July 7 2011

Hello Xsyon Citizens!

The server and client have been updated with a patch.

Patch Notes:

Player and creature positioning has been revised to fix 'desynch' problems. We are still working on improving the synchronization of movements and animations, but this is a big step in correcting desynch issues, especially for combat.

Player connection and disconnection issues that were causing lag spikes and potential server freezes have been fixed.

Issues causing players to disconnect while crossing zones, or randomly, have been fixed. There may still be some disconnects crossing zones. If so, please continue to report this.

Scavenging distribution has been revised and improved. This will be further revised this week.

Large Metal Plates have been replaced in recipes with Small Plate, which is available in game.

Limestone walls now have two versions. All walls in game have been reverted to the old lower height. A new scheme can be found or gained to build a full height limestone wall.

If you have already made adjustments in order to have the new wall height, please contact a Guide (GuideRaguel, GuideMihr, or Dezgard) and they can assist you to convert walls to the new wall type.

We've been extremely busy dealing with these issues, restructuring our testing process and finding the right contractor to help us finish some necessary changes to our account and ordering system. If this build not does introduce any problems, I will try to catch up with the FAQ and provide a full update of our coming plans by Saturday.
