I'm here and active! For most of this year so far I've been patching out bug fixes and major optimizations rather than new or improved features. There are several reasons for this.

1) I received an injury earlier on this year and was unable to work at my usual pace for several months. During this time I did a lot of reading which prompted me to overhaul the engine with recent optimizations.

2) In the long term, I've been revising the creature and combat code. This is a major task so I've been working on minor items (such as bug fixes) in between so that at least I can patch out some regular updates.

3) The creature and combat code changes I've been working on require or greatly benefit from the optimizations I've been patching out recently, so I had to work on, test and patch out the optimizations first.

Most of this is covered in the news page which contains my Developer Updates and Patch Notes. I hope that helps!