All Blog Entries

  1. Patch Notes 10.20.2014

    - Grass regrowth rate increased.
    - Grass does not regrow during Winter.
    - Grass regrows at an increased rate during Spring.
    - Tree resource renewal rate increased.
    - Tree resources not not replenish during Winter.
    - Tree resources replenish at an increased rate during Fall.

    - Tutorial panel opens for new players with side panels open.
    - Tutorial panel displays automatically for all players with less than one full ...
    Patch Notes
  2. Patch Notes 10.16.2014

    Free Tribe and Construction Evaluation
    - Trial players can start a tribe charter and tribe (homestead only).
    - Trial players can terraform and build (on their homestead).
    - Trial player buildings removed when the evaluation time expires.
    - Trial player buildings removed if they abandon their tribe.
    - Pop up messages warn trial players that their tribe will expire.
    - Trial players cannot invite members to their tribe
    - Trial players skills limited to 30 ...
    Patch Notes
  3. Developer Update 10.06.2014

    The Test Server is open with a few additional improvements.

    Grass now regrows over time on public land and tree resources can be found on dirt and grass surface near trees in addition to the usual forest surfaces.

    For full details and to provide feedback please join in the discussion here
    Developer Updates
  4. Developer Update 10.03.2014

    The Test Server is open to the public in order to test changes for Free Trial Players.

    Free players will be allowed one week to evaluate their own homestead, terraform and build without joining a larger tribe.

    Full details are posted here
    Developer Updates
  5. Developer Update 09.29.2014

    Today Xsyon released a new installer and launcher. This launcher removes the second log in and allows the player to select a server at the game screen.

    In addition, collision has been improved as a big step to officially supporting multiple story construction without any terraforming tricks.

    Full patch notes are here

    If you encounter any problems with the latest changes, in particular the revised launcher or collision, please post here

    In addition, ...

    Updated 09-29-2014 at 01:37 AM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
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