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  1. Developer Update 04.29.2014

    The Test Server is open and ready for final testing of the upcoming patch.

    This patch introduces Tutorial Screens, includes changes to welcome new players and improves various systems including energy, hunger, thirst and campfires.

    Read the full list of coming changes and provide feedback here
    Developer Updates
  2. Developer Update 04.21.2014

    The latest round of Questions for the Developers has been answered here

    In addition, a small update: Currently I'm wrapping up work on the tutorial screens. The tutorial system will be a simple but hopefully effective set of screens guiding players through the interface and what can be done in game. It will be a useful as a reference for new and old players alike.

    The tutorial system will be patched out in the next update.

    Terrain reversion testing is slow ...
    Developer Updates
  3. Developer Update 04.01.2014

    The Test Server is open with some major changes in progress including Terrain Reversion and Farming. Please come check things out and provide feedback!

    - Terrain Reversion: More information here
    - Data cleanup: (Testing Complete - Thanks!)
    - Farming: More information here

    Updated 04-29-2014 at 12:33 PM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  4. Developer Update 03.31.2014

    You may notice some files being patched out today. These files are for the upcoming farming system and will affect the test server only. I will post more details once the files are completely patched out.
    Developer Updates
  5. Developer Update 03.21.2014

    By request I've added stat adjustments to all characters who had more than 2 stat adjustments used on both servers.

    The Test Server is currently running the terrain reversion system. I will post another update when this is ready for public feedback.
    Developer Updates
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