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View Full Version : Questions of the Week 6/6 through 6/12

06-06-2011, 04:01 AM
Please post your Questions to the Developers below.

Thank you.

06-06-2011, 05:09 AM
Hello Xsyon,

1. What are your ideas about dealing with totem from dead tribes?

2. How long is it going to take before the tribe is considered dead?

3. What actions is going to be taken once a tribe is considered dead?

06-06-2011, 05:23 AM
When will you open up new lands ? It was promised for April, is it still in plan ?

06-06-2011, 10:22 AM
Would like Agriculture Status

06-06-2011, 11:39 AM
i) Can we have a vessel to carry water? I'm always thirsty

ii) The [spine,flat,round] bones from small animals never successfully gather. Is this a bug or do those bones not exist in game yet? Will we be able to dissect small animal heads for small skulls later?

iii) Will there be a limit on the number of stories a structure can have when modular, multiple story structures are possible?

iv) Will we have altered field of view while inside? currently when i go inside my detumu chief tent i have a hard time navigating, opening bins, etc, as i cannot see myself half the time.

v) Is the tribal area a cylinder or a sphere? (will tall buildings have their peaks outside the tribal area)

vi) When my toon's feet are in water, no matter how shallow, he cannot jump. Is this on purpose or a glitch?

vii) When terraforming ground which is covered by water, texture and resources are preserved (if there is a road or grass, etc, underwater where one raises, lowers, levels or clears the terrain, the road/grass/etc remains) Is this on purpose?

Keep up the great work!

Borsuk Ulam

06-08-2011, 01:19 AM
Can you add more penalties to being hungry/thirsty...such as increased rate of skill/stat decay? Anything to give us more incentive to drink. Some skills in the game, that don't have a success rate and don't require much energy at all, don't need any water or food and there is no downside to it. This should change I think.

06-08-2011, 04:49 AM
How will the new architecture schemes be learnt in game? Will there be scavengable architecture schemes? And if so will they be level locked? My personal hope is no, we'll only learn new arch schemes through grinding. But then how is someone with level 100 arch sposed to learn the new stuff.....

06-08-2011, 06:13 AM
1. When will we have the ability to ally with other tribes
2. Perhaps more importantly when will we be able to tell friend from foe. Good from Evil and Neutral?
3. Will tribes get an activity row so we can see active/inactive members? When they were last online?
4. Did animal taming drown in the combat/server updates and can we expect it soon?
5. Would it be a viable solution to let people train animals for mounts to make trading easier instead of introducing/planning carts and wagons which needs animals to pull them.
6. Are stat gain/decay in-game and working?
6a. If so will you give us a list of what skills affects what stats?
7. Have you thought about multi threading in Xsyon. Both SLI and Dual Cores/Quad Cores etc?

06-08-2011, 10:47 AM
Just a few questions
1. When are we getting more mobs to hunt in the game.
2. As always a update on the zombies.
3. When will pvp incentives be added.
4. when will skill decay be added.
5. Regional resources comming anytime soon?
6. Any rarer recipes comming?
7. Taming?
8. Cooking?
9. When will comfort be put into the game
10. Will we ever be able to go inside of the buildings we build?

06-08-2011, 10:51 AM
Combat changes to XP/HP. You said before that you were going to give combat skills more weight to HP, how are you going to give more HP to people that have already trained up combat?

What are some of the ideas for rare resources having effects on crafting and making people want these rare resources?

Im going to ask this every week, but carts or something like it should be #1 thing you are working on, when is this likely to come into play?

Any plans for more tiers to totem controls over resources and baskets/bin/containers? Like maybe a tribe bank.

With new skills like hunting coming into the game, are there going to be options to reset skill points?

06-08-2011, 01:13 PM
1. Why did you lay "groundwork" for trees by adding tree data, then switch gears to combat without finishing farming directly after? Why not finish one thing before moving to another thing?
2. Why are things that were "close to being ready" in December still not released?
3. Why are there so many things "up in the air" but nothing completed?
4. Why are there so many small issues we've been asking for not fixed? (1 easy example being scroll speeds on recipe books. not most important just 1 example)

06-08-2011, 10:07 PM
Just one more question this week. It's all that's on my mind as far as Xsyon.

Will SIEGE be added with or VERY soon after adding gates? If so, will safe zones be removed at that time? Safe zones cannot really be removed without a system in place for break down gates or climbing over walls.

Yet this seems very far out...and people really want it. Perhaps you don't have to add in that detailed of a siege mechanic yet...just give us ladders and battering rams and we're good.

If so, I think after patching gates you could give a forewarning that safe zones will be removed. This will give people time to place gates and protect their tribal lands. You wouldn't necessarily have to have siege sy

Just something to think about... in real life if a minor apocalypse or without rule of law scenario happened ...and someone wanted to rob my house (tribal area), would they not be able to pick up my items (baskets)?? Would their gun not work when they try to shoot me? But my gun would work? That would be an awesome WROL scenario, where nobody could attack each other. Sounds very ideal to me :) Very easy to survive

I think you can see where I'm going with this.

Added after 9 minutes:

When are we going to get instances?

When can we have more safe zones?

Can you delay the combat update some more no one really needs that right now, we want more safe places to craft?

Can you respawn all the trees again? Someone cut down 3 trees in my area, and they were pretty.

Anyway we can make more places to get stuck? I really think thats fun how we can get stuck in a terraformed pit for hours without help from a guide.

You've finally lost it. Please be constructive. Although, Jordi should realize if you are this frustrated...it's getting pretty bad.

06-09-2011, 10:14 AM
1) Is it possible to add small parts of skills each patch rather than big "miracle" patches that include everything for that skill? Small amounts of new will go along way.
2) Could zombies be implemented by using the zombie skin on bear AI, with beefed up hit points and damage, and just have them spawn near people at night?
3) Even without armor and using starter weapons bears are too easy to kill. Is it possible to make bears a bit more challenging?
4) The game definitely needs regional resources and rare resources. Is this possible? Also if rare resources are introduced can they be in a contested zones so there will be something to fight over?
5) Can destroying a structure have a progress bar and be fairly long so we do not accidentally destroy our own structures?

Just one more question this week. It's all that's on my mind as far as Xsyon.

Will SIEGE be added with or VERY soon after adding gates? If so, will safe zones be removed at that time? Safe zones cannot really be removed without a system in place for break down gates or climbing over walls.

Yet this seems very far out...and people really want it. Perhaps you don't have to add in that detailed of a siege mechanic yet...just give us ladders and battering rams and we're good.

If so, I think after patching gates you could give a forewarning that safe zones will be removed. This will give people time to place gates and protect their tribal lands. You wouldn't necessarily have to have siege sy

Just something to think about... in real life if a minor apocalypse or without rule of law scenario happened ...and someone wanted to rob my house (tribal area), would they not be able to pick up my items (baskets)?? Would their gun not work when they try to shoot me? But my gun would work? That would be an awesome WROL scenario, where nobody could attack each other. Sounds very ideal to me :) Very easy to survive

As far as standard totems go: Unfortunately this would only hurt tribes that wanted to build. Small tribes or solo players that only intend to assault tribes will prosper from this. They will have nothing to lose and would be able to attack you at any time, even midnight.

For the second part. In a real world situation you would, likely, be there to hear the person breaking in and have a chance to stop him. Tribes would not have an opportunity to stop them if they come at off times.

I do believe this game needs conflict but i believe a locked gate on standard tribal land should be sufficient. Regional or rare resources captured by expansion totems should be able to be assaulted and probably even be sieged because they are trying to control a rare resource. Again the issue with people not being logged in to defend would be a slight issue but if you made it so say 4 people would have to man the battering ram, and take some time, then it would be more justified. These areas would be meant to change hands often.