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  1. Patch Notes 06.20.2012

    Creatures stay within a territorial range of their home location.
    Creature AI synchronization improved.
    Creatures can cross steeper terrain slopes to prevent getting stuck conditions.
    Creatures will be blocked fully now only by buildings and walls and boulders. (edited to add boulders)
    Bugs with creature world collision allowing creatures to cross walls and get stuck in some zones and circumstances fixed.
    Bug causing creatures to act erratically when ...
    Patch Notes
  2. Patch Notes 06.18.2012

    Forestry, Foraging and Resources are available as selectable starting skills for new characters.
    Bug with old animal resources not blending bonus power correctly fixed.


    Creature AI revisions and server side optimizations (in progress)
    Patch Notes
  3. Patch Notes 06.15.2012

    Friend and Foes display in blue color if online in the Social Panel.
    Bug with crafting materials sometimes having to be clicked twice to put them into the craft panel fixed. This was happening while an icon is highlighted while the last craft ended and the craft panel updates.
    Craft panel keeps same selection, sorting and scroll position after crafting an item.
    Craft panel resets if you switch crafts or close and reopen the panel.
    Display of water barrel durability ...
    Patch Notes
  4. Patch Notes 06.04.2012

    Barrels show current durability stage when selected.
    Barrels update amount full and durability stage while selected.

    Creature AI processing improved to support many more creatures in game.
    Creature responsiveness improved.
    Creature breeding turned back on.
    All items used in actions should now decay. This includes: axes (logging actions), knives (hunting actions), fishing poles (fishing), shovels (terraforming), waterskins and barrels ...
    Patch Notes
  5. Patch Notes 06.01.2012

    Water (in containers) affects encumbrance.
    Maximum stack counts revised. This also automatically affects counts for sorted items found.

    Database set up for improved Forestry and Agriculture (for the future).
    IOCP revisions for lag reduction.
    Memory leaks fixed.
    Patch Notes
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