Cloth and scraps do no stack
issueid=280 02-22-2011 10:44 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Cloth and scraps do no stack
sorting cloth and scraps

Stacking cloth of the same color and type does not work anymore. The same issue is happening to scraps making it impossible to craft anything that takes more than one piece of either.
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Issue Details
Issue Number 280
Project Bugs Reports
Category Art - Objects & Buildings
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 1 - Highest
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 2
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

02-22-2011 11:04 PM
I've tested this and can confirm it does exist. Furthermore, when the items are traded they stack. I split the stacks after trading and was unable to stack them again.

02-23-2011 01:12 AM
Xsyon Citizen
You are able to combine stacks again if you split a stack in your inventory (and select the entire stack) and place it onto another stack. This bypasses the bug and works both within the inventory and bins.
Obviously, this will not combine stacks of 1 item as you cannot split them.

For Reference: