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  1. Developer Update: 01.28.2014

    The Test Server is ready for the next round of testing. If no issues are found within the next few days, the current test build will be patched to the Main Server.

    If you wish to assist, please join us in the feedback thread here

    Updated 02-03-2014 at 11:45 PM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  2. Developer Update: 01.25.2014

    The Test Server is now ready for public testing and feedback. Most of the improvements have been tested by individual players and simply require double checking.

    My current goal is to fix as many reported bugs and minor issues as possible, leaving only non crucial graphic issues and collision problems that require an improved collision system.

    The server is also undergoing optimizations to reduce and prevent lag. Most of December was spent implementing these optimizations. ...

    Updated 02-03-2014 at 11:45 PM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  3. Developer Update: 01.10.2014

    Hello Xsyon Citizens!

    Many of you are wondering what's coming next and when you get more sand in the sandbox to play with. As announced a few weeks ago, a lot is in the works.

    For the past few weeks I've been dealing daily with minor bug reports, recurring unresolved issues, much needed optimizations and reports of incidents that confirm the pressing need for more information in game.

    Because of this, I've started up the public Test Server with farming and ...

    Updated 02-03-2014 at 11:46 PM by XsyonMaster

    Developer Updates
  4. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas Xsyon Citizens!

    I've been quiet most of this month, but a lot is going on behind the scenes.

    The upcoming farming system needs only some final testing and tweaking. The cooking system is nearly ready for initial tests. Terrain reversion on public lands has been optimized and just needs some final testing as well. A tutorial system is also in the works.

    Next up we will test farming and cooking together on the Test Server. Once this is ready ...
    Developer Updates
  5. Minor Patch Released

    A minor patch was released today. Patch notes are here. This patch finishes up systems that were rushed out with the last update. I am getting back to the farming and cooking systems this week and hope that the Test Server will be open to test both by the end of this week!
    Developer Updates
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