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View Full Version : I did not cut down this tree!

07-17-2011, 09:49 AM
There is a tree that was cut down and cut into long logs just outside my tribe area. The logs have my name on them. I did not cut down the tree, nor did I cut it into long logs. I have been grinding cloth for days. I haven't even had an axe equipped, so how could this have happened? I almost never cut down trees, and definitely never next to our camp. This is very strange. Can anyone explain how this could have happened?

07-17-2011, 10:58 AM
I can confirm this because we live together. Last night after Riverspirit logged off game I ran out back to do some scavenging when I saw the tree was gone and a stack of long logs was there in it's place. I assumed someone was there cutting trees so I picked up a log to see who and it had her name on it? Very strange. I also know she did nothing but sort cloth all night because again we live and play together.

I also discovered another bug that may or may not be related. When I was building Barricades I discovered that if I open the build window, then run up the hill to get more branches the window would stay open and I could stand at the branch pile, put branches in and hit build from 100 meters away. It would close the window then, but I was still able to add material from a very long way off. Not every time, but some times. Seems the distance had no bearing on adding material or hitting the build command.

07-17-2011, 11:27 AM
There is a bug with logging code that sometimes you can log 2 trees with once, Ive reported it already, and they said they were working on it. I wouldnt doubt this had happened.

07-17-2011, 11:37 AM
I didn't cut a tree. Not sure what your point is?

07-17-2011, 11:44 AM
You have never cut a tree down?

Anyways, there is a way to make it so it cuts 2 trees down when you are cutting another tree. Its a bug. Im not sure you did it or not just saying you can. Sounds like what happened here.

07-17-2011, 12:01 PM
Well, if you read my post, you would see I did not have an axe equipped, I have been sorting cloth for days. I have cut maybe 3 trees since I started playing, and none for at least 3 weeks, and never any near my tribe area. This is very recent, I am pretty sure it happened last night. This is a totally unrelated bug to what you are talking about. Granted, I do software QA, they pay me to break code and complain about it, so just the fact that I happened to be close to where the tree was cut probably caused the bug to manifest itself in my presence. =) But it has nothing to do with me cutting any trees for sure. Unless the bug you are referring to has some serious time warp issues....