Update April 23:

We're recovering from the loss of forum posts. This has not affected our player database in any way.

The server and client were updated today. The focus has been on stabilizing the server and preventing bad incoming packets from causing the server to freeze up.

A large portion of the bug list has been fixed and we've incorporated some player suggested changes.

A full list of bug fixes and current improvements will be posted soon, thanks to Edaw who is working on this.

Our focus this week will be:

Continued combat and movement improvements.
Changes to female armors.
Turning on additional actions and skills.
Continued bug fixing and tweaks based on player suggestions.

I apologize for these unexpected delays. Things such as hackers messing with the game server and the forum problems tonight are a real headache to deal with and have certainly slowed us down a bit.

We'll continue working as hard as possible and listening to your input!