Tribe Totems Please give more info to find the trade totem!
issueid=2556 11-06-2017 11:45 AM
Tribe Totems Please give more info to find the trade totem!
Tribe Totems Please give more info to find the trade totem!

When you look at a trade totem on the "Global Sales" tab not enough info is actually
displayed for people to be able to make it to a location to be able to purchase the item.

Where it currently says "Location" it gives the city name while the city name may be useful
if you know where that city is new cities are popping up all the time and a lot of the cities only
have a very small population right now. Sometimes only one or two unique players.

What I mean by Unique players is that the player may have other alts in the tribe but
are controlled only by 1 or 2 people.

What I would recommend is for the "Location" that you give a zone number and
the X,Z coordinates to that totem. It will greatly improve the chance of people
to be able to find the trade totem and to be able to complete the sale.

Maybe setup a new column for the name of the tribe and put it next to
the location and call it "Tribe Name" or something like that.

Right now it is very hard to find the trade totems if you have no clue what zone
the person is in and just by giving some distance from where you are and
a general direction. I believe that this would make it easier for people to find the
trade totems and as well increase trading among the players.

An example of the current "Global Sales" window can be seen bellow and
how hard it is to find the totems using the given information unless you know
where the tribe is.

Can you please consider this suggestion?

Thank you,

Issue Details
Issue Number 2556
Issue Type Feature
Project Suggestions
Category Unknown
Status Accepted
Priority 3
Suggested Version Unknown
Implemented Version (none)
Votes for this feature 1
Votes against this feature 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

11-06-2017 10:28 PM
Xsyon Citizen
@DarkShado thank you for posting this, I wanted to do it, too :D So I fully support this experience.

Yesterday I found an item which I wanted to buy. Trade window said, that it is about 950 m NW. I walked in this direction, not finding it. I found another trade totem to check how far I still have to go. This said about 990 m NE(!). I finally made my way to the correct location, but it was a lot of time spent.

With the exact coordinates it would have been much better. When I see items which I would like to buy, but they are 5000 m away, I refuse to search this location.

So yes PLEASE display the x/z coordinates additionally.

11-06-2017 10:38 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Quote Originally Posted by Wyry
@DarkShado thank you for posting this, I wanted to do it, too :D So I fully support this suggestion.

Yesterday I found an item which I wanted to buy. Trade window said, that it is about 950 m NW. I walked in this direction, not finding it. I found another trade totem to check how far I still have to go. This said about 990 m NE(!). I finally made my way to the correct location, but it was a lot of time spent.

With the exact coordinates it would have been much better. When I see items which I would like to buy, but they are 5000 m away, I refuse to search this location.

So yes PLEASE display the x/z coordinates additionally.

EDIT: changed a word which was misleading (I support a suggestion, not an experience)

11-07-2017 07:23 AM
Zone, X and Z will be displayed in an upcoming patch. This has been set up but not patched out yet.


11-07-2017 09:51 PM
Xsyon Citizen
This will be a huge improvement, thank you very much!