Cannot access character
issueid=434 03-14-2011 08:19 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Cannot access character
I created my avatar twice, now I can't launch under either name.

Yesterday, I tried to create a character under my account name of Theodore. There was a server crash. When I finally was able to download the client today, I tried to create a character, and was told that the name "Theodore" is in use. So I dropped the "e" at the end, and after two more disconnects, succeeded in creating Theodor, but was unable to enter the world. Then I immediately got disconnected.

Now I can't run either character, or even run the client. When I try to run xsyon.exe, I am told to run the launcher, which cannot find Theodor, but *does* recognize the name I used yesterday: Theodore. So do I actually have both character names: Theodore and Theodor? Or neither character because it wasn't created correctly?

What happened to the executable? Xsyon.exe is in the folder, but when I click on it, it tells me to run the launcher. It *appears* that now I have to run 4 hours (if I'm lucky) of downloading again. Correct?

After all that, will I still get the special weapon and extra 2 weeks of connect time that was promised to the Prelude players, even if the system problems prevent me from actually creating the character until after the official launch?
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Issue Details
Issue Number 434
Project Bugs Reports
Category Crash Reports
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority 3
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

03-14-2011 08:32 PM
Please use the launcher to run the game, it should check if the game is indeed up to date with the ones on the server. If your game is not up to date it should only download what is needed.

03-14-2011 08:51 PM
Xsyon Citizen
Well, now the character starts to load, but never finishes. While loading Entities, the client crashes with a "unhandled win32 exception occurred in xsyon.exe [1092]". It says I don't have "Just-In-Time Debugging" installed. Do we have to have Visual Studio installed to run the game?

03-15-2011 09:30 AM
Thats, a new one, will send it up the chain