All Blog Entries

  1. Developer Update 2021.02.01

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    I would just like to give you a current update of what is in the works.

    1) Website backend

    I’m getting the website updated to work with the latest version of PHP and other backend software. This won't change anything noticeable with the site but it needs to be done. I've patched some of the updated files but most of the changes are on a mirror of the website that I am using to ensure the required changes don't cause any issues or interruptions ...

    Updated 02-19-2021 at 10:03 AM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  2. Christmas Scavenger Hunt - December 26th and 27th!

    This year, the Xsyon Guide Team will be running scavenger hunts to celebrate Christmas!

    Hints will be posted at the start of each hunt that will lead you to a series of clues terminating at a gift location where you will receive gifts and tokens that can be redeemed for gifts of your choice.

    Start times are as follows:

    Saturday, December 26th, 8:00 AM PST
    Saturday, December 26th, 3:00 PM PST

    Sunday, December 27th, 12:00 Noon PST
  3. Xsyon's Holiday Sale - 75% Off! Biggest Sale Yet!

    Xsyon is on sale for this holiday season, discounted at 75% off!

    This is our biggest discount so far and will last through January 5th.

    Take advantage of this time to check out Xsyon for the first time, grow your tribe or invite your friends.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
  4. Xsyon Celebrates Another Patch With 2 Week Sale!

    The apocalyptic fantasy sandbox MMORPG Xsyon has been updated with another patch!

    To celebrate this patch, Xsyon will be on sale (67% Off) from December 4th through December 18th.

    This patch focuses on many small improvements based on player suggestions made over the years. It includes the much desired ability to scale the user interface and many other tweaks and changes.

    A full list of improvements is listed in the latest Patch Notes.

  5. Patch Notes 2020.12.04

    Suggestions Patch

    New Features

    - User Interface can be scaled up to 200% in increments.

    - Stats and Skills display with 2 decimal places.
    - Containers can be dragged between a cart and a building.
    - You can pick up containers and bundles directly to your cart.
    - Text on buttons is yellow when button is highlighted or clicked.
    - Animal Materials indicate their power with a colored name.
    - Chop large log to small action implemented. ...
    Patch Notes
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