Wall Project Materials Issue
issueid=639 04-02-2011 11:40 AM
Xsyon Citizen
Wall Project Materials Issue
Sheet metal wall projects materials change to create a useless indestructable project.

Placed one sheet metal wall project.

Built a wall. Destroyed the wall. Did not remove the project. Used it again. 3 times.

On the third time the wall was destroyed, the 'bolt' materials changed to 'cloth packs 0/40' on the project (picture and all).

Attempting to delete the project returns 'You must remove materials', even though all materials are 0.
This issue is closed. No more replies may be made.
Issue Details
Issue Number 639
Project Bugs Reports
Category Unknown
Status Fixed / Resolved
Priority Unknown
Affected Version Unknown
Fixed Version (none)
Users able to reproduce bug 0
Users unable to reproduce bug 0
Assigned Users (none)
Tags (none)

04-02-2011 12:33 PM
please contact a guide in game to help you whit this issue, they can get a object ID and sent it to the dev team. due to investigation it might take a little before the bugged wall is removed depending how soon a guide gets clearance or a dev removes it from the database.

Thank you for reporting