All Blog Entries

  1. Long Awaited Female Armor Sets Are Here!

    Players have been waiting a long time for female armor sets that were in the works but not quite ready for release. Today we've finally released these sets, a total of 18 new cloth and leather armor sets.

    Get crafting, scavenging, collecting and showing off your new fashions!

    Other notable improvements are further revisions to resource materials distribution and the ability for carts to travel on any slope players can travel on.

    Full patch notes are here: Patch ...
  2. Patch Notes 09.10.2013

    Female Armor Patch
    Long awaited cloth and leather female armor sets are here! New sets can be gained through crafting or scavenging for patterns.

    7 new cloth and 11 new leather female armor sets have been added.

    Resources further revised, increasing the chance of rare and epic materials found.
    Resource system code cleaned up and optimized.

    Carts can travel on any slopes players can travel on.
    Carts abandoned when ...
    Patch Notes
  3. No Maintenance Monday, Patch Tuesday

    There will be no maintenance Monday morning. The server will be down at 1:00 AM PST Tuesday for the next patch!
    Developer Updates
  4. Xsyon Reaches Top 100 On Steam Greenlight!

    Xsyon has reached the top 100 games in the Steam Greenlight program!

    Currently, Xsyon is ranked #83 of 1,364 games in the program and continues to climb.

    If you haven't voted for Xsyon and are enjoying playing or are a fan of sandbox MMORPGs in general, please vote and help boost us further.

    We're hoping to get on Steam soon!
  5. Test Server Open For More Resource Tests

    The Test Server is open again for hopefully final material distribution tests.

    Rare and epic materials (metal, cloth and plastic) should be much easier to find now. If you would like to join us on the Test Server, please do so and provide feedback in our Feedback Thread.
    Developer Updates
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