah I do suck at pvp.

04-08-2011, 08:51 PM
Being good isn't nearly as important as being down.

04-08-2011, 11:46 PM
bah in the long run its a game XD I usually stop playing when I stop having fun :)

04-09-2011, 12:17 AM
love name Rabid Racoon Defense Force

on darkfall gankandbank good to
you look for new raccoons :)

04-09-2011, 02:31 PM
We will be mobilizing in support of the racoons.

That these gentle, furry little critters are being portrayed as vile murdering monsters is pure careabear propaganda.

What actually happened, is this 'doctor', set about building his mud hut right on top of a sacred racoon burial ground. he was politely asked to leave the area...but told the racoons, "...I have my totem down, you can't make me do anything...'.

Generations of racoon ancestors were disturbed. And to the racoons horror, he actively searched for racoon bones to make bling out of! The horror. The doctor eventually robbed all of the ancient racoon graves, and had to venture outside his protected area (to defile more). It was then that the racoons pounced. They knew they were no match for a human alone, so they banded together to remove him from their sacred lands.

In light of the racoons desperate and heroic actions to protect their homes and ancestors, we will be mobilizing to assist them in defending their territory.

An person seen purposely harming a raccoon will be dealt with as an enemy.


You have my sword.

04-09-2011, 03:01 PM
You have my sword.

Gimli: "And my axe."

Legolas: "And my...where the elf is my bow at?"

Gimli: "Haven't turned it on yet."

Anyone think they can push out an update before tomorrow?

04-09-2011, 04:15 PM


LEND ME YOUR AXE, YOUR CLUB, YOUR SWORD wait we dont have those KNIFE i mean.

Prepare my brothers and sisters, for on the morrows eve, WE FIGHT! for the raccoons.

04-09-2011, 05:36 PM
Gimli: "And my axe."

Legolas: "And my...where the elf is my bow at?"

Gimli: "Haven't turned it on yet."

Anyone think they can push out an update before tomorrow?

Technically there are bows. Theres just no archery.. :I

04-09-2011, 06:04 PM
Technically there are bows. Theres just no archery.. :I

Oh ho. You are right.

04-09-2011, 06:05 PM
but isn't tomorrow the event?

04-10-2011, 09:11 AM
Thought I would give this thread a bump since it looks like the forums have only had 20 posts in the last 24 hours.

04-10-2011, 09:16 AM
Unless we get some miracle, last minute patch, I don't see people traveling large distances with the current zone crossing lag.

What a shame. Could've been fun.

04-10-2011, 03:12 PM
Noble defenders feel free to use my outpost as a gathering ground to assemble your forces.the shrine is in my backyard and these racoons are my best of friends. This researcher keeps poking arround my land digging threw my garbage and such.

My outpost is located at 815 815 400 right next to the shrine.

04-10-2011, 03:14 PM
I shall travel half the known world to defend the racoons! ( I actually live on the exact opposite side of 815 :P)

04-10-2011, 04:03 PM


04-10-2011, 05:45 PM
Unlikely ill be able to attend this.... :(

04-10-2011, 05:49 PM
Awesome. After travelling for 2 and a half hours and going through 20+ zones. I get there, find the altar and get killed on the spot.

04-10-2011, 05:49 PM
i'm arrived in 815 after 10 secs a invisible force have killed and looted me very nice event

04-10-2011, 06:34 PM
i'm arrived in 815 after 10 secs a invisible force have killed and looted me very nice event

i'm waiting the hopi carebears noob zerg where are you to much afraid to face me?

So we're good now?

04-10-2011, 06:43 PM
Lol @ above.

To be honest I wasn't expecting much less. Its just that when it actually happened... I felt so bad for wasting 2 and a half freaking hours and NOT seeing the event..... shoulda at least let me live till it ends... or there should be a temporarary respawn totem nearby or something. Now I have no chance of getting there in time

04-10-2011, 07:09 PM
You're not missing much. The raccoons started spawning and we were engulfed in lag. I logged to prevent my eventual death to invisible foes.

04-10-2011, 07:11 PM
That was a good idea, Rhodes. I just died to invisible foes.

Was fun for a few minutes though.

04-10-2011, 07:13 PM
yeah i am curretlly lost in lag limbo

04-10-2011, 07:14 PM
I made it up there, with some help :P

When people were screaming lag, I was doing just fine with 150 ms. When I died I reached 1500ms. At least I got to see animals :D Seems like more of a mass-test then an event :P But at least there is something to do

04-10-2011, 07:15 PM

maybe we'll make it. folks disconnecting en route kinda slows things up...love that entities fiel

04-10-2011, 07:19 PM
If you guys take your time getting there everyone else will of logged off so a) the racoons will be safe and b) the lag might be better. Should be a successful trip!

04-10-2011, 07:19 PM
I made it up there, with some help :P

When people were screaming lag, I was doing just fine with 150 ms. When I died I reached 1500ms. At least I got to see animals :D Seems like more of a mass-test then an event :P But at least there is something to do

pretty sure thats exactly what this was. I lasted about 5 minutes. then lagged so bad my client was still reporting 93ms

04-10-2011, 07:22 PM
So we're good now?

next time i want see you.

but honesty to much lag for me i ping 140 usualy vs american is hard but with this lag is impossible.

04-10-2011, 07:24 PM
next time i want see you.

but honesty to much lag for me i ping 140 usualy vs american is hard but with this lag is impossible.

Next time I'll lie down and give you 3-4 free shots. You made me feel sorry for you.

This event turned out to be a massive bust. Kudos to the guides for trying though.

04-10-2011, 07:26 PM
I died to invisible foes but i did get a nice set of wookie armour out of it though lol.

04-10-2011, 07:27 PM
Next time I'll lie down and give you 3-4 free shots. You made me feel sorry for you.

I'm still laughing loud, lol ;)

04-10-2011, 07:36 PM
my brave companions are still loading entities after crashing halfway there.

hopefully my valiant friends were able to defend themselves well enough on their own.

04-10-2011, 07:39 PM
Next time I'll lie down and give you 3-4 free shots. You made me feel sorry for you.

This event turned out to be a massive bust. Kudos to the guides for trying though.

when and were you want you know name of my char you need only send a tell. but I seriously have not been able to score even one hit tonight
and there were people I had met and even killed.
then the place where you play makes a big difference with this pvp.

and i don't need free shots and with 3-4 hits i kill you armand maybe 6.

i give up here 4.40 A.M. is better sleep than wasting time with this event bankruptcy.

04-10-2011, 07:41 PM
when and were you want you know name of my char you need only send a tell. but I seriously have not been able to score even one hit tonight
and there were people I had met and even killed.
then the place where you play makes a big difference with this pvp.

and i don't need free shots and with 3-4 hits i kill you armand maybe 6.

i give up here 4.40 A.M. is better sleep than wasting time with this event bankruptcy.

haha, these kind of people make me laugh.

Anyhow, Good test :)

04-10-2011, 07:42 PM
when and were you want you know name of my char you need only send a tell. but I seriously have not been able to score even one hit tonight
and there were people I had met and even killed.
then the place where you play makes a big difference with this pvp.

and i don't need free shots and with 3-4 hits i kill you armand maybe 6.

Keep telling yourself that, and who knows, I may just fall asleep at the keyboard long enough to make that happen for you.

See you in game. Arrivederci.

04-10-2011, 08:13 PM
Had fun before the event hanging out with folks.

Pretty much lagged out along with everyone else once the event started.

Strange thing though, I managed to get back in... client caught up to server well enough to hold a conversation in my camp. Then as soon as I approached a lone raccoon that had strayed from the pack... immediate serious lag. I was still swinging 5 minutes after I had stopped mashing my mouse buttons. (which, yes, unfortunately, is the level of my ability :) )

Hopefully they'll have some good server logs/info to work with. Nice meeting everyone who showed up :)

04-10-2011, 08:21 PM
Holy crap.. I logged back in and I had re-spawned at my totem, several zones away.. And there were a couple raccoons there attacking me..

Did they follow me back to my totem? Crazy..

04-10-2011, 08:52 PM
The Event lasted for five min... did the raccoons at least look any different?

04-10-2011, 08:53 PM
For many weeks we slogged through the muck and the mire...hampered by the Gods themselves.

For days we would stand, immobile, unable to perform even the simplest of task...some of our party succombing to some type of illness where they would be unable to move or talk for long periods of time.

when finally we set eyes upon our objective...THE DEFENSE OF THE SIMPLE RACOONS...we were too late.

the racoons were gone. Their killers having scraped their carcasses clean. A massacre.

Unable to contain the grief after seeing such horror...and having been powerless to prevent it...I flung myself off a cliff.

04-10-2011, 08:55 PM
So you PKed yourself...

04-10-2011, 08:57 PM
there is no death that can cleanse the guilt in my soul. the shame. the horror.


04-11-2011, 12:32 AM
So it was a mess? Anyone killed anything (except time)?

I'm glad I slept through it.

04-11-2011, 01:53 AM
Armand and I got about two dozen raccoons and several players before we were forced to log.
It was pretty fun in the hour leading up to the event.

04-11-2011, 05:57 AM
Had fun before the event hanging out with folks.

Pretty much lagged out along with everyone else once the event started.

Strange thing though, I managed to get back in... client caught up to server well enough to hold a conversation in my camp. Then as soon as I approached a lone raccoon that had strayed from the pack... immediate serious lag. I was still swinging 5 minutes after I had stopped mashing my mouse buttons. (which, yes, unfortunately, is the level of my ability :) )

Hopefully they'll have some good server logs/info to work with. Nice meeting everyone who showed up :)

That's pretty much how combat goes in any zone with more than a couple people in it for me.

04-11-2011, 06:15 AM
It was not well thought out.. the ghost timer could have been removed to allow killed players to view the rest of the event.

But I did appreciate the fact that an event was put on and I'm happy the community on both sides stepped up to participate.

04-11-2011, 08:36 AM
Well, that was fun. The Defense Force estimated it would take about 30 minutes to run to the event. And we were right about that – 30 minutes of running, 2 hours 30 minutes of desyncing/crashing/loading entities, 1 minute of being told the event was over once we arrived, and 30 seconds of logging out my character, probably for the last time.

Congrats on a successful event.

04-11-2011, 08:51 AM
Perhaps the 'spawn back at your totem' should be turned off during events. Its really not fun to spend 2 hours with running then being killed in 5 seconds before the event even starts as someone mentioned here.

04-11-2011, 08:56 AM
So it was a mess? Anyone killed anything (except time)?

I'm glad I slept through it.

I didn't expect you to actually show up anyways :0)

04-11-2011, 09:15 AM
Perhaps the 'spawn back at your totem' should be turned off during events. Its really not fun to spend 2 hours with running then being killed in 5 seconds before the event even starts as someone mentioned here.


the problem isn't the spawn mechanism. geographic disadvantage is part of the game...if you've got location you've got advantage.

they just need to make their game work.

between zone lag and zone crashing (and the corresponding loading zones + entities wait), trying to do anything outside your immediate homestead is more or less a pointless exercise in frustration.

I couldnt imagine trying to run a real 'force' of 10-15 players across the map to do something...you'd literally never make it. Every zoning would drop a player or two, which would incur a 10-30 minute entities delay.

We were three players trying to make it from 700 to 815, should have been ~30 minutes. We started our run about 840 (central us time) We did not reach the objective until 1030.

How many people made it to the event? we didn't see anyone once we got there (Except the disappearing guide saying the event was over), and only one person (in their homestead) en route.

04-11-2011, 09:25 AM
To counter the above. me and a buddy I met travelled from 941 to 815. Took us 2 hours because we were sightseeing as well. Didn't experience THAT much lag when zone crossing and we didnt get dced at all.

04-11-2011, 09:27 AM
To counter the above. me and a buddy I met travelled from 941 to 815. Took us 2 hours because we were sightseeing as well. Didn't experience THAT much lag when zone crossing and we didnt get dced at all.

if we didn't get the crashes it wouldnt have been as bad. but 1 crash was a 30+ minute wait in one instance and a 20+ min wait in another.

if i recall the 30+ was more like 45 because it took the char about 10 mins to actually leave the game before he could actually relog in, then another 30 at loading entities.

04-11-2011, 09:27 AM

the problem isn't the spawn mechanism. geographic disadvantage is part of the game...if you've got location you've got advantage.

they just need to make their game work.

between zone lag and zone crashing (and the corresponding loading zones + entities wait), trying to do anything outside your immediate homestead is more or less a pointless exercise in frustration.

I couldnt imagine trying to run a real 'force' of 10-15 players across the map to do something...you'd literally never make it. Every zoning would drop a player or two, which would incure a 10-30 minute entities delay.

We were three players trying to make it from 700 to 815, should have been ~30 minutes. We started our run about 840 (central us time) We did not reach the objective until 1030.

How many people made it to the event? we didn't see anyone once we got there (Except the disappearing guide saying the event was over), and only one person (in their homestead) en route.
Even if there are no zone crossing lag and crashes, the spawning mechanic kills the events like this imo. The goal of an event is to provide fun for players, how is that fun to run there for 1 hours then being teleported back in 5 secs ?

04-11-2011, 09:31 AM
We took a group around the lake, started at 15 strong and was down to 3 about 75% of the run completed, in the end only 1 member completed the run around the lake.

04-11-2011, 09:35 AM
oh i agree, i'm just trying to see through the tear filled chaos that would ensue when you could never actually kill somebody off. I mean if i'm tryying to crash the event, you want to kill me and make me go away and not be right back on your back in 5 minutes, right?

a mechanic whereby a player could make a temporary bind point (campsite) would be nice. build a campfire. ability is on a 6 hour timer. bind point lasts for 2 hours. bind point is able to be destroyed by other players.

a player resurrection ability would also be nice.

but again, you can run half way across the world in 30 minutes if you don't have the lag and crashing...it's not unreasonable to expect that for an event.

04-11-2011, 09:52 AM
oh i agree, i'm just trying to see through the tear filled chaos that would ensue when you could never actually kill somebody off. I mean if i'm tryying to crash the event, you want to kill me and make me go away and not be right back on your back in 5 minutes, right?

a mechanic whereby a player could make a temporary bind point (campsite) would be nice. build a campfire. ability is on a 6 hour timer. bind point lasts for 2 hours. bind point is able to be destroyed by other players.

a player resurrection ability would also be nice.

but again, you can run half way across the world in 30 minutes if you don't have the lag and crashing...it's not unreasonable to expect that for an event.

These are really nice ideas, would make an event a lot more fun.
It takes like 1 and half an hour to run from the northest point of the lake down to south, so it really takes a while.

04-11-2011, 10:01 AM
These are really nice ideas, would make an event a lot more fun.
It takes like 1 and half an hour to run from the northest point of the lake down to south, so it really takes a while.

It takes much less if you swim. Just learned that yersterday

04-11-2011, 10:04 AM
I ran from 65X to 815, but I logged off cause my ping wouldn't change for 5-10 mins. Logged back on and I was at my homestead. Quick travel ftw :).

04-11-2011, 10:09 AM
Even if there are no zone crossing lag and crashes, the spawning mechanic kills the events like this imo. The goal of an event is to provide fun for players, how is that fun to run there for 1 hours then being teleported back in 5 secs ?

Precisly the reason I have advocated to allow ghost to respawn in the area immediatly surrounding the corpse within a certain amount of time as a temp solution until player ressing
has been implemented into the game via a shrine or wandering healer.
A position you have battled me against on the forums for weeks now.

In your example if you could have ghost walked 20 or 30 steps away and waited a few seconds for the mob to target someone else or loss agro onyourself you could have ressed and kept playing. The only thing you might have lost if someone was able to run up and loot something before you ressed yourself.. but that would have been hard becuase they would be having to fend off the same thing that killed you to begin with.

I like temporary bind spots that would be a neat thing to implment as well... or the ability to bind in friendly tribal areas... however that would require alot more things that the devs just can't do... they already have a ton on their plate and are falling way behind.