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View Full Version : Industrial Strength Recruiting ALL PLAYERS WELCOME

12-05-2011, 11:50 AM
Please Contact Baby, Dang, or MrDDT in game about joining.


12-09-2011, 12:11 PM
http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e107/MrDDT/Xsyon/ISgearsV3.png (http://www.industrialstrengthbootcamp.com/)

Currently Recruiting All types for Good Times

Click here to visit the Industrial Strength's website
Industrial Strength is recruiting ALL players!

Are you looking for a tribe of fun, hardworking, good people to hang out with while building an epic town to call our home and learn the game? Industrial Strength is based on the thought that Xsyon will become a very fun and niche sandbox game.

All players are welcome, old or new. Industrial Strength Boot Camp is set up for our newer players to learn the game and skill up in. We are happy to give out advice, tools, weapons, food etc to all new players joining our tribe. We expect no taxes or any type of payment system. We want people to join and just be part of something to help with the Xsyon experience.
We welcome all types of players and plan for our tribe to fully enjoy all aspects of Xsyon. We have room for both hard core players with lots of time to devote to the game as well as those with busy outside-the-game lives that just want to hang out and relax for a few hours a week.

Respect, Fun and Learning

Industrial Strength has been around Xsyon from the start maintains an active and lively Ventrilo (voice chat not required). Our members are laid back, helpful, and know how to conduct themselves in a mature manner. We know how to have a good time while helping new players in or out of the tribe. We’re good people who are always looking for more good people to have fun with. Come join the fun as we establish a leading tribe and make your mark in the Xsyon world.


About Industrial Strength

First and foremost, Industrial Strength will not allow members to grief other players, cheat, exploit or break any rule of Xsyon world.

Industrial Strength has been playing Xsyon from the start. Only lately have we felt the need to open up to the forums to help new players learn the game.

Industrial Strength has played in many games as a focused team, and as a laid back fun guild/tribe, focused on providing our membership with the highest quality leadership and experiences within the tribe. We strive at being a militaristic type of guild, but at the same time we understand and embrace the creative side that people have, asking for input from all members. Our highly qualified leadership have many years of experience – as both players and as leaders of various games and guilds.
We have some of the best hunters, crafting and combat guys/gals in the game. Here are some of our hunting trips for gathering rare mats for our crafting members.
Hunting Party 1 (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/7774-IS-Hunting-Trip)
Hunting Party 2 (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/7799-IS-Hunting-Trip-2)
Hunting Party 3 (http://www.xsyon.com/forum/showthread.php/7808-IS-Hunting-Party-3)
Hunting Party 5 (http://www.twitch.tv/industrialstrength/b/310539880)
Hunting Party 6 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff79AILECEc) (My favorite)

About Industrial Strength's Plans in Game

Industrial Strength's Boot Camp is setup to help new players understand the game. Later as they grow the world and add contested features we plan on having our PVP tribe Industrial Strength be a mercenary tribe open for hire. Right now Industrial Strength is the leading tribe in trade and support. We plan to keep this going throughout the game and enforce it with even more trade agreements and trade protections. Defending traders on trade routes while they are hauling goods. Even being paid to attack traders while they are traveling. Hired to defend totems, attack totems, or hired to stay out of it. We have done this very well in other games like Darkfall Online, Wurm Online, and Shadowbane, we plan to keep it going here.


At this time the only requirement is that you play fair and want to have fun, following the rules of Xsyon world.
We also encourage applications from newer players wanting to learn the game.

How to Join

If you are a new player you can chose the starting area as our city. Industrial Strength Boot Camp
You can reply here, and one of the officers will get back to you.
PM me on the forums.
You can also ask for us in /y text (global chat).
Check out our website. WWW.IS-BC.COM (http://www.industrialstrengthbootcamp.com/)
You can whisper some of our officers. (To whisper a player type /w name space)
/w MrDDT (Leader)
/w Baby (Tribe Organizer)
/w Dang (Crafting Officer)

Our Tribe is located in the southern part of the lake area. BIG PINK DOT!!! ;)


12-10-2011, 12:28 PM
Welcome new players to the tribe.

New players looking to join, you can now choose Industrial Strength as a starting location. We are happy to help new players learning the ropes. See you soon.

12-11-2011, 12:48 PM
Congrats to everyone at the event. GREAT JOB -IS- taking 1st through 6th, in the King of the Hill event!!!

Welcome new members, we are now the largest active tribe.

12-12-2011, 11:41 AM
There's always something for you to do at IS. We will beginning our absolutely epic keep soon, and it is a massive undertaking. By no means necessary do you have to do anything the tribe is doing, you should just do what is fun for you. However, almost all of the time there is a group activity going on, whether it be terraforming, hunting, logging, gathering, PvP, etc.

One of my favorites has to be terraforming with a group of 5+ in the same area. It's awesome how fast stuff gets done, and how much more fun it is.

Welcome to all our newest members!

12-13-2011, 08:27 PM
A big welcome to our new members.

Konata, Shreds, Luka, and GrimReaper! Welcome!

Tribe is becoming very active. Good things are ahead of us.

12-15-2011, 01:53 PM
Wow welcome all the new players.

Keep up the good work guys. Love the screenshots and stuff. I think next week we are going to work more on building up the walls/tower.

12-18-2011, 08:15 AM
Welcome all the new members. WOW getting a lot of action going on here. This last week we got about 6 new members. Good job guys on all the hard work on the city while Ive been gone.

Here is our latest Hunting screenshots.


12-20-2011, 06:20 PM
Wow good job Koal on the video, and hunting parties Fyrex.

Keep up the good work everyone. Welcome to all the new members.

12-21-2011, 07:09 PM
Wow, we are really growing fast. Good job guys on staying active and getting new people into the tribe. Keep up the good work. I should be more active here soon. Just doing some testing and other stuff.

12-24-2011, 08:54 AM
I wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Don't forget about the event tomorrow!

12-25-2011, 07:01 PM
Due to the server crashing, we have to redo the event. Thanks for everyone showing up, and we will set it up for next weekend.

Keep up the good work guys. Doing a great job on helping around the tribe getting some things finished up, and cleaned up. Lots of bricks/mortar were done today.

01-15-2012, 05:39 AM
Good job on the event yesterday guys, had a fun time. Even some of the newer people made it. Well done.

01-16-2012, 10:13 PM
Great job guys in the work on the tower. Welcome all the new members (been getting quiet a few lately). Keep up the good work.

01-18-2012, 05:43 AM
Welcome to the few new members over the last 2 days. Keep up the good work guys, tribe is really holding its own. I like to see that we have a lot of people willing to not only help work in tribe stuff, but also helping new members. Good job.

01-19-2012, 10:40 AM
Keep working on the carts everyone doing a great job. Thanks for all the help, we should have them soon.

01-22-2012, 05:21 PM
Congrats guys and gals on making the first cart in the game!
Everyone did a great job. Even the new members helping out when they were online everyone willing to pitch in.

Baby is still the only cart marker in the game sold a few already.

I want to welcome all the new members, it looks like we will be needing more housing to fit all the activity.

Keep up the good work everyone, making -IS- still the most active and fun tribe in the game.

01-23-2012, 02:36 AM
I want to welcome all the new members.

Great showing at the event today always nice to see -IS- having active members around the world.

Xsyon has really been picking up, been seeing some old players returning and some new faces.

Good job guys on all the hard work keep it up. Its what makes Industrial Strength so great, seeing everyone working together and having fun.

01-24-2012, 03:46 AM
-IS- Hunting trip is being planned, so make sure you guys got your gears, your carts, and lets kill some mutants!!!

I want to welcome all the new members, I know you will find what you were looking for.

01-25-2012, 07:14 AM
WOW guys did a lot of work on the city while I was sleeping. I wake up and so much was done. Good job.

I want to welcome all the new members, I think we got 10 people in the last 3 or 4 days. Good news also is everyone seems to be having a good time and sticking with the game. That's the main point of -IS- making the game fun for players in Xsyon.

I want to say contrats to our newest officer Angelique. She is our crafting officer, and more than willing to help any players with questions about how to craft or gather, or -IS- related questions.

01-26-2012, 01:54 PM
Welcome to all the new members, seems to be growing non stop now. 2 or 3 a day.

We now have the largest tribe in game, and the most active. Its pretty great seeing everyone online. Keep up the good work. Soon we will have some extra building projects due to the new word about selling/renting buildings.

01-27-2012, 02:45 PM
Wow new members after new members. Grats guys on the work.

We have started work on the Keep the towers are up, working on the keep now to close off the walls. I expect it to be done this weekend.

01-28-2012, 12:59 AM
Up to 55 members now, great going everyone. Very fun times now, every time I log on there is at least 5-10 people on.

01-29-2012, 07:40 AM
Welcome all the new members.

Great job on getting the largest shadowbear Ive ever seen.

Here is a link to our hunting trip we did with some of the newer members and old.


Everyone did a great job.

01-29-2012, 06:12 PM
Just joined up with you folks, thanks for having me! Feels good to be back in the game, lots of awesome work by the devs! So much has changed!


02-01-2012, 07:20 AM
Great job everyone had a really busy week this week in game.
Saintbob came by and visited us was pretty cool.

Got the Zoo area pulled of all the grass and leveled out, we are going to delay on that a bit waiting for a way to trap animals without them randomly getting out. I think this week we got 15 new members. Game is really picking up and everyone in -IS- is doing a great job.

Links to Saintbobs videos of doing trading with -IS-



02-02-2012, 08:39 AM
Tribe meeting Saturday, I want to talk about changes to housing/rent and what/where we are building projects.

Great job on all the work, really #1 trading tribe in the game along with all the other things we do great. Keep up the great work!

02-06-2012, 08:31 AM
Thanks for the great turn out for the tribe meeting, we got some good ideas and now just for the hard work.

Welcome to all the new members -IS- is really getting big I love seeing all the new faces everyday.

This weekend I believe we are going to have a PVP 1 v 1 (I will only be a judge =P) so get your combat skills up.

02-09-2012, 03:35 AM
Nice work everyone on helping out. We are really getting a lot done.

Remodeling has started on the south, and the keep is progressing (ever so slowly hehe). I cant wait to see it up and all its glory. Good job.

02-10-2012, 01:09 PM
Great work everyone, the tribe is starting to really come along. We need some more bricks done for the keep. Keep up the great job trading. I love seeing all the activity around the tribe with everyone helping out and skilling up.

02-11-2012, 05:55 PM
I would like to welcome Legion members, Dang, Unclean, Dave and Liquidblade to -IS- glad to have you guys aboard and cant wait to see all the things we can do.

Keep up the good work, lots of remodeling going on finally got the walls up!!!

02-13-2012, 03:40 PM
Woots, good job everyone on all the terraforming. I didnt even think we could get so much of it done so fast. Just a few more floors to go.

02-16-2012, 02:14 PM
Man, the tribe looks like a mess now, but I hope the remodel will be done this week. Keep up the good work everyone, and I want to welcome all the new members and thanks for helping out.

We should have a tribe webpage up sometime this week or next also. Things are progressing nicely.

02-19-2012, 10:21 AM
All the player housing is put up, just finishing up the mats.

Welcome all the new members, tribe has been very active good job guys.

I want to thank all the people putting in the hard work. Once this contest is over I will be a happy camper haha.

02-21-2012, 11:28 AM
Grats guys, we got all the player housing inside the main area done. Still working hard on the keep. Keep up the good work.

I want to say congrats to Fyrex/Luka on his promotion. He is our new Combat Officer. He will be handling relations with other tribes setting up duels and contests. Also hunting party events. Good work Fyrex.

If anyone wants to set up PVP you can /w MrDDT or /w Luka.
Thanks for all the hard work Fyrex.

I want to welcome all the new members, its been pretty active in -IS- with the new players. All the members have been doing great in helping new people into the game inside and outside of the tribe.

P.S. We are also working on a webpage it should be up in a few weeks.

02-23-2012, 09:08 AM
Getting some old members coming back to the game/tribe, so that makes me really happy.

Updated the first page with our website, still a work in progress.

02-26-2012, 02:26 AM
Great job everyone on the fight. We won all 3 rounds. It was good fun.

I want to thank GERMINIA for working with us to set it up. Good fun, good roleplay and cant wait to do it again.


02-28-2012, 02:47 AM
Nice top floor to the keep is up, working our way down floor by floor. Good job guys on all the hard work.

03-02-2012, 01:15 AM
Looks great guys, few more days and we should be done with that and moving on to the next project. "The Market"

03-05-2012, 02:01 AM
Great job everyone in doing hunting. Also want to thank our live stream hostess. Sune, and Luka. Really looking good guys, had some fun out there.

Maybe another hunting party during the week, and one this weekend. Dont forget also there is a IS-BC PVP event this weekend, train up.

03-07-2012, 02:53 AM
WOW that was some fun hunting, Im going to post screenshots and videos later of the trips. Nice going hunting with tribemates.

03-12-2012, 10:29 PM
I havnt got around to posting the videos, but I will see what I can do this week. We still have live streaming going on a good bit (we have 3 people streaming now). Check the webpage www.IS-BC.com for any updates and news.

Got a few new people, we are now 100+ members in the tribe and still growing. We are the largest trading hub in the game by far. Really proud of all the actives we got going. Been doing a lot of PVP, and hunting, crafting is looking good with special orders and trading trips.

03-20-2012, 03:55 AM
WOW a lot going on this week. Uploaded the hunting party video took me a while was sick and busy in real life.

Got a ton of new members over the last week, so welcome.
Working on a few projects around zone 739, including making a combat tower of pain. Looking forward to seeing how that turns out. Thanks Luka for doing a lot of that work.

Had some PVP events going on here is a live-stream video of one of them. Very good fights.

PVP Video

Hunting Video


03-22-2012, 10:47 PM
Opened up again.

05-11-2012, 11:41 AM
Wanted to update this thread, and say we are taking new members. So feel free to contact us to join.

05-13-2012, 06:56 PM
Good job at the event today guys, good teamwork.

I want to say anyone looking for a tribe that is looking for help, and a tribe that works together check us out.

05-14-2012, 04:33 AM
If one is looking for a tribe to join my advise would be to steer clear of this tribe. This tribe, and DDT, has no honor. My advise if someone is looking for a tribe is to log into the game, view general chat and ask a few questions. Then pick a real tribe.

05-14-2012, 06:06 AM
If one is looking for a tribe to join my advise would be to steer clear of this tribe. This tribe, and DDT, has no honor. My advise if someone is looking for a tribe is to log into the game, view general chat and ask a few questions. Then pick a real tribe.

What is your issue with this tribe? I am not a member, I have no issues with them. I actually like everyone in the tribe. I also like most of the people in game. They are doing nothing different than any other large tribe/clan has ever done in any other game. They are trying to bring order to the maddness that is an online game. If this means a few peoples toes get stepped on so be it.

When it comes to top tribes to join in game Industrial Strength is one of the top 3 to me.

05-14-2012, 02:21 PM
I don't have a problem with anyone in this game, which feels great and I can understand stand some of you may dislike someone on a per person basis. But I think it is a shame to talk ill of an entire tribe, or judge an entire tribe due to the fact you dislike one of the members.

Just like real life, should we discriminate against an entire country based on the action of a few people who are citizens of it? I guarantee every country has a few people who we could get along with famously, I see this as the same concept for tribes.

05-30-2012, 08:15 AM
IS looks a good tribe to me. Guys is there still room for a new IS member? What will happen with my totem when i join? Do i need to breakdown my camp?


01-27-2013, 12:49 PM
Hey! I'm really interested in joining. My experience in xsyon is limited but ever expanding! I love making and doing things on my own and helping out other people. I'm looking for a place to survive, thrive, and learn. My IGN is Booby_The_Bird, thanks for even reading this :D!

01-27-2013, 01:23 PM
Thank you for your interest, we are no longer open to accepting new members.

01-27-2013, 03:30 PM
thanks anyway.
you might wanna put something on the front page saying you aren't accepting new members though.

01-27-2013, 03:56 PM
thanks anyway.
you might wanna put something on the front page saying you aren't accepting new members though.

Thanks already did soon as you posted I changed it. Sorry about the confusion.

02-18-2013, 03:06 PM
We are no longer accepting new members.

04-01-2013, 07:28 PM
Why no longer accepting new members?

04-08-2013, 10:01 AM
We started accepting new members now that I am back :)

05-13-2013, 07:08 AM
We are still accepting new members old players returning, or new players to the game. Premium or Trial accounts all welcomed.

05-17-2013, 05:02 AM
About to start our large terraforming project on the Marketplace. Anyone else welcomed to help. We have been getting a lot of new players the last few weeks and are extremely active. Please drop on by for a look.

05-28-2013, 04:23 AM
I wanted to say we are about to start terraforming work, our scrap is almost all removed thanks for everyone. This last month we have made a lot of progress I've counted over 200 scrap piles made by you guys. Very nice work.

The market area is the current building project, we will start terraforming tomorrow or the next day depending on the cleanup efforts. Dang will be setting up the buildings and doing some advanced terraforming with building if you wanted to check it out.

I cleaned up the list of members, we have over 20 active premium accounts (paid accounts that have logged in the last 20 days) and over 35 active total accounts. I'm very happy with this activity right now, we are still looking to getting new people and I want to help people learn the game. So please contact one of our members for an invite.

10-07-2013, 11:55 AM
***Currently Not Recruiting***

05-27-2014, 10:02 AM
Has the Xsyon Industrial Strengh anything to do with a Darkfall Unholy Wars guild with the same name ?


Because few of there members used a dupe in that game and got banned.

Krins Fury Industrial Strength

Krin Fury Industrial Strength

05-27-2014, 01:25 PM
Because no guilds could possibly have the same name by coincidence. The names you list looks so similar it must be the same account owner for both. I think there are better ways to get this answer also, than the recruitment thread(albeit in hiatus) of the Xsyon tribe you bring into the conversation .

05-27-2014, 02:27 PM
Because no guilds could possibly have the same name by coincidence. The names you list looks so similar it must be the same account owner for both. I think there are better ways to get this answer also, than the recruitment thread(albeit in hiatus) of the Xsyon tribe you bring into the conversation .

funny dude


GUILD DFUW: Industrial Strength SG NAMES: MrDDT/Krins Fury

05-27-2014, 02:30 PM
Because no guilds could possibly have the same name by coincidence. The names you list looks so similar it must be the same account owner for both. I think there are better ways to get this answer also, than the recruitment thread(albeit in hiatus) of the Xsyon tribe you bring into the conversation .

Thanks Sparky for trying to stick up for us.

Industrial Strength is the same guild in both games. None of the IS people in Darkfall play in Xsyon or have played in Xsyon though, so none of the players cross over.

Krins Fury was the leader of that guild (a very small guild by the way), and it appears he received duped items and was banned for it. Industrial Strength does not allow cheating of any kind, Industrial Strength kicks or bans anyone that does cheating.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

05-27-2014, 02:33 PM
no problem

10-24-2014, 02:01 AM
happy to see you all are still alive and the game as well will be poping back on if you all will still have me if not i understand do you still use vent still but anyway will see someone in game ^_^