
  1. Xsyon Reaches Top 100 On Steam Greenlight!

    Xsyon has reached the top 100 games in the Steam Greenlight program!

    Currently, Xsyon is ranked #83 of 1,364 games in the program and continues to climb.

    If you haven't voted for Xsyon and are enjoying playing or are a fan of sandbox MMORPGs in general, please vote and help boost us further.

    We're hoping to get on Steam soon!
  2. Resource Patch Released!

    Scavengers, get ready! Today Xsyon unveils an updated resource distribution system, encouraging travel, trade and cooperation among the crafters and merchants of the Xsyon sandbox.

    The new resource system features:
    Localized scavenged materials and found crafting patterns.
    Increased frequency of rare materials in high danger regions.
    New crafting materials to be found.
    Crafting bonuses to all material components.
    Revised material weights, improving carrying ...
  3. Xsyon Announces Repopulation Updates!

    Notorious Games is excited to announce the most recent updates to the sandbox MMORPG Xsyon:
    improvements that have repopulated and brought new life to the Xsyon world, filling the once sparsely populated landscape with wild creatures and mutants.

    Recent improvements include:
    Increased creature populations.
    Revamped creature migration system, maintaining balance across the land.
    Creatures gain power with age, combat and survival.
    Creature breeding ...

    Updated 08-07-2013 at 08:05 AM by XsyonMaster

  4. Xsyon Debuts on Steam Greenlight!

    Xsyon is now available on Steam Greenlight!

    If you are a Steam user, please log in and Vote so that Xsyon can be fully launched on Steam. If you are not a Steam user, please sign up to help us get the Green Light. Mark Xsyon as a Favorite to give us an extra boost!
    With Steam we are hoping to reach out to a much wider audience and fill the world of Xsyon.

    Let's get the Green Light!

    Updated 08-07-2013 at 03:24 AM by XsyonMaster

  5. Xsyon Takes 2nd Place For Best P2P MMO!

    Xsyon ended up in 2nd place for Best P2P MMO on MMOSite's Annual Reader's Choice contest!

    This will bring us much appreciated free promotion on MMOSite for the coming month.

    Much thanks to all of you that voted!

    Updated 01-16-2013 at 12:07 PM by XsyonMaster

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