speed critter
issueid=2425 06-10-2016 04:38 PM
Xsyon Citizen
speed critter

i've reported this in the past. it has never been fixed but i can tell now what causes the problem.

sometimes we got chased by a animal ( cant confirm it for revenants ) and they just get a walkspeed which is 2x of a players walkspeed (way above 100 agi, 25% weight, action skills 100 ), and they do like 2-3 hits per second. its almost impossible to avoid this.

it happens ONLY if a critter is following you and starts to run while he is on granite surface. it does not always happen but quiet often. to reproduce, just pull a bear or similar while you walk up/down a mountain.

hope you can add this to the critter revision.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 2425
Project Bugs Reports
Category Code - AI
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 5 - Medium
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 2
Users unable to reproduce bug 1
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

06-10-2016 11:33 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I could not reproduce that bug. But i did notice that while i was fighting a rev in a bad lag area that i was being hit twice with one hit.

06-11-2016 03:13 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Yes, old bug, I experience it nearly every hunt.
Whatever your fighting suddenly sprints as fast as you, well I can hardly out run it and I'm sprinting with a 124 agi
and it still hits me in the back the multiple times in a few seconds. When this happens I just run far away as I can and hope that
I survive.

06-11-2016 03:19 PM
Xsyon Citizen
I forgot to add, I think its as pean said ie terrain related, cos it happens in the same place with different mobs, it ends up
where i have to take the mob to a different area and avoid the particular spot that is causing them to speed up.


06-11-2016 03:21 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by mooncatcher0920
I could not reproduce that bug. But i did notice that while i was fighting a rev in a bad lag area that i was being hit twice with one hit.
to reproduce, just pull a bear or similar while you walk up/down a mountain.
for sure it requires a certain amount of hp to be able to get a few hits by a bear as well. anyway, this bug was reported already, as i wrote in the mainpost i just wanted to add that (any) rock surface seems to cause it.

06-12-2016 04:31 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Had it happen to me on dirt with a revenant, was clearing them out from a tribe in 941, when one of them seen me, ran at me like it had a rocket up it's butt, and hit me several times before I could react, I beat a hasty retreat to heal and when I came back the rev was back to normal.

Been chased down and killed a few times by bears, no idea what causes it but they sure can move way faster than I can when it happens.

Also recently had a couple of bears give me a pounding while trying to lure them back to my lab...er tribe :P, they lost interest in following me for some reason, agro'd and were on me before I could react.

06-12-2016 05:04 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by Bejaymac
Also recently had a couple of bears give me a pounding while trying to lure them back to my lab...er tribe :P, they lost interest in following me for some reason, agro'd and were on me before I could react.
this is normal, if they loose aggro on you and just stay at a spot or even flee, they will be agressive as soon as you go close to them (2-3 squares)

as you said, critter are going to slow down after like 30 seconds (usualy) but for these "speed critters" its diffrent, when they slow down most of the time they still have added speed to their normal movement. also there is a high chance they will become speed critter again once they continue sprinting.

anyway, if you can add any more information when it happens to you again please do. i'd appreciate it gets fixed one day, and there are not many ppl who are hunting in the mountains and gather such informations that might help to find the source.

11-07-2016 01:13 AM
Although I couldn't reproduce this on my local server, I'm marking this 'confirmed' and will close this when I patch my creature revisions. All the code that could affect this situation has been revised and will need to be tested anew.