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View Full Version : FeedBack Request: Carts and related mechanics.

01-18-2012, 08:14 AM
Hello everyone,

Please leave feedback regarding Carts here... This is the place where developers will look.

Thank you.

01-20-2012, 12:13 AM
well i must say, These carts are very insane to grind up. Not to mention at lvl 43 i dont even have a full cart yet. (yea i tossed points into it) scavengin has given better results. But this is by far the longest and most tougest item ingame in history to make. WHich uses a ton of resources. Its driving me Nuts, But nice job..lol

01-20-2012, 07:32 AM
It's nice to have to work for something and have a long term goal. I like the idea of difficult items :)

01-20-2012, 08:42 AM
It's nice to have to work for something and have a long term goal. I like the idea of difficult items :)
Difficult would be if you need ressources form all over the world ( trading). I hope its like that and not some stuipid grind

01-20-2012, 11:51 AM
Niburu , as you put it *some stupid grind* yes it is, and a very long grind, longest ingame. But he payout is worth it!. If ya wanna get in the times, ya gotta bust ur ass! :-P

01-20-2012, 02:42 PM
i can only prey for a auto-craft/auto-gathering features soon.

01-21-2012, 04:37 AM
After using the carts on live, I have a few things.

1)You can store full carts into your packs
2)You can put a cart into your pack
3)You can move full baskets into your packs from carts
4)Carts are too fast in my opinion outside of roads, on roads they are fine.
5)Can we have the option to right click the baskets in a cart and it opens? Like a bin on your back? While attached to the cart?
6)Weight limits of a cart seem to be very high, I think higher tier carts (craftsmen, adept etc) should lower this effect, while basic ones should have lower space and weight limits/effects
7)Not working on ramps very well.
8)Can we have tribe leaders (ones with access to all containers) able to use/move carts while they are on tribal lands? Right now someone can quit playing the game and no way for the leaders to move their carts. Plus people can grief you by placing a cart in your doorways and nothing you can do about it.

All in all I love carts.

01-21-2012, 05:45 AM
Some abuse problems (DDT lists them) may have been overlooked but overall I think the challenge and difficulty of obtaining carts is set just right.

01-21-2012, 05:47 AM
Cant put dirt into a basket in a cart.

01-21-2012, 03:43 PM
Odd...a lot of those things I tested on the test server and weren't issues then. Something must have changed in recent builds.

Like moving the full baskets, I would get the standard overweight warning and wasn't able to move. The other was opening bins and such..worked fine on test (a week or so back).

*edit* Ah, while attached, I don't recall if I even tried that... I think there is an entire class of actions that is blocked while attached to a cart and it would require some sorting them into different groups.

01-23-2012, 02:14 AM
after a 16 hour straight grind and few days tinkering with carts, alot of bugs were found, however i was told their being fixed in the patch today. for weight it hink carts are fine, but for higher tiers you should be able to hold more weight(added bonus to having extra slots). The grind is well insane, i had folks feeding me mats for 16 hours straight and managed to reach 79.5 wainwright today, got all forthers-pioneers normal unlocked and all but 3 parts left of the craftsman pioneer cart. All n all, these are awsome carts, definitly need a group effort on them or your gonna spend months grinding mats to lvl it up. been along day n night, been fun, add more stuff like this devs. we all needed it, was useful, the is rewarding when ya finish it. and requires a group effort and will spark 1 hell of a trade haha!

01-29-2012, 09:49 AM
Cart windows dont save where they last were.

Can we get higher recipe type of carts (Master, Adept etc) to reduce the weight more? This will give a better reason to make these harder ones and train the skill.

01-29-2012, 01:57 PM
Cart windows dont save where they last were.

Can we get higher recipe type of carts (Master, Artisan etc) to reduce the weight more? This will give a better reason to make these harder ones and train the skill.

This! Artisan should reduce weight of all items in a cart by 25%, Master by 50%.

01-31-2012, 05:08 PM
I am getting stuck on everything. rocks, logs, edges of buildings, river banks, totems. I can /unstuck on most of these, but not all and not just one type. I've called in a guide to help 3 times already.

02-01-2012, 07:36 PM
Carts should be 2x faster on grey (dev made roads), and 1.3x faster on packed dirt roads (player made ones) than they are now to promote trading routes on roads, and taking a cart on roads as they should be.

Faster could mean less stamina and faster movement or a mix of the two.

Running, also should be faster by the same amount on these types of roads.

02-02-2012, 08:51 AM
You can still put a full bakset from your back into a cart, idk if this is intentional.

02-02-2012, 08:57 AM
You can still put a full bakset from your back into a cart, idk if this is intentional.

Thats 100% by design and the other way also, full from cart to backpack slot.

02-08-2012, 06:43 AM
Can I train a mule or two to haul my cart?

02-15-2012, 10:29 AM
1.Remove the depth limitation on crossing water, until we get boats and bridges.
2.Carts do not reduce enough weight, especially if they are to promote trade.
3.Some kind of mechanic to get unstuck with a cart, especially if on another tribes land.(you can’t drop the cart, only a guide can get you out when available).
4.They can not go up any encline, can not use them on ramps, get stuck on everything...

Still better than nothing, but they have alot of issues, missing some I'm sure...

02-15-2012, 10:48 AM
1.Remove the depth limitation on crossing water, until we get boats and bridges.
2.Carts do not reduce enough weight, especially if they are to promote trade.
3.Some kind of mechanic to get unstuck with a cart, especially if on another tribes land.(you can’t drop the cart, only a guide can get you out when available).
4.They can not go up any encline, can not use them on ramps, get stuck on everything...

Still better than nothing, but they have alot of issues, missing some I'm sure...

There are few rivers you cant get by without going around a little. The lake isnt meant to carry carts over them even with bridges in the game. Ive not had any problems moving my carts around water.

I agree on this, I believe higher tier carts should reduce the weight of items after X% of your weight. Meaning say if you are at 50%, it will start to lower the weight even more as it goes up and up. This will allow for them to be useful for very heavy transport, but not really needed for traveling around the world.

You can use /unstuck to get out of anything with your cart save for if you fall into someone's area and are walled in.

This incline thing is a serious issue, you cant even get up a player made ramp from architecture.

02-18-2012, 01:01 PM
You dont take falling damage when attached to a cart going over a cliff or anything.

02-28-2012, 08:14 AM
Hello everybody,
can i suggest to revisit the way stamina is used while walking, running or pulling a wagon?

I think that if i'm walking slowly enough i should pull a cart for very long time even if it's very heavy.

Please, consider the following principle: the lower the stamina and slower is the movement speed, and the slower the movement and the less stamina is consumed.

This way, when walking or running, stamina should slower at a balance point and will allow for an indefinitely long walk, at a speed of equilibrium that depends on the weight you are carrying and the stats of the character.

What do you thing?
I hope you consider this..

04-18-2012, 05:48 AM
Don't want to be a thread necro, but in talking with different people in game, it would change the possibility of long-range cart travel (especially with heavy items) if carts were something like a flat 60-70% encumbrance...maybe only 50% on road surfaces or something of the sort. It's still completely impractical to move dirt, logs, or most heavy metal in a cart any more than just trivial distances.

edit: After thinking about this, maybe it could scale up to 60-70% max based on actual weight in the cart.

04-18-2012, 06:02 AM
Don't want to be a thread necro, but in talking with different people in game, it would change the possibility of long-range cart travel (especially with heavy items) if carts were something like a flat 60-70% encumbrance...maybe only 50% on road surfaces or something of the sort. It's still completely impractical to move dirt, logs, or most heavy metal in a cart any more than just trivial distances.

I agree, maybe even spitting the carts up on how they carry or hold things.

Like maybe a trappers holds more but is slower. While pioneers cuts the weight down more but holds less. Foragers would be very fast but couldnt hold much at all, in slots or weight. etc.

Then also make so each tier of carts add a bonus to the type they are (craftmans foragers would be like 5% faster than a basic foragers, while still having the same amount of slots, trappers would hold 2x the slots of a basic when its a craftsmen. etc)

04-19-2012, 09:12 AM
I produce mainly forager carts - but also traded for a few pioneer once.

Here are the differences I found out:
1) foragers carts can hardly be moved up a ramp - pioneers can (I have a ramp, which i can get a pioneers up without problems, but the foragers cart is stuck half way)
2) foragers carts are much slower (especially with heavy load) -
3) I think the same amount of weight gives a different encumbrance, when you use foragers vs. pioneers (where 10 slot carts are in general better than 5 slot ones).

So for me the system is working ok for me (meaning there is a difference between foragers and pioneer carts, simple and craftmans).
The difference is also notable for me! I would how ever like the simple carts to be generally faster (with low load) - but slower with high load. At the moment it seems that having a better ( = craftman/adept/master) cart you always win - so my 5 slot carts are not used - as I can make 10 slots now. If the 5 slots would be faster with low load, they could still be valueable!

04-19-2012, 12:47 PM
I have only used a Master's Pioneer cart so my experience is limited to that, but it's crazy how much dropping 2-3 logs in my cart slows me down. With 10 logs in the cart I'm basically crawling. While I love being able to transport up to 20 at a time, it's prohibitively slow and won't work for more than just a short distance (ie. from the forest nearby to my home). I think a flat % encumbrance would work much better...*imho*

I just don't see trade taking off (other than the trade fair) this way..other than death-porting home with heavy supplies, materials..which kinda feels like cheating to me..

04-19-2012, 04:09 PM
I produce mainly forager carts - but also traded for a few pioneer once.

Here are the differences I found out:
1) foragers carts can hardly be moved up a ramp - pioneers can (I have a ramp, which i can get a pioneers up without problems, but the foragers cart is stuck half way)
2) foragers carts are much slower (especially with heavy load) -
3) I think the same amount of weight gives a different encumbrance, when you use foragers vs. pioneers (where 10 slot carts are in general better than 5 slot ones).

So for me the system is working ok for me (meaning there is a difference between foragers and pioneer carts, simple and craftmans).
The difference is also notable for me! I would how ever like the simple carts to be generally faster (with low load) - but slower with high load. At the moment it seems that having a better ( = craftman/adept/master) cart you always win - so my 5 slot carts are not used - as I can make 10 slots now. If the 5 slots would be faster with low load, they could still be valueable!

1)Yes this is true.
2)This isnt true at all, I have all 4 types of carts and they all move at the same speed with the same load (or no load). 36s around my track I made empty, 51s with 1/2 a load.
3)Again this isn't true at all either. #Of slots have no effect on the % of the weight it cuts down, nor does the type of cart.

04-22-2012, 06:16 AM
I thrust in the information of MrDDT - seems like my "feeling" is not correct - however it would be nice to have more differences between the various carts and cart types

07-16-2012, 04:13 AM
Carts are driving me crazy, I spend hours building components to build full cart hull frame wheels etc.. and fails the last 7 tries to complete project loosing all mats. :(
This needs to be fixed imo. why do I loose all parts on final step?

07-16-2012, 05:28 AM
This needs to be fixed imo. why do I loose all parts on final step?

My best guess is bad luck :) ... its normal for Xsyon that you loose all mats if the crafting fails.

Your skill level is probably too low to have a high success rate - I lost 1 out of 5-7 carts - especially if I was really close to the required skill level. Try to get (probably use XP points for that) 1-2 more skill points before you try again.

07-16-2012, 12:44 PM
Carts are driving me crazy, I spend hours building components to build full cart hull frame wheels etc.. and fails the last 7 tries to complete project loosing all mats. :(
This needs to be fixed imo. why do I loose all parts on final step?

What needs to be fixed?

Sounds like its working normal and well. If you are having issues with failing, skill up more.
Resources are very very cheap and easy to get. Failing 7 times to make a cart isnt much at all. Sounds like you are trying to do everything on your own without trading or putting effort into training up the skill.

Also dont forget you can drop skill points into it from your exp skill points every time you level up.