Update December 26

Hello everyone!

The server and client have been updated with a new patch!

This patch includes:

- Tribe / Town info that can be set and viewed at the Tribe Totem.

- Tribe rank system. Players will be set to default ranks. Your tribe leader (or another player who is set with rank creation permissions) will need to set custom ranks and permissions for these ranks.

- Loading revised to prevent problems with players getting stuck during slow loading of entities.

- Terrain revised with flipped mesh edges. This will create a smoother appearance and more even symmetrical terraforming.

- Terraforming is now possible across zone boundaries.

- Terraforming creating water dams has been revised to reduce or block the residual effects of dam creation.

- Other character / creature names are visible only when highlighted or selected.

- Minor bugs with objects fixed.

From now until launch we are going to finalize and turn on the quest system and focus on improving systems already in the game, including crafting, construction, tribes and combat.